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    Everything posted by IVB

    1. Is this "Order of Genghis Khan"?
    2. Hello! Name of the award can be translated as: Medal "Delegate of the Congress of Heroes and Distinguished of the Southern Fleet of China Navy".
    3. Hello, Noor! You have jettons of Russian Provisional Government (1917). First - "For Fighters of Liberty", second - "Free Russia". Additional info about Russian Provisional Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Provisional_Government. Regards, IVB
    4. Hello! Jesus Orta Ruiz awarded by Fidel (1998):
    5. Hello! If it is interesting for someone, here is link for the "Law on Emulation and Commendation" (26.11.2003): http://vbqppl3.moj.gov.vn/law/en/2001_to_2...00311260004_en/ Regards, IVB
    6. Thank you, Ed. What about image of this order? Unfortunately I have not Battushig's book.
    7. Hello! I found two interesting articles in the web: RIA "News", 10.04.2002 "Mongolia is establishing new highest state award ? "Order of Genghis Khan". This is initiative of the president of Mongolia Natsagiin Bagabandi according to right provided him by Constitution. Sketch, as well as the projects of statute and regulations of award developed by working group, and now it's in considering of the parliament of Mongolia. New order will be the main state award of Mongolia. Unlike tradition to wear orders and medals on the left breast, "Order of Genghis Khan" will be worn on the neck ribbon. It will be annexed small badge for permanent wearing on clothes. It is assumed, what the first orders will be manufactured and awarded at the time of 3rd May 2002 ? 840th anniversary of the birthday of Genghis Khan." RIA "News", 18.05.2002 "Great State Khural of Mongolia on its sitting accepted decree about establishment of new highest state award - "Order of Genghis Khan". On Saturday, press service of Mongol parliament reported to RIA "News", "order is called to play important role to immortalize the name of Genghis Khan - the founder of united Mongol state". "Order of Genghis Khan" will be manufactured from gold, silver and precious stones. It costs will compose 3.2 millions of tugriks (about $3000). According to the decree of Mongol parliament, every recepient of this order will receive also money prize of 360 thousands of tugriks ($330)." Any info about this? Regards, IVB
    8. President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez received this order from Fidel Castro on 14.12.2004 (Habana, Karl Marx Theatre). Here you can read Castro's speech: http://www.cuba.cu/gobierno/discursos/2004/ing/f141204i.html
    9. Medal "75th Anniversary of Militia" and Medal "80th Anniversary of Militia" pictures: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=156651 and 80 years on another type of suspension: Medali "80 sol TMM ChT" This is jubilee medal (Tajik DOSAAF?). pictures: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=3253...st&p=322369 Unknown Medal
    10. Medali Chashnii "5 solagii Kuvvahoi Musallahi Chumhurii Tochikiston" (Medal "5th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of Tajikistan") picture: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=228884 Medali Chashnii "10 solagii Kuvvahoi Musallahi Chumhurii Tochikiston" (Medal "10th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of Tajikistan") picture: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=228884 Medali Chashnii "15 solagii Kuvvahoi Musallahi Chumhurii Tochikiston" (Medal "15th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of Tajikistan")
    11. Honorary titles "????????? (????)-? ?????? ??????????" Awarded to writers and poets for merits in development of Tadjik and other national literatures, the creation of works of high art that receivied peoples acknowledgement, and usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "?????????? ?????? ??????????" Awarded to persons for special contributions in development dramatic, musical, cinema and circus arts of Tajikistan, usually, after 5 years of receiving of honorary title "?????????? ??????? ??????????". "?????? ?????? ??????????" Awarded to outstanding singers of popular and classic songs owning high vocal skill and having merits in the development of arts in Tajikistan, and usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "??????? ?????? ??????????" Awarded to outstanding workers of pictorial art for the creation of valuable works of painting, sculptures, graphics, monumental, of decorative-applied art, for final composition of drama, cinema and television, as well as who made significant contribution in national culture, education of young artists, and usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "?????? ??? ?? ???????? ??????????" Awarded to outstanding scientists-engineers, to scientific and pedagogical employees having doctor degree, whether working as to specialty not less than twenty years, for scientific and technical discovery and tractate having theoretical and pragmatic significance contributing the acceleration of scientific-and-technological progress, of the social-economic and cultural development of republic, for merits in the development of the prioritized directions of science and technology, education and preparation of brainpower. "?????? ?????? ??????????" Awarded to producers, orchestra conductors, composers, artists, sculptors, designers, to playwrights and other workers of arts for the creation of outstanding performances, concerts, for merits in preparation and education of talented peoples, the creation of tractate, and working in the field of art 15 and more years, usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "?????????? ??????? ??????????" Awarded to artists, producers, orchestra conductors, concert-masters, ballet-masters, creative workers of theaters, cinema, television and radio, philarmony, circus, ensembles, chorus teams, to musical performers, who achieved high skill and made significant contribution in the development of the art of Tajikistan and education of creative people, working as to specialty 15 and more years, and usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "???????? ??????? ??????????" Awarded to the employees of material manufacturing, of legal and social sphere, culture, of education, of the mass-media, of state employment for high labor achievements, working in its branch 15 and more years, and usually awarded with state awards of Tajikistan. "?????? ????????? ??????????" Awarded to persons, according to Law of Republic of Tajikistan "About donors of blood of and its components", with envisaged privileges and advantages.
