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    pinpon590 last won the day on March 23

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      German and Austro-Hungarian WW1 awards !

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    1. OK, I have found an answer in Nimmergut's : since 1867 and military convention with Prussia, the long service award for officers of saxony Altenburg, Meiningen and Cobourg-Gotha was the prussian one. OK : 2nd class, round medal, bronze gilted, green ribbon, but for how many years ? Now : 1st class = 20 years but no pictures found... same medal ? Another metal (silvered maybe ?). Probably same ribbon... 😊
    2. Thanks you ! Do you have an illustration of the first class? I can't believe I've never seen this distinction in a while... And while I'm asking questions... For the long service awards, was nothing planned for the officers? The series of Saxon DA (2 medals and 1 cross) were intended for non-commissioned officers and enlisted men. Unless the officers wore the Prussian seniority cross, as was done in other states ? Thank you !
    3. Hello everyone ! I'm wondering about this decoration that I just saw at emedals... I had never heard of a decoration forlong service in the reserve troops... No matter how much I search in Nimmergut's books, I can't find such an entry. Is this to be understood that in parallel with the long service medals and cross created in 1913, there was the creation of long service awards for the reserve, on the Prussian model ?? If so, how many classes, and what does it look like? Thank you for your answers !
    4. And no gold piece for me, but a nice set of Saxony Ernestine house order now ... 😍
    5. This one have the good ribbon ... But in 1866... Or this one, on Verlag édition :
    6. I only find this one : Franz Joseph I. Signum Memoriae Jubilee Medal - 1898
    7. By the way, dos someone possess the Stephan Schwarz book "die orden und ehrenzeichen des herzogtums Braunschweig bon 1696 bis 1918" ?
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