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    Everything posted by MattGibbs

    1. The agonies of choice. Mind you a certain one of them spoke not so long ago to me about some strange blood initiation rites or something, does that perhaps sound a bit evil or scary to any of you..? Who to believe eh.? Regards Matt Gibbs
    2. Robert; Something like "moments in the/your[?] life are and happy? be this photo you have a pleasing one? Memory ?pleasing of happy hours." Regards Matt Gibbs PS Hope we have another spanish visitor! LOL Matt
    3. http://www.schulseiten.de/rngwangen/sites/...schulleiter.php List of school principals. Just for you I emailled the school to ask if they had a better photo Regards Matt Gibbs
    4. great stuff! This research always brings us closer to the real people behind these awards. A prominent school in Baden_Wurrt. was the Rupert Ness Gymnasium in a town called "Wangen im Allg?u" named after another prominent individual of that area who died in 1740. However, what does this have to do with us? Well at this school was a certain Dr Josef Enderle who was the Schuleleiter from 1942 until 1945 Could this be co-incidence? Who knows? But.... I thought I would bring it to you with the power of Google. http://www.rng-wangen.de/ Since it is 288 KM from the school town to Sinsheim, but both in Baden-Wurtt, I guess after the school closed or he could not continue his job he became a refugee? [Assuming its the same guy!]
    5. Just a GUESS but it may be M1/90 Aprech & Vrage of Leipzig, looks like a V and an A...?? They are the only firm with A and V in the company initials in the RZM lists. Suprised it is not rzm marked in a way, but I like the late war type. Regards Matt Gibbs
    6. I love obscure too! *chuckles* Best wishes! Matthew
    7. Don; I've certainly heard of them in the US, just not seen them much here. The white Kreis type is more common, I have seen a few, but the black bordered was changed in 1939 [?] I think. Regards Matt Gibbs
    8. Rick Research and Gordon - Just to add some info on Schutte and the "fishing" awards. Knew I had seen his name before. The proposal came from Minister Backe who wrote " Damit sind die unter erschwerten Kriegsumst?nden verdienten Leistungen unserer Kameraden der Hochseefischerei (deep-sea fishery), die in der Ausweitung unserer Nahrungsfreiheit eine ganz besondere Bedeutung haben, anerkennend herausgestellt worden" translates something like : Thus we appreciate the achievements of our comrades of the deep sea fishery, earned under less favourable war circumstances, who in the expansion our food liberty have a completely special meaning" [but Gordons german will be better than mine.] His name is mentioned in the relations with deep sea fishing and his ship V 414 formerly "sachsenwald" but it is noted that Ernst Willhelm Sch?tte was the commander of the Wetterbeobachtungsschiff 7 [Weather Observing Ship] Steamer/Dampfer "Sachsenwald", 693 BRT when he won his on 12.8.44. [interesting aside the Sacshenwald saved five survivors when the "Bismarck" sunk in May 1941.] Incidentally there is some confusion with records that suggest he died on 6.8.44 but looks ok in his photo! This is likely because North of Ile d' Yeu a British Navy Group with CL Bellona and the DD's Tartar, Ashanti, Haida and Iroquois sank Vp-Boot 414 (ex "Sachsenwald") on 06.08.1944. It would appear that he survived this to claim his RK KvK. I assume his award with swords took into consideration the "additional" work his ship was doing! [info from several posts on the AHF care of 'Dieter Zinke' and 'Mjolnir'] Regards Matt Gibbs
    9. Robert, et al, Interested in your comment about price at $75. What kind of prices have you seen badges at shows in the US, or your favourite dealers? I am asking because here in the UK I have never seen a plack bordered badge for sale or one of the plain members DAF badges. I am not sure why this is, but 50% will be just "not noticing" I guess! Interested to know about sources, they don't seem to be that popular, at least I did not think so till I saw this thread At the mo I know about mid level DAF badges in blue, white, red and yellow for sale out of a collection, no black and no plain though! I have also never seen the type 3 Reichs level with oakleaves for sale. Anyone else? Regards Matt Gibbs
    10. Very interesting and insightful information. I can easily imagine the need for and utility of several groups like this, especially for local and "impressive" occasions. Regards and best wishes Matt Gibbs
    11. I know what you mean. Some of the DAF badges are very seldom seen, I have never seen a black bordered -early Kreis - one myself. I don't think I have seen a red one for sale for a while on dealer sites either. Regards Matt