    12. Medal "Marzboni Shuchoi Tochikiston" (Valorous Border Guard of Tajikistan) Awarded to border troops, as well as other member of armed forces and other citizens of Republic Tajikistan for acts of bravery and special merits in the protecting of the frontiers of Republic Tajikistan, for bravery and selflessness, high vigilance and enterprising actions in capturing the offenders of frontier, for active help to border troops in their work. Medal worn on ribbon on the left breast. for picture please see: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=156096
    13. Medal "Shafkat" Awarded to the citizens of Republic Tajikistan for active, fruitful benevolent activity and mercy, for successes in work of health protection of population to and rendering of medical care. Medal worn on ribbon on the left breast. for picture please see: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=156096
    14. Medal "Khizmati Shoista" (Meritorious Worker) Awarded to the citizens of Republic Tajikistan for labor achievements in economics, social sphere, science, culture, for successes in state, military and police service. Medal worn on ribbon on the left breast.
    15. Medal "Chasorat" (Valor) Awarded to members of armed forces, privates and commanders of the organs of internal affairs and other citizens of Republic Tajikistan for bravery and selflessness in battle actions, in military and civil duty, protection of human rights with risk for their own life, in extremum situations connected with the rescue of human lives (waters, fires and acts of nature). Medal "Chasorat" worn on ribbon on the left breast.
    16. Order "Sharaf" (Glory) Awarded to the citizens of Republic Tajikistan for merits in the development of economics, social sphere, sciences, culture and education, for exemplary state and military service and active public service. Order divided into two classes: I class - breast badge with rosette on the ribbon (worn on the left breast); II class - breast badge without rosette (worn on the left breast). for pictures please see: http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=183295 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=1699...st&p=183311 There is seems to be another type of badge (not on the ribbon).
    17. Order "Spitamen" Order divided into two classes: I class - breast badge with rosette on the ribbon (worn on the left breast); II class - breast badge without rosette (worn on the left breast). I class awarded to senior officers of the armed forces, high command of the Ministry of Interior for achievements in management of army, maintenance of their high alertness, for the excellent organization of military, boundary and internal service, maintenance of defensibility, safety and protection of a social order. II class awarded to officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers, to command of the Ministry of Interior at performance of the military and service duty, for acts of bravery in extreme situations, in struggle with criminality.
    18. Order "Dusti" (Friendship) This order awarded to state and public workers, workers of science and culture, literatures and arts and other citizens of Republic Tajikistan for active and fruitful service in the fields of: strengthening of peace, friendship and collaboration between nations, to the protection of the human rights and social interests, for great personal contribution in development and multiplication of the spiritual and intellectual potential of Republic Tajikistan.
    19. Order "Ismoili Somoni" Awarded to state and public figures, scientists, cultural workers and other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for high achievements in their labor, for significant contributions to state development, for great achievements in military service, social, cultural, public and charitable work. Order is divided into three classes: I class: badge (worn on the sash through right shoulder) and breast star (worn on the left breast). II class: neck badge (for males) or badge on bow (for females, worn on the left breast). III class: breast badge (worn on the left breast). I class awarded to: - Heads of the states, the governments and parliaments of the foreign states; - Ministers, ambassadors and the heads of departments of the foreign states; - Heads of representations of regional and other international organizations; - Heads of bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authority of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the state posts of the government which legal status is determined by the Constitution of Republic Tadjikistan, constitutional and other laws of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the supreme and main state posts of public service in Republic Tadjikistan who, usually, are awarded with an order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" II class, or "Zarrintoch" II class, or "Ismoili Somoni" II class; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for new merits which are awarded with order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" II class, or "Zarrintoch" II class, or "Ismoili Somoni" II class. II class awarded to: - The persons occupying the state posts of the government which legal status is determined by the Constitution of Republic Tadjikistan, constitutional and other laws of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the main and leading state posts of public service in Republic Tadjikistan who, usually, are awarded with order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" III class, or "Zarrintoch" III class, or "Ismoili Somoni" III class; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for new merits which, are awarded with order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" III class, or "Zarrintoch" III class, or "Ismoili Somoni" III class. III class awarded to: - The persons occupying leading posts of state service in Republic Tadjikistan; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for the new merits awarded with other state awards. To the citizens awarded with order "Ismoili Somoni", irrespective of other extra charges to pensions, the monthly extra charge to the pension is: I class - 35 % II class - 25 % III class - 15 %.
