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    Everything posted by Roeland

    1. thank you for looking, I know it's a questionable group indeed, especially because of the lower grades, therefore I'm trying to get the name for a year now, I'm not receiving the answer so I asked here because I would like to know if I really bought a General his medals and not something else. according to the information I was given, there probably are more medals such as a higher grade in the order of Leopold II and the military cross, but the family was moving so they where busy at that moment and not able to make contact or look for the rest. the lower grades: - he became a General later in his carreer, the lower medals are still in the property of the General, but won't be mentioned anymore (as Hendrik said, only the Grand cross will be mentioned as it is a higher grade) - or, as Hendrik assumes, they are from other relatives (the special decoration is what concerned me the most when I bought it) also; the WW2 commemorative medal probably had swords, there is a small hole in the ribon on the place it normally would be. looking at the set of medals, we must esteem that probalby a few shouldn't be in it, and some are missing, as hendrik said: incorrect and incomplete. Jacky, perhaps you can ask your niece for the address (if it is not to much I am asking of course), because maybe I will get a faster answer asking it myself in a letter instead of waiting for your niece to visit them, thank you.
    2. http://www.ars-moriendi.be/ALBERT_I.HTM the site you gave me, so other GMIC members can see it to(page in Dutch).
    3. Thank you for the information Jacky, the orders aren't often seen on the internet(at least I haven't seen them yet since I'm looking for a grandcross), but still if someone would offer a grandcross, is there a way to recognise it is real and not a commander with a grandcross ribbon?Maybe the connection between the medal and the ribbon, or are they also the same? (if it is offered without the papers going allong with it) not planning to buy one yet if I see one,but still, if I see one for a nice price, is there a way to know it's real.....
    4. thanks Jacky, I've been looking on that site with Belgian Generals you gave me, some have a lot of the same medals, but they all have some major differences. kind regards, Roeland
    5. I have a question regarding the Dutch order of oranje Nassau. Is there a difference between the commanders cross, grand-officers cross and the grand cross? One should hang on the neck and the other around the torso, however, leaving the ribbons asside, is there a difference between them? I believe they are all 60mm in diameter and gold collored, but what about the rest regarding it's appearances. does anybody have a picture of all 3 so I can see any differences, or are there no differences? thanks for the information. kind regards, Roeland
    6. A section with more attention to the Netherlands would seem a good idea to me, however I must conclude that the Low countries won't work, Luxemburg hasn't got a military history which atracts many people, so only the Netherlands and Belgium will be much spoken of, Belgium has a lot of medals and where involved in WW1, around the world more people collect belgium for those reasons instead of Dutch, there isn't as much attention for Dutch items as for Belgian. Therefore I think it is good like the way it is now.
    7. Hello, maybe someone can help me. I bought these medals about a year ago from Jacky, he got them from relatives of a Belgian General, the relatives where moving at that time and found the medals which they sold, however we have not been able to find out how the general was called. there still are medals missing (from which I hope they show up), however I hope someone can do an ID which these: (the medals are WW1/king albert models) -grand cross from the order of the crown -knight in the order of the crown with swords -knight in the order of Leopold II with swords -belgian croix de guerre/war cross with leaves and lion -French croix de guerre/war cross with leaves -Yser medal -firecross (vuurkruis) -The Commemorative Medal of the 100th Anniversary of National Independence -victory medal -commemorative 1914-1918 medal with 3 silver bars and 1 golden bar -special decoration, 1st classe -commemorative medal for the regime of King Albert I -Veteran cross -ww2 commemorative medal thanks for any info! someone called General can have different kind of General ranks, it is also possible that the man wasn't general during WW1, but became General after the war. there should be more medals, Jacky is already trying to contact the relatives for information. kind regards, Roeland
    8. number 5: perhaps a medal for a certain amount of years in service? wouldn't know the other though, nice bar.
    9. Herr General, what kind of medals do you have? I'm always looking for nice medals on uniform, I want to make them look at there best complete with fouragere's, ranks and medals etc. send me a PM, and I'll let you know if it is what I'm looking for. kind regards, Roeland
    10. Silly me , I accidentaly found a picture from the Dutch army on the internet with Husars on it, I bought the uniform with lanyard, but it is not lanyard but a kind of ceremonial belt (don't know how to translate ''sjerp'' in English), so it should go on the waist, which made more sense when I put it on the uniform, the real Husar lanyard is red with white.
    11. I found this great site with army pictures from the first World War. it's great to see it in color for a change, it's quite a different view. http://www.tournassoud.org/en/photo/militaire.php
    12. Hello, could anybody help me with this Dutch pre-1940 Husar uniform I bought? I don't know how the lanyard should be placed on it, for the moment I have improvised it in the way it looks the most logic, but I almost know for sure it is the wrong way. The uniform is from a blue Dutch husar, a sergeant, it's a regular troops lanyard(don't know how to translate exactly into english). The regiment was created in 1814 as the 4th husar regiment by Willem Francois Boreel. WF Boreel got hold of a noble title in 1821. The regiment became: the Husar regiment of Boreel (instead of the 4th regiment). The color this regiment weared is blue, therefor they are called the blue husars. I have a book on fourageres/lanyards, it explains what they stand for, however I don't see how it should be worn on a uniform, I know how normal ones should be worn, Husar uniforms aren't even mentioned, the lanyards are also different then the normal ones so I have no clue at all. Thanks for any help! kind regards, Roeland
    13. I have stopped collection Imperial German items and started concentrating on my family history, therefore I have a question concerning a relative: His name was Jan Marijnissen, he was commander of the rijks-veldwachterij Breda I have this picture of him, however I want to know if anybody can ID the medals for me. Thanks in advance. this picture is pre-war, but I don't know if this uniform is from his period as commander or before that (any help on that would also be appreciated, as well as ID on the fouragere/ lanyard, hat etc.).
