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    About norwest78

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    1. I'm hoping that somebody recognizes this monument and can identify it. Thanks for any clues! --Kevin Oddly similar is this monument in Michigan state, USA, dedicated in 1938 to Hugh Gray, the dean of Michigan's tourist activity!
    2. Seems like a really odd combination, and I'm not sure what his role was. I don't think they launched aircraft from submarines, so I don't think he was a naval aviator, unless he changed assignments. Or perhaps flying was his "hobby." I'm wondering if it's possible to identify him, since there is (somewhere) a list of Silver C recipients, and I doubt there are many submariners on it. --Kevin
    3. Thank you, Andy! I didn't get a notice about your reply, so it took me a while to see it. Best regards, Kevin
    4. I have a photo of Viktor Lutze reviewing a police formation, and also mentioned on the reverse is Kurt Matthis. He is referred to as Regierungsprasident. Seemingly of some importance, but I can find no such person. I'd appreciate any references! Regards, Kevin
    5. Thanks "Bayern." I searched Brindisi and I didn't not find a monument that was quite the style of the size of the one in my photos. I'll keep looking.
    6. Hello Philipp. Wow, after 14 years, a reply! Thank you for sharing those photos. I wouldn't think of asking you to give those up! Here are some photos of Heinrich's items that I've kept together. I will send a message to you later. Regards, Kevin
    7. Thank you for taking the time to do some digging. Nothing conclusive yet. As you, I suspect the original site is much different today.
    8. The photos initially caught my eye because of my interest in tropical/DAK attire. But there's clearly something of significance going on here. --Kevin
    9. Thank you for the reply, GreyC. That monument column is very large, and I'm hoping that someone will recognize it.
    10. The attached photo shows the grave marker (with French-style dog tags attached) of 4 Moroccans KIA in November 1939. My assumption is that they were colonial troops who fell sometime during the "Phoney War" when France made limited incursions into Germany while most German forces were engaged in Poland. Is that a reasonable assumption? --Kevin
    11. T-26. Only the most common Soviet tank, lol. So many variants that I missed it in my searches.
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