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    Everything posted by Deutschritter

    1. Sorry, I do not know. Von Hahn was from Erfurt, Johannes Hahn from Oberlößnitz near Dresden. Von Hahn may be related to Eichenlaubträger Major Hans Robert Fritz „Assi“ Hahn from Gotha, not far from Erfurt.
    2. Thank you, Solomon! Maybe War Commemorative Medal (Austria) instead of War Commemorative Medal (Hungary)? What do you think?
    3. Glenn, once again, just great ... thank you! Could that be a KVK I. Klasse with Swords underneath?
    4. Time frame would absolutely fit, he was promoted to SS-Oberführer (picture) on 11 August 1932 and to SS-Brigadeführer on 3 July 1933. Kyffhäuser-Medaille? Thanks! I see two medals, but couldn't identify them.
    5. Thanks, Graf! Too bad he was with the police after Grenzschutz Ost, otherwise the Reichswehr Rangliste would have helped out. Here is what I found out about the Feldspange, but I am not an expert: * Eisernes Kreuz, 1914, 2. Klasse * Kriegsverdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse mit Schwertern * Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten * Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern * Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern * Zivil-Verdienstorden, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern * Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer * Wehrmachts-Dienstauszeichnung, 1. und 3. Stufe Supplemental-Officer (15 Oct 1935); Active-Officer (01 Jun 1941); Commander of the 602nd Security-Regiment; Field-Commandant 590 / 732 / 197
    6. Gentlemen, I am sorry, but I can not identify the EK I (first picture) as 1914 or 1939 ... can anyone help out? Thanks!
    7. Gentlemen, can anyone identify the award of SS-Brigadeführer Curt Wittje underneath his EK I and his Fürstlich Lippische Kriegsehrenkreuz für heldenmütige Tat? Thanks!
    8. Johannes August Ludwig Oskar Hahn, since 1907 von Hahn, was born in Erfurt (d. ?). EK II and I in WWI? Anything else? Thanks!
    9. Thank you, Dave! I don't think he had the ÖM3K? Here the Rangliste 1926 (as Major): But his brother, Rittmeister Justin von Obernitz, did:
    10. Thanks to you, I now found our Kurt Albrecht (b. 24.2.1889) as Direktor of the Katasteramt Hirschberg II since 1 June 1921 and Leiter of the combined Katasteramt Hirschberg (I and II) since 1 September 1937, owning the house (Eigentümer) in the Hermann-Stehr-Straße 10.
    11. This is great, GreyC, thanks so much. I have him as Hauptmann d. R. since 8.6.1937 with effect from 1.7.1937 (rank seniority or RDA from 1.2.1929) and commander of the 2nd Company/Infanterie-Regiment 83/28. Infanterie-Division at the beginning of the war. This would all make sense, he took part in Reserveübungen, worked as a Katasteramts-Direktor and was called up to duty in 1939. The staff of the Infanterie-Regiment 83, which I just looked up, had it's headquarters in Hirschberg ... this is great! I wonder, if the young Vermessungsinspektoranwärter in Königsberg Kurt Albrecht, who was KIA in Russia on 1 December 1941 as Oberleutnant and Kompanieführer, was his son ...? There was also from 5.05.1924 to 31.01.1950 a Albrecht, Kurt (Reg.-Verm.-Rat) in the Vermessungsamt / Katasteramt Gandersheim ... that is the problem with a name like Kurt Albrecht.
    12. Thank you, Dave! I saw him in the Rangliste 1926 as Major, in the Rangliste 1931 he couldn't be found, surely he retired as Oberstleutnant (?) ... In the picture above Kurt is Oberst (d. R.?) of the Wehrmacht, but I am not sure, if he took part in WWII. Presumably he went to the Kadettenkorps like his brother. It looks like he was not always by the Kavallerie, but started with the Grenadier-Regiment „König Friedrich III.“ (2. Schlesisches) Nr. 11 ... I hope, I got it right? Joining maybe March/April 1897?
    13. What a great picture! Do you have any information on his career? Did he maybe serve in the Ulanen-regiment Nr. 9 (1914) and had received the Rettungsmedaille and the SA3b? Thanks! ... Do you happen to know if Generalleutnant Justin von Obernitz was his younger brother?
    14. Thanks so much, Dave. Probably not a career officer, that would make a lot of sense. Also no Reichswehr service. Yes, I also hope Glenn might be able to add some data.