    14. thanks for the information guys, it sure is a great help!
    15. here's my most recent spange aquire, 5 medals. some medals look a bit ''oiled'' on the pictures however this is reflection form the scanning machine. MVK 2e klasse, Iron cross 2nd class with swords, Kyffh?userbund medal, Tirol deffence medal, service medal 3th class/9 years. according to a gmic member probalby a vet assembly while the service medal is the last one in the row and it should be the tirol one.
    16. I'll have to ask if I can give you a pictue, the owner of the collection isn't fond of his cars being shown on internet without permittion. It's a Mercedes N?rnberg 500 from the period of his exile in the Netherlands.A nice fact of the car is that Wilhelm II and the driver where separated by glass but Wilhelm II could give him orders by pressing buttons such as, for example; schnell, links, rechts, zu hause etc. etc.
    17. quite some, not hard to earn medals, such as the kyfhauser medals, remembrance medal, flanders medal, regiment medal etc. etc. only a few prestige awards if you ask me, but those are nice would be great though if I weared this one if I where in those days, it looks good, nice addition to your collection!
    18. great site, it looks great and has much information, drivers aren't really a side of this time-period you hear about, so quite special if you ask me. I myself work in an old car museum where we have the car of Kaiser Wilhelm II, but also other German cars from this periode and ww2(such as sir Winston Churchill his car), so therefore I am very interested in your site of course.
    19. Thanks for the information chip, although it's not a train cap, I guess I'll find a place for it. What exactly should both the cockades look like (I don't really understand what you ment). I myself often saw the bavarian cockade as the lower one, and another one on top, which I guess is what you mean, I did notice it myself when I bought it. should they(the cockardes) be as this one I have (it's a 2nd infantry regiment cap):
    20. it's rosamariaz123, he is an antiques dealer I looked it up, as the name sounded familiar from his email-address, I already bought many items in the past from his shop. like this large plate, so called genuine from the 19th century he was told by experts (but when I got it it was not), just a plate which one might had in it's wall next to the front-door of his house, and not that old at all, it was post-ww2. (it also looks older in the pictures as it is, it's just iron, painted dark black, in the picture is has bit of an antique colored view). However, it had only costed me 12,55 euro+shipping, and he had packed it very well in a blanket, so no bad buy there, I have it at the front door of my collection now. Had no problem before as well with other items which I got from him. He was always ''short'' in speaking, but always traded correct and packed items good for shipping. Don't know what got in to the guy this time, but I can't really bother about it.
    21. it even gets funnier! he's kicking the dog as they call it I believe, he just send me an email saying he hates al Belgians, Dutch and French while they always tell him what he sells and screw up his auctions. he also said this: wir kennen uns nicht aus und hatten nur einen verdacht, was es sein k?nnte translated: he didn't knew what they where selling and just guessed what is could be. he also gave me advise: I speak bad German and shouldn't respond to his items in the future if he doesn't know what it is. well I don't know either, but I just asked, no reason to flip I'd say.
    22. thank you for the info, the seller offered this coat as a Bavarian Cavalry coat from around the 1900's. I asked him about the color from the piping, he reacted very agressive as if I had uncoverd him(but I didn't make any accusation what so ever, just asked about the piping). I gave him the information that it possibly could be a Feuerwehr or Reichsbahn coat, and ment it friendly to help him sell the object, he picked it up differently..... He became furious, he changed his auction text and put my name in it as a liar! and said something about Dutch people in genuine. just reading his words, even for other bidders, it sounded like he was a very angry and agressive man. He blamed me that the bids in the auction weren't higher, he though I had told every bidder it wasn't a cavalry coat. Which I absolutely didn't, I just didn't bid on his auction and asked him about the coat. the bidding was at 100 euro I believe, but he posted some messages in which he didn't sound that friendly at all, but did not explain the situation that I had asked about the piping and it could be a feuerwehr coat etc. he was just creating a fight of it in his auction which no one else understood. Well, the other bidders started to leave soon after that, they called back their bids. The bidders that kept on bidding, well; he threw them of himself and told them he had to do it because I reported him as a con. He screwed up himself, if he didn't act that furious and didn't changed his auction, he'd have 100 euro or more now from someone that did buy it as an imperial cavalry coat.... again, thanks for the information so I didn't buy it as an old cavalry coat and would have made a big mistake buying it, especially from this man!
    23. that's a nice fact Ulsterman! just bought this Schirmm?tze:
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