    20. Order "Zarrintoch" Awarded to state and public figures and other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for oustanding merits to the state, state and political activity, for high achievements in democratic transformations and economic reforms, development of a science and culture, for special merits in protection of Fatherland, for selflessness and the civil valour, for merits in the consolidation, stability and strengthening of the Tadjik statehood. Order is divided into three classes: I class: badge (worn on the sash through right shoulder) and breast star (worn on the left breast). II class: neck badge (for males) or badge on bow (for females, worn on the left breast). III class: breast badge (worn on the left breast). I class awarded to: - Heads of the states, the governments and parliaments of the foreign states; - Ministers and the heads of departments of the foreign states; - Heads of representations of regional and other international organizations; - Heads of bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authority of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the state posts of the government which legal status is determined by the Constitution of Republic Tadjikistan, constitutional and other laws of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the supreme and main state posts of public service in Republic Tadjikistan who, usually, are awarded with an order "Ismoili Somoni" I class, or "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" II class, or "Zarrintoch" II class; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for new merits which are awarded with order "Ismoili Somoni" I class, or "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" II class, or "Zarrintoch" II class. II class awarded to: - The persons occupying the state posts of the government which legal status is determined by the Constitution of Republic Tadjikistan, constitutional and other laws of Republic Tadjikistan; - The persons occupying the main and leading state posts of public service in Republic Tadjikistan who, usually, are awarded with order "Ismoili Somoni" II class or "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" III class, or "Zarrintoch" III class; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for new merits which, are awarded with order "Ismoili Somoni" II class or "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" III class, or "Zarrintoch" III class. III class awarded to: - The persons occupying leading posts of state service in Republic Tadjikistan; - Other citizens of Republic Tadjikistan for the new merits awarded not less than two orders or a medal and a honorary title. To the citizens awarded with order "Zarrintoch", irrespective of other extra charges to pensions, the monthly extra charge to the pension is: I class - 40 % II class - 30 % III class - 20 %.
    21. Order "Star of President of Tajikistan" (Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston) This is the highest order. Awarded for outstanding merits in peacekeeping and development, politic and public spheres, economic and social spheres, science and culture, state service etc. Order divided into three classes: 1 class (badge and breast star) - badge worn on sash, star - on the left breast; 2 class (neck badge); 3 class (breast badge) - worn on the left breast. 1 class awarded to: - foreign heads of states, governments and parliaments. - heads of legislative, the executive and court powers of Republic Tajikistan; - other persons who occupies high state appointments; - persons who occupies high state appointments and has Order "Zarrintoch" 1 class or Order "Ismoili Somoni" 1st class or Order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" 2nd class. 2 class awarded to: - ministers, ambassadors and heads of departments of foreign countries; - heads of regional and international organisations; - persons who occupies state appointments and has Order "Zarrintoch" 2nd class or Order "Ismoili Somoni" 2nd class or Order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" 3rd class; - other persons who has Order "Zarrintoch" 2nd class or Order "Ismoili Somoni" 2nd class or Order "Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston" 3rd class. 3rd class awarded to: - persons occupying leading state appointments in Republic of Tajikistan; - other persons who has Order "Zarrintoch" 3rd class or Order "Ismoili Somoni" 3rd class or Order "Dusti". Recipients of the Order receive next additives to the pension: 1 class - 50% 2 class - 40% 3rd class - 30%.
    22. Tajikistan President's Badge Badge is in using after E. Rakhmonov enauguration. This is modification of "Sitorai Presidenti Tochikiston" 1st class. Badge and collar made from gold, silver, rubies and emeralds.
    23. State awards of Tajikistan were established on July 31st of 2001. Hero of Tajikistan (Kahramoni Tochikiston) This title is the highest award of Republic. Title "Hero of Tajikistan" awarded for heroic, combat and labour merits in the name of liberty, independence and prosperity of Tajikistan. Hero receive also "Kahramoni Tochikiston" gold star that wears on the left breast. Recipients get 100% additive to the pension, are provided by net room area in the first place. Net room area occupied by them and the members of their families and municipal facilities are paid at the rate of 50%; and other privileges.
    24. Hello, Hugh! There are state awards of Tajikistan: Hero of Tajikistan (Kahramoni Tochikiston) Tajikistan President's Badge Order "Star of President of Tajikistan" (Sitorai Prezidenti Tochikiston) Order "Zarrintoch" Order "Ismoili Somoni" Order "Friendship" (Dusti) Order "Spitamen" Order "Glory" (Sharaf) Medal "Valor" (Chasorat) Medal "Meritorious Worker" (Khizmati Shoista) Medal "Shafkat" Medal "Valorous Border Guard of Tajikistan" (Marzboni Shuchoi Tochikiston) and Honour Titles. There are also some ministerial awards. I have information in Russian, but, if you want, I can translate and put it into the forum. Regards, IVB
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