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    1. They're original... Not "official" government issue medals, but genuine 1920s items, commemorative crosses for major battles. German manufacture. I've never seen one faked.
    2. Medal looks geuine... An early issue in tombak. Nice medal. Below are some originals for comparison. The first four images show a tombak issue. Images 5 & 6 show a war-time zinc issue. Sources: https://aboutww2militaria.com/rad-long-service-award-women-2nd-class-18-years.html https://gielsmilitaria.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=11210 https://gielsmilitaria.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=13732
    3. Ribbon bar from post #8... I bought it. Decent, fair price. Unique.
    4. Latest acquisitions... Both 50mm long, swastika 8mm. Nickel-plated tombak.
    5. Was the Iron Cross Second Class 1939 ever awarded to civilians, other than Hanna Reitsch, German Red Cross Nursing Sisters, and the various and sundry Hitler Youth and RAD detachments which found themselves in/around/near front-line combat?
    6. My last two posts (above)... The Reichsluftschutzbund tinnies... In agreement with Nick, these tinnies ("Luftschutz tut not" ~ Roughly, "air defense is necessary") can be purchased for $20-35USD. The ones in my second post are more common than pennies in change. The one below was $44.95USD. The similar one above was $39.95USD. Both are tin.
    7. A 1939 War Merit Medal stickpin. Rarely encountered. Source: https://www.1944militaria.com/Original_Third_Reich_War_Merit_Cross_Stick_Pin_p/ornspin46.htm
    8. This is for Rocket: I'd like to express my heartfelt condolences. What an irreplaceable loss. His courage means he may be gone, but never forgotten. This should remind all of us what these medals can cost someone, especially those who remain behind. Medals are never an adequate compensation for a human life. He died doing something he believed in, knowing the risks involved, and he went the full measure. I respect that completely. You have my admiration and appreciation for raising a fine son, and a brave soldier. https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/02/27/us-army-veteran-killed-fighting-in-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR1yeWHEQhO-Ycgp317oKPd6SqVQW2rG4_DvV0oXby2fpg4vQuTvqf7guu0&contentFeatureId=f0fmoahPVC2AbfL-2-1-8&contentQuery={"includeSections"%3A"%2Fhome"%2C"excludeSections"%3A""%2C"feedSize"%3A10%2C"feedOffset"%3A1025} https://merrillfotonews.com/stories/merrill-native-travels-to-washington-dc-to-accept-ukrainian-medal-awarded-posthumously-to-his-son,183164
    9. (Seriously, that is a beautiful group.) Iron Cross in gold, silver and bronze... For... Erster, zweiter und dritter Platz?
    10. What I can confirm is that the ribbons and mounting plates are all modern replacements. The suspension ring on the Medal For Distinguished Labor was replaced with a solid sterling silver ring hallmarked "925".
    11. Never tried mineral oil. I'm not sure how well that would preserve what's left. It might, but it won't remove corrosion and rust that's already there. Those are nice strikes, those medals. I'd get a "beater" on which I could experiment... An "expendable" so to speak.
    12. Looks like there may be a hallmark on the suspension ring. My guess is a war-time "K.O." issue.
    13. Would love to read about it. All I really know is that these aren't "standard/presentation/official" issue. They're authentic to be sure, but that's all I know. Maybe myth and legend. Any further information is more than welcome.
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