    12. Robert; Pics are actually also posted here: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=83267 no point in uploading them onto the net again. My reverse is the same on that one I think. There is still quite a lot of the "chrome or whatever" wash on the reverse, where it has been dipped or sprayed or however it was done! Regards Matt Gibbs
    13. Nice crosses everyone. I guess I am the only one to not have any of these I got the silver 25 and the 40 on ribbon bars though I guess I have always thought that you see them so often I can get around to it any time, but I have never seen any so minty! every one I see at a fair will now be "not quite as good"....! Best wishes Matt
    14. Hello again my small bordered Orts level DAF pin, maker marked M1/92. Sadly I only have these 2. Always looking for others Regards Matt Gibbs
    15. Hello My small bordered Gau level badge. Maker M1/104. Regards Matt Gibbs
    16. Very smart in that case then. I did wonder that it might be the NSFK glider pilots badge, these are a smart award, I think the NSFK is sometimes a bit of a poor relation in the collecting world, but I guess it depends if you are in the know or not! I loved reading a book I got about the Horten Brothers for example. I like the NSFK table medals too! Thanks for the links. Great pics! Matt Gibbs
    17. Bob; Not quite sure how this fits in to my topic [?] but in case you did not know he died in 1942, so "thats" what happened to him. If you mean what happened to him in all his entire life well- Anton Drexler (Born June 13, 1884 - Died February 24, 1942) He was a machine-fitter and then trained as a railway locksmith in Berlin 1902. He joined the Fatherland Party during World War I. He was a poet in his spare time and also became a member of the v?lkisch agitators who, at the end of World War one came together with journalist Karl Harrer, to found the German Workers' Party (DAP) in Munich along with Gottfried Feder and Dietrich Eckart. Drexler changed the name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) early in 1920. [apparently at Hitlers suggestion] Hitler finally wrested control of the party from Drexler in the autumn of 1921, Drexler had to content himself with the post of honorary chairman. Drexler was also a member the Thule Society at this time as were several other prominent men. His membership in the NSDAP ended when it was temporarily outlawed in 1923 following the Beer Hall Putsch. [Drexler had not taken part] He was elected to the Bavarian state parliament for another party in 1924. He had nothing to do with the NSDAP's refounding in 1925. He only rejoined after Hitler came to power in 1933. He received the Blood Order in 1934 and was still occasionally used as a propaganda "speaker" until about 1937. ttfn Matt Gibbs
    18. I work in the railways here in the UK and I bet he's not got anything on my old boss.... [oooooh now now - bitchy! ]Still thanks for drawing it to my attention, nice job to have had I bet, and nice photo too! Regards Matt Gibbs
    19. Scott; Thanks - terry was able to help Regards Matt Gibbs
    20. Hello; The ability to find information quickly depends often on personality involved, rank and also arm of service, as to what information is available and where! Sometimes this information can only be available to families. This is definatly the case for british medal holders, the army enquiry office will say very little to you unless you are a relative! Regards Matt Gibbs
    21. Yep, Confirmed by three sources it IS Robert Wagner, Gauleiter of Baden and Reichsstadthalter in Alsace [if I remember right!] Nice painting tho... Regards Matt Gibbs
    22. She's not wearing her Diamonds version then..? Regards Matt Gibbs
    23. Terry, Well I am not certain ! We'll have to see, I have a lot more photos to look through. TTFN Matt
    24. Superb items. I love these imperial awards, but I am too frightened to open pandoras box and buy any, then I might want more! LOL. I like the non-combatants bar the most I think, probably because of what made it more researchable! Smart items. Regards Matt Gibbs
    25. Ooh Glenn, well I am not in a hurry and yes I saw that one at amazon! I am looking for some info and I can even tell you the page number my friendly german researcher told me to look up from the index, but he has no scanner I think. I guess a photocopy would be nice. I can PM you the details if it would not be going out of your way?Incidentally is it actually what you would call a darned good read? Many thanks! Regards Matt Gibbs
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