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    Everything posted by Noor

    1. Thanks Peter! Too much puzzle to me so I decided to move it in instead...
    2. not the same but close... http://www.medal-medaille.com/medal-french-renaissance-civic-merit-mdaille-mrite-civique-renaissance-franaise-miniature-p-10722.html Here is one more with the same obverse: https://www.morlaix-encheres.com/ventes-aux-encheres/ventes-artistiques/phaleristique-et-naturalia/medaille-d-honneur-agricole-1890
    3. Thank you Peter for your comprehensive reply. Unfortunately I came up with the same result – I saw plenty of medallions only and no (semi)official description what it is exactly. I do not have any French knowledge so it will remain mystery to me. However, I think it was awarded to the priest Charles Leonard. I was able to locate only 2 Charles Leonard’s on the 1901 Census and the priest lived in South part of Dublin where the medal was found and also his place of birth is marked Lorraine! He could have had some connections in France! http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/search/results.jsp?searchMoreVisible=false&census_year=1901&surname=Leonard&firstname=Charles&county19011911=Dublin&county1821=&county1831=&county1841=&county1851=&parish=&ward=&barony=&townland=&houseNumber=&ded=&age=&sex=&search=Search&ageInMonths=&relationToHead=&religion=&education=&occupation=&marriageStatus=&yearsMarried=&birthplace=&nativeCountry=&language=&deafdumb=&causeOfDeath=&yearOfDeath=&familiesNumber=&malesNumber=&femalesNumber=&maleServNumber=&femaleServNumber=&estChurchNumber=&romanCatNumber=&presbNumber=&protNumber=&marriageYears=&childrenBorn=&childrenLiving=
    4. Hi all, A random find from Dublin. Claimed to be a find from the house clearance (Rathgar, Rathmines area). What medal it is exactly, which kind of ribbon I need for it and is there any records available what for Mr. Charles Leonard got that award on the 31 May 1908? Thanking you in advance, Noor
    5. Noor


      Hi all, What kind of numbered French wings are these? Also what period? Judging by construction I guess 50-60s or even younger? Thanking you for your help in advance.
    6. Thanks guys! Stuka f, you have a nice theme going on there. If you need another one, then It's yours. Send me pm then. Yes, that's the Belgium unit that came in my mind as well but I didn't remember the name. Thanks again!
    7. Hi all, I came across with this badge below and just wondering what it is - a military or hunting related? I kind a remember that some central Europe units used bore as their symbol on their units. Also badges construction, I think, is French or Belgium style. Thanking you in advance, Noor
    8. Hi all, I have this pair listed up on ebay already because these are not my collecting interest but I still would like to learn and understand from what period these are from? They are sterling silver stamped pair of USN collars. Very interesting and definitely not modern screw fixing system on the back. Could some of you with more knowledge can advise from what period these were used? WW1 perhaps? Thanks, Noor
    9. Looks kind a familiar combination... Only imperial Russian award has been moved a step down.
    10. Hi all, Does this ribbon bar and the uniform insignia, etc makes sence? Thanks, Noor
    11. Hi, I just sent you his comprehensive service file that got. This explains why he retired, why there is no trace of him and why his family forgot him. Very very sad story...
    12. Here is my only one attached to the group...
    13. Great medal bar! Check back to the first page here for a matching ribbon bar!!!
    14. Hi all, Here is one another local find. A nice small 2nd Bengal Lancers silver badge. Unfortunately no hallmarks. This info I got from the badges forum: according to Nath's definitive book on the Indian Cavalry - "Only officers wore this particular badge sometime between 1895 and 1903. It was also worn as a collar badge. Both Silver and Bronze examples have been seen" Its illustrated in his book P42 ( C1.7.10 ) I will move it on because its not my collecting interest but what you guys think about the pin system? Was something like that used for insignia in India? I am more use to it with loops or sliders when it comes to British badges :). Thanks
    15. Here I found another sad tail of Denison's family from WW1. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/ww1/2014/09/08/torontos_first_casualty_of_world_war_i.html
    16. Hi Tony, looks like you are correct. It was really puzzled me why there is no more if him being wounded, etc? Here is a message that I received from Australia last night: Hi, a bit of info your medals to Pte. Glass. Per the National Archives of Australia and State Records Office As happened to many at the time, your man was sent home to Australia from Egypt having contracted VD. This action was in line with the regulation laid down at the time. Looking at the dates it is highly improbable that he ever reached Gallipoli. When declared free of VD on 8/8/15 he would have been immediately discharged and given the option of rejoining .. Apparently he chose not to. This was a very common sequence of events. The AIF records were deliberately kept sparse to keep family etc. from the stigma as it was perceived to be at the time. Hope this is of some interest. Cheers He got home and married in Cork 1916... Also yesterday I found out that after his time in Northern Ireland he returned at some stage to Dublin and died here.