    15. Gentlemen, when searching the WWW, all I can find about Kurt Albrecht (1889--1959) is that he served in WWI, apparently joining 1911. I have found three possible Albrechts from the infantry in the Rangliste 1914: Leutnant Albrecht from the Infanterie Regiment General-Feldmarschall Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen (8. Brandenburg.) Nr. 64, promoted with effect from 20 August 1909 (Oberleutnant on 18 August 1915, Hauptmann on 20 September 1919), which would maybe mean, he came from the Kadettenkorps. The second and third ones are Leutnant Albrecht (Leutnant on 17 February 1914) and Leutnant d. R. Albrecht (Leutnant on 2? March 1914), both from the Infanterie-Regiment Freiherr Hiller von Gaertringen (4. Posensches) Nr. 59 and probably promoted to Oberleutnant (d. R.) in or at the end of WWI. Any help would be very much appreciated. Can anyone identify the WWI decorations except for EK II and I, of course? Thanks!!! One source even has a death date 1968: https://www.tracesofwar.com/persons/1315/Albrecht-Kurt.htm
    16. Here is what I have on Admiral Eduard von Knorr, any additions or exact dates would be great: 24 June 1854 Volontair-Cadett 27 July 1856 Seekadett (?.?.) 1859 Fähnrich zur See (mit dem Range eines Sekonde-Leutnants in der Armee) ... 1863/64 renamed Unterleutnant zur See 1861/62 Leutnant zur See 2. Klasse (mit dem Range als Premierleutnant) ... 1863/64 renamed Leutnant zur See (?.?.) 1865 Kapitänleutnant 1 January 1871 Korvettenkapitän ... Korvettenkapitän was normally a rank as major, but could also carry the addition "mit Oberstleutnant-Rang" equivalent to lieutenant colonel; in 1898 a new rank was introduced, "Fregattenkapitän" would become the fully fledged lieutenant colonel of the German Navy. 22 March 1876 Kapitän zur See 16 August 1883 Konteradmiral 27 January 1889 Vizeadmiral 31 May 1893 Admiral Kriegs-Denkmünze für 1864 (KD64) Iron Cross (1870), 2nd Class Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71 (KD70/71) Red Eagle Order, 4th Class Service Award Cross (Prussia) for 25 years (Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with the Bow (mit der Schleife) Commander of the Order of the Zähringer Lion, 2nd Class with Swords, 1878 Order of the Prussian Crown, 2nd Class (Neck Order) Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords, 1885 Orden des Strahlenden Sterns von Sansibar"", 1st Class, 2nd Grade (Grand Cross; ZstSt2a/ZanSt2a/ZStII.1/ZSt1) Sankt-Stanislaus-Orden, I. Klasse (RSt1) Grand Cross of the Danish Order of the Dannebrog on 30 July 1888 (DD1) Commander Grand Cross of the Swedish-Norwegian Order of the Sword on 27 July 1888 (SS1) Star to the Order of the Prussian Crown, 2nd Class Knight of the Austrian-Hungarian Order of the Iron Crown, 1st Class, 1890 (ÖEK1) Grand Cross of the Bavarian Military Merit Order (BMV1/BMV G.Kr./BMV.G.Kr) Star to the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves and Swords Sankt-Annen-Orden, I. Klasse (RA1) Grand Cross of the Mecklenburg Order of the Griffon (MGrO1/MG1) Order of the Prussian Crown, 1st Class on 18 January 1893 Crown to the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd Class with Star, Oak Leaves and Swords on 24 June 1894 Order of the Red Eagle, 1st Class with Oak Leaves, Crown and Swords on Ring Grand Cross of the Saxon Albert Order with the Golden Star, 1895 (SA1mgSt) Grand Cross of the Order of the Zähringer Lion, 1895 (BZL1/BZ1) Grand Cross of the Italian Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (JMuL1/JM1) Grand Cross of the Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Order of Leopold, 1895 (ÖL1) Jubiläums-Eichenlaub „25“ 1870/1895 to the Iron Cross 2nd Class (1870) Grand Cordon of the Belgian Order of Leopold (BL1) Knight of the Russian Order of St. Alexander Nevsky (RAN) Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle with Oak Leaves, Crown, Swords and with Swords on Ring on 27 January 1897 Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897 Order of the Black Eagle with the Collar/Chain (Ordenskette) ... Black Eagle on 15 June 1898 ... Kette on 17 January 1899 Diamonds (Brillanten) to the Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle with Oak Leaves, Crown, Swords and with Swords on Ring Kolonial-Denkmünze mit der Spange (with the clasp) "Kamerun 1884", 1912 --- Honours --- Elevation to Prussian nobility on 18 January 1896 Weltlicher Domherr dritter Klasse beim Domstift Brandenburg a. d. H. In 1905, a bust of the admiral was erected in front of the naval academy (Marineakademie) in Kiel. The Admiral-Knorr-Straße in Saarlouis, his home town, and Knorrstraße in Wilhelmshaven and Kiel are named after him. Two outpost boats of the Kaiserliche Marine were named after him: the "Admiral von Knorr", built at the end of the 19th century, and the "Admiral von Knorr", built at the end of the 1910s
    17. Gentlemen, here is what I have for Richard von Conta, can anyone add more? Maybe dates and especially more WWI decorations? Thanks! Oldenburgischer Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig, Ritter II. Klasse (OV3b) Herzoglich Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse (HSEH3a/HSH3a) Prussian Centenary Medal 1897 (Zentenarmedaille) Red Eagle Order, 4th Class Prussian Long Service Cross for 25 years (Königlich Preußisches Dienstauszeichnungskreuz) Crown to the Red Eagle Order, 4th Class Order of the Crown (Prussia), 3rd Class Ehrenkreuz des Verdienstordens Philipps des Großmüthigen (HP3) Red Eagle Order, 3rd Class with bow (mit der Schleife) Order of the Crown (Prussia), 2nd Class Red Eagle Order, 2nd Class with Oak Leaves Star to the Order of the Crown (Prussia), 2nd Class Iron Cross (1914), 2nd and 1st Class House Order of Hohenzollern, Commander with Swords on 14 May 1915 ... Pour le Merite with Oak Leaves ... Pour le Merite on 15 October 1916 Oak Leaves on 26 March 1918 (79th bestowal) Order of the Crown (Prussia), 1st Class with Swords on the Ring in August 1918 Honour Cross of the World War 1914/1918
    18. Gentlemen, one can find a lot about Ulrich Fleischhauer, but hardly anything on his military career. Did he join the (2. Lothringisches) Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 34? If anyone could provide promotions and decorations until 1918/19 that would be more than great. Thanks!
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