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    Everything posted by Sergey

    1. Most likely it is the middle of the seventieth years. In Soviet Union since 1917 prior to the beginning of the seventieth years there was a uncooperative altitude to jeweller ornaments. This ring is very similar to the ring is madein in prison. Prisoners liked to do subjects with the Soviet symbolics.So they showed the loyalty to the Soviet mode
    2. I think what to make edges simple work if to compare to a needle. However I shall try to find the literature on the reason of such decision
    3. Here for comparison - bayonets SVT-40, a carbine 98 and blocadnic
    4. It and at me a weak point. Happy New Year and Orthodox Christmas (on January, 7th)
    5. I apologize. Dear managers. Here some more photos.
    6. Why I think as well as it. And very much I like to photograph girls in a military uniform.
    7. If I have correctly understood that - it is possible. However after Christmas holidays. It has left from Moscow to home.
    8. Obviously it so. Seeing a condition of a coat it is possible to tell, that all this is made in a workshop. And most likely here from fiftieth years did not change
    9. Yes it is possible to see two parts. The first the basis from a needle of a rifle of Mosin. Second -an edge from Tokarev's rifle.However an edge longer than at SVT-40. This edge is more than the edge of a bayonet SVT.This edge is more similar to an edge of a German carbine
    10. This bayonet has been found in it to year on a front line on 1942 near to Petersburg
    11. 1-Society of rescue on water Belarus SSR 2-MINSK 3-Volgograd
    12. I wish to show the Soviet bayonet for Mosin's rifle made in the surrounded Leningrad. It is rare enough version of a bayonet for the widespread Soviet rifle.In Russia it name blocadnik (блокадник).
    13. Good afternoon Rick, It is very a pity, but the cap concerns only military-air forces USSR.Today I shall make good photos of a years raincoat and tomorrow I shall show them. P.S.(Some people think I am a dummy, but that is not me wearing the capIt is a good joke. However the dummy not badly looks.)
    14. For a long time wished to buy such coat. And here in the end of year and before Christmas I have bought it. am very much pleased, that here all present. I am glad to that all visitors of my house with the great pleasure dress it a coat
    15. Fine things. I for a long time wish to buy such. However these subjects a little.
    16. 16 and 17 Milicia (Police). However 17 is a national creativity for foreign citizens. A subject of the foreman, and a star of the major. The arms of the USSR costs not correctly.
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