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    Everything posted by Motorhead

    1. Hi Mike, how many different stampings on these EKs do you know? I've got a "800" and this "930",but I know there are some with "935"....... Micha
    2. Another fine EK found finnaly his way into my collection! A "930" stamped one in good condition(exept a little spot of rust at the numbers).So from this variation I need just the "935"stamped one-but that will be extremely hard to get! The pin is the same than at the "Silber"stamped EKs,but as you can see all the EKs with a silvercontent stamp have got a different core(of course only the ones with the blued core).....Anyway,here is it Micha
    3. Gentlemen-I think since tha last DN update the case is clear! Micha
    4. Please dont get me wrong-of course I think this one is the real deal! Have you seen Mike's comparison at the WAF? So it could be also Meybauer! But anyway-this is definitely another one at my endless "wanted"list! Micha
    5. Hi Tony,there should be something in the "square" mark-this EK isn't a "square,so if you use a glass I'm shure you will find a"FR" or a "Fr"! Micha
    6. From the quality of the piece I would agree with the others! Micha
    7. The "6" is a common maker-with the "20" it's a different situation-a friend of mine owns one,but the core doesn't match to the 1st class.....so it's a very controversal piece! Micha
    8. Nice set! Especially the case -from my observations nearly all "Souval" screwbacks are maker marked at the screw......so this one is a nice addition to your collection! Micha
    9. This one is the first imperial I see with the pin at the backplate....this is a strange one(but I remember there's one with a"Deumer" core using the same kind of washer. Micha
    10. Well....me too! But going thru my pictures archive I wasn't able to find a "900" with this kind of core....but anyway,there are so many imperial Ek variations out there,that will keep my busy the next few days Micha
    11. That's a really nice thing! Test it......... Micha
    12. From my observations-the brown domed case with the golden EK at the top is the one that will be found most in cardboxes-but I've also seen a couple of black ones(one of them with the light blue inlay) coming in complete groupings.what I haven't found until now is a dark red one in a cardbox! Micha
    13. Great crosses! I had a few of them....and sold them all! Such a(young) idiot I was....and now it's difficult to get the real deal...... Micha
    14. Hi Mike, this is exactely what I thought-I've posted this link also at the biggest german forum......no one (exept two) had a problem with this EKs! This is ringing my alarm bell!!! All the work,all the talking....just wasted time-must be a "private purchase"! But anyway,I wouldn't spend a cent on them... Micha
    15. That was the answer of a diplomat ......but what about the Eks?
    16. Here's one of my "favourite" sellers.... http://cgi.ebay.de/EK-1-1914-GEPUNZT-MIT-H...1QQcmdZViewItem And please have a look at his other auctions-what do you think? Micha
    17. The"Deutscher Offiziersverein" Eks where private purchsed pieces.In general you can say this about all screwback EKs! "KO" K?nigliches M?nzamt Stuttgart was not the only "producer" of officially awarded Eks-I've seen "WS,Fr,FR,CD800,S-W,G....)coming with the original cardbox.And it might be possible that also "JWS,HBG and We" has made awarded pieces(but I haven't seen them in a complete grouping. Micha
    18. This is really interesting-the same core like the "Deutscher Offiziersverein"? Mike,what do you think? Micha
    19. This one is the most common variation with a silver contend stamp.They can be found convex or flat-also with different pins and stamp variations.Core and frame are always the same. The one I want to show you today is the twin brother of Bill's "900".But.....have a look at the stamp-it looks like they have used a modified "8" -so if one of you has got a "900" with this core ,please have a look if the stamp is looking like this one. Micha
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