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    No one

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    Everything posted by No one

    1. Dear Gentlemen, Police patches : - black : - gold : - gold cannetille (in English?) : - Police Service Général : - Police de Proximité : - Brigade Spéciale F.N.S. type I cannetille (in English?) : - Brigade Spéciale F.N.S. type II : - Brigade Spéciale F.N.P. : - DSR = Direction de la Sécurité Publique : - sticker : Yours sincerely, No one
    2. Dear Gentlemen, - breast badge Police type I J.Balme : - breast badge Police type II Delsart : - breast badge Police - FNS Delsart : * FNS = Force Nationale de Sécurité - breast badge Police District de Djibouti : - Motard / motocycliste BetS (Bessin & Salson) : - Motard / motocycliste Drago Paris : Yours sincerely, No one
    3. Dear Gentlemen, On July 1, 1958, the Compagnie des gardes-cercle became the Djibouti Territorial Guard, supervised by the National Gendarmerie. On July 1, 1968, the management was entrusted to the national police. Its territorial jurisdiction is extended to the whole territory with the mission of controlling caravans, the city police, and guarding the prison. French Territory of the Afars and the Issas - Wikipedia This ensemble belonged to an "adjudant-chef" in the 60s : - breast badge : - shoulder rank insignia : - casquette (maker's name S.C.E.C.A.M.): - other items : - breast insignia 70s: - to compare : - Epaulettes Garde Territoriale TFAI caporal : - Epaulettes Garde Territoriale TFAI 1ère classe : - Insigne de casquette Garde Territoriale TFAI : Yours sincerely, No one
    4. Dear Gentlemen, Insignia of the Police de la Côte française des Somalis (CFS): French Somaliland - Wikipedia - for pit helmet (casque colonial) to the French policemen, silver : - for pit helmet (casque colonial) to the native policemen, copper : - commissaire de police (+/- Superintendent): And this one of "Administrateur" but for whom police? civilian? They were all found in Djibouti in 1979. Yours sincerely, No one
    5. Dear dedehansen, There is an award document here . Yours sincerely, No one
    6. Dear dedehansen, Republic of Vietnam (South) "Y Te Medal / Y tế Bội Tinh", two classes, established March 18, 1967. For the personnel of the Health Service etc. Yours is a second class if silver or 1st class if gold. Y tế - Google 検索 Yours sincerely, No one
    7. Dear dedehansen, Republic of Vietnam (South) "Chuong My Medal / Chương Mỹ Bội Tinh", two classes, established June 10 1955. This medal was considered primarily a civilian award. In special cases, it was conferred upon military personnel. It was conferred posthumously in recognition of courage, devotion to the people, or outstanding accomplishments in social, economic and cultural fields. Yours is a second class. Yours sincerely, No one
    8. Dear Gentlemen, A Légion d'Honneur, Chevalier, poinçon hure de sanglier / wild boar hallmark, 4e République (27 octobre 1946 – 4 octobre 1958) French Fourth Republic - Wikipedia Yours sincerely, No one
    9. Dear Gentlemen, A genuine fake miniature of the "India General Service Medal 1936-1939 clasp North West Frontier 1936–37" : Yours sincerely, No one
    10. Dear Gentlemen, "Long and Distinguished Service Medal", I have no information, unfortunately. For the army, the police and the prison service, the medal is the same, only the ribbon is different. - Army Long and Distinguished Service Medal : - Police Long and Distinguished Service Medal : - Prison Service Long and Distinguished Service Medal : The ribbon looks like this : Yours sincerely, No one
    11. Dear Karhu, Oups! I missed it. Thanks! Here is the original official text: "Article 24 : L'insigne de la Médaille du Mérite National est une médaille ronde, de 4 centimètres de diamètre, et de couleur uniforme vieil argent. En son centre est gravée une étoile régulière à cinq branches, pointe en haut, enserrée dans un cercle de 14 millimètres de rayon. De la pointe supérieure part un rayonnement régulier de 13 rayons, non apparents sur l'étoile. Deux poignards d'Akel entrecroisés pointe en bas sont gravés au centre de l'étoile. Sur la partie périphérique de la médaille, large de 6 millimètres, sont gravés, en haut : République de Djibouti ; en bas : Ministère de l'Intérieur. Au revers il porte gravé, au dessus et en demi-cercle, la devise "Fort et Juste" ; au centre : "Mérite National" ; et dessous en demi-cercle : Chevalier ou Officier, selon le cas. Cet insigne se porte sur le côté gauche de la poitrine, attaché par un ruban moiré tricolore d'une largeur de 36 millimètres. Ce ruban est aux couleurs nationales bleu, blanc, vert, chaque bande verticale mesurant 12 millimètres de large. Le ruban d'Officier comporte une rosette." One cannot fail to notice that the medal is slightly different from the text of the ordinance. Yours sincerely, No one PS: It doesn't do any harm to start a message with a greeting or am I too old-fashion and need to be "updated"?
    12. Dear The Prussian, I am glad you could find the answers you were looking for. Do you know wich unit "2nd ..."? Yours sincerely, No one
    13. Dear Gentlemen, I forgot : Yours sincerely, No one
    14. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the ""Service Medal / Sainya Seva Medal / सैन्य सेवा मैडल"": (quote from "Medals and Decorations of Independent India" by Edward S. Haynes & Rana T.S. Chhina page 115~117) "Awarded to personnel of the armed forces in recognition of service under conditions of special hardship and severe climate. Established: Established by No. 14-Pres./60 of 20 January 1966 with effect from 15 August 1947. Expended in No. 32-Pres./60 of 2 June 1960 and revised by No. 56-Pres./68 of 3 August 1968 ... The medal is not awarded without a clasp.". - obverse : - reverse : There are six claps : - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " 'जम्मू कश्मीर' " (Jammu - Kashmir) to 4456823 NK MOAN SINGH : - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " नोफा " (NEFA) to IC-16916 2-LT. S.P. MUKH OPADHYA. A.S.C: Note : IC = Indian Commission S.P. = ? A.S.C = ? - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " हिमालया " (Himalaya) to 3146882 PL-NK. SISH RAM. JAT R - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " बंगाल - असम " (Bengal - Assam) to 7766193 L-NK. B. BAYAL, C.M.P. - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " मरुस्थल " (marusthal / désert) to IC 40345 COL L NARAYAN MADRAS : - "Sainya Seva Medal" clasp " मरुस्थल " (marusthal / desert) unnamed: - Nanda Devi : Nanda Devi - Wikipedia - Purana Qila : Purana Qila - Wikipedia - Corps of Military Police (CMP) : Corps of Military Police (India) - Wikipedia - Jat Regiment : Jat Regiment - Wikipedia Yours sinncerely, No one
    15. Dear The Prussian, The photo is too small, but the text does not seem to be in French. If you think it is Belgian, it could be Flemish (Vlaams). As for the uniforms no idea, sorry. But if it was "Légion Étrangère" there should be "grenade à sept flammes, emblème de la légion étrangère". French Foreign Legion, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, 1910 As for the "2" : 2nd Foreign Infantry Regiment | French Foreign Legion Information Yours sincerely, No one
    16. Dear Gordon Craig, Thank you for providing further information. Yours sincerely, No one
    17. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the "High Altitude Medal / Ucchh Tungta Medal / उच्च तुंगता मेडल": (quote from "Medals and Decorations of Independent India" by Edward S. Haynes & Rana T.S. Chhina page 118) "Awarded for service in harsh high-altitude areas. Established: Established by No. 72-Pres./86 of 12 December 1986 to have effect from 1 April 1984 and amended in No. 168-Pres./95 of 19 September 1995". - "High Altitude Medal / Ucchh Tungta Medal to 15383226 SIGMN G SINGH SIGS" : Yours sincerely, No one
    18. Dear Gentlemen, - "Police Kathin Seva Padak / पुलिस कठिन सेवा पदक / Police Special Duty Medal": - "Police Special Duty Medal with Punjab bar" : - "Police Special Duty Medal with Assam bar": - "Police Special Duty Medal with Jammu & Kashmir bar": - "Police Special Duty Medal with Manipur bar": - "Police Special Duty Medal with Tripura bar": - "Gangotri national park": - "1916 map Gangotri": - "1924 map Gangotri": - "1947 map Gangotri": - "1970s map Gangotri": - "Police Special Duty map" (Wikipedia): - "Police Special Duty bars": Yours sincerely, No one
    19. Dear Gentlemen, Presentation of the "Medals of Excellence / 優勝獎章 / Yōushèng jiǎngzhāng" instituted August 1 1935. There is six medals of excellence for achievement in competitions, (in English / in Chinese). The medals are divided in two classes. - "Medal of Scholarship / 績學獎章 / Jīxué jiǎngzhāng" 2nd class: - "Medal of Flying / 飛行獎章 / Fēixíng Jiǎngzhāng" : Can be seen here with more explanations, particularly about the ribbons : A seventh was established in July 19, 1971 "Medal of Maintenance / 修護獎章 / Xiūhù jiǎngzhāng". To be completed... Yours sincerely, No one
    20. Dear Gentlemen, Nigerian Civil War - Wikipedia A group of four medals : Yours sincerely, No one
    21. No one


