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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. Hi Gents, sicne I could not find it by searching the forum, I would like to try in this new thread to find a picture of the 1890< Schaumburg-Lippe House Order of the Honor Cross III and IV Class. Thanks David
    2. Hi Gents Well I seem to have lost the copy I made of the page with the awards mentioned in the 1908/09 DOA for M?ldner von M?lnheim, Georg (which actually list the awards of his brother, Louis)..... I can remember there were 3, but just not which ones. From the top of my head it would me PrZM, SchLEhrenkreuz IV, Fstl. Reuss Ehrenkreuz III (was this the Reuss j.L. or a.L.?) Thanks David
    3. Dear Gents A member of this forum, by the name of Glenn J (whom I have much to thank for ), added to my knowledge of the career of Georg Emil Theodor M?ldner von M?lnheim the following: 22.3.1917 Major und Bataillonschef des II. Bataillons Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 220, K?mpfe in Russland, 15.5.1918 dem Kriegsministerium ?berwiesen, 17.5.1918 Milit?rkommission Kiew, 9.11.1918 Bevollm?chtigter des Kriegsministeriums f?r die Ukraine, Gesandtschaft Kiew, 1.3.1919 demobilisiert, 24.7.1919 Versorgungsabteilung des Kriegsministerium, 9.4.1920 Abschied mit Pension und mit der Range als Oberstleutnant. I have 2 questions: 1. Are there any sources (literature) covering the german presence in the Ukrain, would there be a possible picture of GvM in it? 2. Would there be a chance his decorations are mentioned somewhere? 3. Was he attached to the Gesandtschaft in Kiew as the Bev?llmachtigter des Kriegsministerium, as I understand correctly? I am interested not only in a possible source of his deco's, but in the germans in the ukraine in general and in 1918 in particular. Thanks a lot David
    4. That really is an amazing bar! Do you have the data of who it belonged to....or should that be whom.... David
    5. Beautriful bar, the little training I have had in this and the WAF-forum make me recognize all but the one right to the japanese order...is it a redcross award? David
    6. Well that's very intersteing Eitze, I would be especially interested in the 1909 volume by Dalwigk-Lichtenfels. Best chance there is some on the 1831 Waldeck officers in there right! Thanks again!! David
    7. Thanks! I will try and see if it measures to my small budget! Thanks again David
    8. Hi Gents! When Kurhessen was occupied by Prussia in 1866, its militairy went over to the prussian army. In one of the Husars Regiments, the kurhessian Garde-Gendarmerie (2 officers and 33 men) was incorporated. I think it went into the 13th, but I am not sure. Would anyone have the regimental history of either of these 2 regiments and could you tell me if there is any mentioning of the incorporation of the Garde-Gendarmerie? Hope you can help me out here!(I already tried the WAF, no luck there yet) Thanks a lot David
    9. Hi Gents, recently I found resources for the Lippe and Schaumburg-Lippe militairy in the 19th century. I did not yet find such a source for the militairy of Waldeck&Pyrmont. I know it probably wasn't much, but I would really like to know if you can tell me about a book or article you know of... Thanks David
    10. Althoug I could not find it at first, this site proved to be very interesting: www.preussenweb.de It gives an overview of the Standorte of the different prussian husars and infantry regiments The regiments involved in theLuxemburg area were: Infanterie-Regiment Nr 16 Freiherr von Sparr Infanterie-Regiment Nr 19 von Corbiere and a Schwadron of Uhlanen-Regiment Nr 6 Would anyone have one of the histories written on the Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr von Sparr, Regiment Corbiere or Uhlanen-Regiment Nr 6? That would be such a great help David
    11. Hi Gents! Would it be possible to find out which prussian units made up the Besatzung of the Bundesfestung Luxemburg during the Bundesexekution of 1831? I know that during the execution there was a rserve send consisting out of Waldeck, Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe militair. Hope you can help me out here! Thanks David
    12. Hi Gents! On Dave Danners site, he mentions the award rolls for Schaumburg-Lippe, som 10,000 awards for the loyal service cross during WWI. Are these published anywhere? Thanks David
    13. Hi Mike Thanks for the info, I found that 2 but am not sure about the legibility of the site and I was looking for more historical data on the order David
    14. Would anyone of you have an idea on where to find out some info or the historical registers of the tuscan order of st joseph? Google did not seem to really work.... Thanks David
    15. Dear Gents! I am looking for the entry in the DOA 1908/09 of Generalleutnant Adolf Deines. He was the grandson of Johann Michael Ritter von Deines who received the austrian Ritterstand in 1847 as kurhessian Geheimer Finanzrat. Adolf recieved the prussian nobility in 1910. Hope to find out about his awards. Thanks a lot David
    16. Hi Stogieman! Does Nimmergut mention numbers of awards with years and things like that? Regards David
    17. I see!! To bad they were all destroyed, but I'll go and ask the statesarchiv in Darmstadt if they can loook up the person I am searching for (again von Steuber). Thanks for your help Andreas and Dave Bye for now David M
    18. Hi Andreas! Thanks!Are there any books on this order or its members? David
    19. I know the Order of Philipp the Magnanimous order was founded in 1849, but which order was awarded by the Grandduk befor that, how did it look and would anyone know where to get a hold of the Matrikel? Thanks David
    20. Hi Daniel!! Thanks for the data! Did you really digitalize the whole book? To bad you cant put it on the internet because of the copyrights. I really love these kind of books, I just bought myself the book on the Order of the Union of the napoleonic Kingdom Holland (1806-1811) Which is really great. Bye for now David
    21. Hi Daniel Thanks!! As I am not to familiar wih the royal saxon orders, what would the name of the order be in German? Just Verdienst-Orden? How is the book featured? Is it easy to look people up? Are they in alfabetical or chronolochicle order? Thanks David
    22. Could anyone tell me if the kurhessian embassador to Dresden for a while (1831-1833), Christoph Heinricyh Wilhelm von Steuber is mentioned in the book by Erhard Roth: Die Verleihungen des Hausordens der Rautenkrone, des Verdienstordens, des Verdienstordens mit Schwertern (bis 1914) sowie der Damenorden des K?nigreichs Sachsen with grade and date of decoration? I do not know whuch awards he receuved, expecting it to be the Hausorder of the Rautenkron Thanks a lot David
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