    17. Hi all, A random local find again (not my interest so it's actually up on evil-bay already). Just wanted to show how it's still possible to find a random sets of medals that research could turn out something extraordinary... 1058 Private Richard Glass A Coy, 2nd Battalion, A.I.F. Richard was born in Cork 3rd Jan 1893 as a son of shop keeper. He travelled to Australia 1913. When the Great War started he enlisted into the famous A Coy 2nd Battalion Australian Imperial Force. They landed in Egypt Egypt for extra training before front line service. Private Glass must been one of the many Australians who landed in Gallipoli on the 25th April and probably he got wounded. He was sent back to Australia on the 28 April 1915 on board "Suevic". He was discharged after recovery 8th August 1915. From Wikipedia: Gallipolli During the landing at Anzac Cove on 25 April 1915, the 2nd Battalion, under Braund's command, came ashore in the second and third waves, landing a total of 31 officers and 937 other ranks. Upon landing, the 2nd Battalion dispatched two companies, 'A' and 'D' to assist the 3rd Brigade who were pushing inland towards a high feature known as "Baby 700", which overlooked the beachhead. One of the 2nd Battalion's platoons, under Lieutenant Leslie Morshead, advanced further than any other Australian unit, making it to the slopes of Baby 700, before a determined counter-attack by Ottoman forces drove them back in the afternoon. At some stage he was returned back to Ireland. He served as a Sergeant S/493 in Ulster Special Constabulary, union Barracks, The workhouse, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh. They were heavily involve of turbulent times in Ireland at that time, operating during the Ireland War of Independence and IRA operations. He died in UK 10 August 1967. I was also able to find a nice portrait of him from Ancestry.
    18. Nice family history there... Anybody with the Ancestry Canadian access perhaps can review what he did after the war (occupation, etc). MacLean's - The Fighting Denison's - 1913.pdf
    19. Hi all, I am hoping to find any extra information of Oliver Macklem Denison (1874-1925), Leinster Regiment. Especially it's puzzles me what medals he had entitled to in total and also did he saw any form of service during the Great War. So far I have mainly information of his famous family linage but not so much of him. Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Oliver Macklem Denison (7 August 1874 – 22 November 1942) Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment Oliver was born as a son of Colonel George Taylor Denison (31 August 1839 – 6 June 1925) and Helen Mair Denison (1865 – 1939). His father was President of the Royal Society of Canada, member of the Toronto city council. From the first he took a prominent part in the organisation of the military forces of Canada, becoming a lieutenant-colonel in the active militia in 1866. He saw active service during the Fenian raids of 1866, and during the North-West Rebellion of 1885. Owing to his dissatisfaction with the conduct of the Conservative ministry during the Red River Rebellion in 1869-70, he abandoned that party, and in 1872 unsuccessfully contested Algoma in the Liberal interest. Thereafter he remained free from party ties. In 1877 he was appointed police magistrate of Toronto. Colonel Denison was one of the founders of the Canada First movement, which did much to shape the national aspirations from 1870 to 1878, and was a consistent supporter of imperial federation and of preferential trade between Great Britain and her colonies. He became a member of the Royal Society of Canada, and was president of the section dealing with English history and literature. The best known of his military works is his History of Modern Cavalry (London, 1877), which was awarded the Czar of Russia Prize in an open competition in 1879, and has been translated into German, Russian and Japanese. It remains one of the definitive works on the subject. In 1900 he published his reminiscences under the title of Soldiering in Canada. He was a public defender of Upper Canada College, and was also known for virulent Anti-Americanism; after a proposal was made to erect a statue of George Washington in Westminster Abbey, he threatened that if it were built, he would go there to spit on it. Following the attempts by the Fenian raiders to "liberate" Canada between 1866 and 1871, Denison claimed a Yankee sword from the battlefield for a poker on his fire. Nowadays there is a Canadian Forces “Lieutenant-Colonel George Taylor Denison III Armoury”, commonly known as “Denison Armoury” facility located at 1 Yukon Lane in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Armoury is the headquarters of 4th Canadian Division (formerly Land Force Central Area), Joint Task Force Central, and the 32 Canadian Brigade Group. It is also home to several units of the brigade. Oliver’s uncle was also well known figure in Canada history - Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Charles Denison CMG, MP (November 22, 1846 – April 15, 1896) was a Canadian militia officer, lawyer, and Member of the Canadian Parliament for West Toronto. His military experience began in 1865, when he joined the Canadian Militia. In 1868 he was made a lieutenant, in 1872 captain; four years later major; and in 1884 was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel. Denison saw active service during the Fenian raids in 1866 and in the Red River Expedition of 1870, as aide-de-camp to Lord Wolseley. He was an alderman from St. Stephens ward on the Toronto City Council from 1878 to 1883. In 1881, he was elected chairman of the executive committee. From 1884 to 1885, Denison went to Egypt in command of the Canadian Voyageurs on the Nile employed by the Imperial Government in the Sudan Campaign. He distinguished himself during this war, and was not only given prominent mention in the dispatches but received a medal with two clasps. In 1885 he was made a companion of the Order of St Michael and St George. He won the West Toronto Conservative nomination for the 1887 federal election over three other candidates, including incumbent parliamentarian James Beaty, Jr..He subsequently won a narrow victory over his Liberal opponent in the general election. He was re-elected in 1891, and died of stomach cancer while still in office in 1896. LG 24 June 1898 The Prince of Wales’s Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians), Sergeant Oliver Macklem Denison, from the South Staffordshire Regiment, to be Second Lieutenant, on augmentation. Dated 25th June 1898. On retired pay - 14 Nov 1900 (Harts annual Army List 1908) Burial https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=68071286 Lieutenant (retired) Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment Second son of Colonel George Taylor Denison of Heydon Villa, Toronto. Parents: George Taylor Denison (1839 - 1925) Caroline Denison (1842 - 1885) Siblings: Elsie Margaret Denison (____ - 1890)** Mary Anne Denison Dunsford (1864 - 1941)* Caroline Adelaide Kirkpatrick (1865 - 1947)* Julia Ann Denison Nattress (1867 - 1956)* George Taylor Denison (1869 - 1917)* Oliver Macklem Denison (1874 - 1942) Burial: Saint Johns Cemetery on the Humber Toronto Toronto Municipality Ontario, Canada
    20. This medal is looking a new home now. If any forum member is interested please let me know (looking what I paid back)...
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