      Dear Gentlemen, Uganda–Tanzania War - Wikipedia Another " Nishani ya vita 1978-79 / War Medal 1978-79" with its case : Yours sincerely, No one
    22. Dear Samuel Rother, The Military Parachute Badge (French: Brevet parachutiste militaire (BPM)) is the standard course for every personnel in airborne units and all graduates of the école spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr. It was created in 1946 and is awarded for six jumps, three daylight standard jumps, one daylight jump with the reserve parachute, one night jump without equipment, one night jump with full gear and equipment. Foreigners can get it. In French : Brevets parachutistes militaires français — Wikipédia (wikipedia.org) In English : Parachutist badge - Wikipedia You can see one here, on the uniform of a capitaine de gendarmerie : Yours sincerely, No one
    23. Dear DavidS, In the "Bulletin des amis du vieux Hué 13e année № 3 juillet-septembre 1926" there is a long article about the "Bài / 牌". They are in silver or ivory. On the obverse the name of the chamberlain and on the reverse his class. Note : I used the photo of the reverse of the Bài posted by DavidS to illustrate this topic. Here are the "Bài / 牌" of "Chambellans au Service de Sa Majesté / Thị vệ / 侍衛 " : - 4th class in silver : - 4th class in ivory : - 5th class in ivory : As for the "Bài / 牌" with "Kiểm / " ( from Symboles et Traditions № 181) : - Hàn Lâm Viện Kiểm Thảo / analyste officiel : - Hàn Lâm Viện Kiểm Tịch / employé d'enregistrement : Well, all this to say that I'm not sure your Bài is of a chamberlain or what it is, exactly, sorry. Your sincerely, No one
    24. Dear JapanX, Thank you. Yours sincerely, No one
    25. Dear Gentlemen, After some research "chamberlains" are called "thị vệ 侍衛" at the Vietnamese court. Other possibilities : etc... but they must have "thị / 侍". Yours is "Kiểm / " which is used for "inspection / examination / etc... " Yours sincerely, No one
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