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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. Dear Members, would anyone of you have in his collection any of these books by Georg Wolfram von Ebertz: Hundertj?hrige Geschichte des Grenadier-Regiments K?nig Friedrich III. (2. Schlesisches) Nr 11 1808-1908 Das 2. Schlesische Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11, jetziges Gren.-Reg. K?nig Friedrich III im Feldzuge 1870/1 Or a history of the schlesisches F?silier-Regiment Nr 38 in the 1870/71 or its Stammliste? I am looking for Laufbahndetails on the two brothers (Stammliste entries) Louis II. Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich M?ldner von M?lnheim (kgl. hann. Premierleutnant Infanterie-Regiment 7, kgl. preuss. Premierleutnant zuletzt Hauptmann Grenadier-Regiment Nr 11) Carl Louis Theodor M?ldner von M?lnheim (kgl hann 3. Infanterie-Regiment, kgl. hann. Leib-Regiment, kgl. preuss. F?silier-Regiment 38) Carl was the father of the Aide to the CP Wilhelm, Louis III. MvM, both Carl and his brother Louis II. being grandsons of th first kurhessian Kriegsminister and Generaladjudant Georg Karl Wilhelm I. M?ldner, as M. von M?lnheim ennobled in 1831. Thanks a lot!! David M.
    2. As for the were-of CP Wilhelm, he went into exile to, together with his loyal aide de camp, Major Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim. they stayed at Wieriengen untill 1921, then went back to Germany.
    3. Dear Members, I am looking for more details on the careers of two M?ller brothers who served in the prussian army Hermann M?ller was Secondelieutenantd and Adjudant 1886 of the Infanterie-Regiment 97, 1892 Premierleutnant, 1905 not listed Wilhelm M?ller, his brother Forstreferendar (whats that?) and said to be Secondelieutenant in the JB nr 3 I assume they were in service around the same time. I am interested in their pre-CO career, so basically their Stammliste entry, as well as their possible awards. I do not know when both brothers were born, their father was born in 1824 and was an Angel of the Apostolic-Church in Berlin. I am not interested in selling anything of the brothers, as I do not have anything accept their mention in my family-research. Thanks very much!! David M?ldner
    4. Hi Rick, Hi Deruelle, Thanks! I would like to have the pages in the DOA where the Order and decorations of Kurhessen are mentioned in the register of the DOA, so I can look the persons up and list them with the orders. Thanks again it would be a major help
    5. Dear Members, I am looking for the "Register der im Jahrgang 1908/1909 des Deutschen Ordens-Almanachs selten genannten in- und ausl?ndischen Orden und Ehrenzeichen" by Willi Geile and more specific his mentioning of the various members of Orders and decorations of the Kurfuerstentum Hessen. If anyone has this book in his collection, a reply is highly appreciated! Thanks David
    6. Dear All, I am looking for mentioning of the kgl. preuss. Oberstleutnant Freiherr von Bergh ( sorry no first name ) he was the Chief of Staff of the Garde-Corps in 1857. Thanks for any details!! David
    7. Dear All, My source tells me a Major August Mackensen wrote about 1880 a Regimental history on the Leibhusars. There was also a Stammliste added to this book. I am looking for a specific officer from this regiment, and hope that one of you could help me out in finding the career details of Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold PAUL v. Driesen gen. v.d. Oest he was decommissioned in 1811 in the rank of Premierleutnant. Thanks a lot!! David M?ldner
    8. Hi Glenn! Thanks for the full title. I dropped my question at the German Militairy Archive in Freiburg i. Br., maybe they can help me out and if not I will try the Kriegsarchiv in Vienna. David M
    9. Dear All, I am looking for the Stammliste of the 4th Guard Regiment zu Fuss. The 1910 issue was an Erg?nzung to the 1905 published Stammliste. I amlooking for this because I am trying to find the early career of a relative, Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim, who was Regimental Adjudant since 1907. Any help appreciated, David M
    10. Dear All, I am looking for the Stammliste of the 4th Guard Regiment zu Fuss. The 1910 issue was an Erg?nzung to the 1905 published Stammliste. I amlooking for this because I am trying to find the early career of a relative, Louis M?ldner von M?lnheim, who was Regimental Adjudant since 1907. Any help appreciated, David M
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