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Everything posted by freiherr
These pictures were taken in Verdun summer 1917. v Garnier was Kmdr of Maarsgruppe Ost (from V Res Korps, I suppose). It had two Baden divisions under it: 28 Res Div under Alfred Zeithen and 228 ID under Paul v d Heyde ( and 25 Res Div with a Württemberg Gen Alfred Mohn) . I have never seen pictures of Paul Heinrich Sigusmund v d Heyde. But there was a Hermann Heinrich Sigismund v d Heyde that commanded 29 Badische ID. Were they related? The tiny pic I posted may indeed show Paul v d Heyde. So v Garnier was here with Langer who was Kmdr of 28 Badische ID. 28 ID for sure participated in the Verdun Stellungkampfe under Maarsgruppe West (v Francois) and Maarsgruppe Ost. Cheers Freiherr
Hi Christophe, More precisely, this was most likely König v Sachsen awarding medals to the 4 Württemberg divisions under XIX (sächs) Korps (under v Laffert who just died) after their hard pummeling by the British in the Wytschaetebogen which was a precursor to the 3rd battle of Ypres. IR 121 was part of 26 Res Division under the command of GenLt Albert v Fritsch, later PLM. So he was likely the man with his hand raised to his helmut in the first pic. I see he too had gotten the Albert Order. Still trying on the others. Could the general with his face away from us in both pics be Sachsen Kriegsminister Karl Wilsdorf? BTW, a bit off topic. In your Sachsen showcase thread, "v Eberhardt" should be later PLM v Ehrenthal. He commanded 23 ID before the war and was recalled to to active service after the outbreak of WW1. Not sure if that was him in the 23 Res Div picture at Hénin Liétard you posted. To me the general up front looked a little like Bernhard v Watzdorf, Kmdr 23 Res Div Cheers Elwyn
This was taken circa the Flandernschlacht a.k.a. 3rd Battle of Ypres a.k.a. Battle of Passchendaele. 4 Württemberger divisions were there: 26 Res (v Fritsch), 26 (v Hofacker) , 204 (Hermann v Stein) and 27 (v Moser). The XIX (Sächs) Korps was also there. Incidentally the old Kmdr of XIX Korps, v Laffert, died of heart failure on this exact day and was replaced in August by v Carlowitz. So far unfortunately I have not been able to recognize any generals yet. Cheers Elwyn
v Hindenburg's pic with various PLMs was taken in late 1918. #434 was Walter Reinhardt, with kriegsministerium #436 was Wilhelm Groener, Erster QM b Großes Hauptquartier #437 was Wilhelm Heye, Oberste Heeresleitung Chief of Operations Section Regarding Gruson's pic, this was stated by the seller as taken in Goslar. Gruson was born in Halberstadt and IR 72 was HQ'ed in Halle, all later Nazi WK XI cities. Perhaps that would give a clue as to who the others were, Cheers Elwyn
v Hindenburg's pic with various PLMs was taken in late 1918. #434 was Walter Reinhardt, with kriegsministerium #436 was Wilhelm Groener, Erster QM b Großes Hauptquartier #437 was Wilhelm Heye, Oberste Heeresleitung Chief of Operations Section Regarding Gruson's pic, this was stated by the seller as taken in Goslar. Gruson was born in Halberstadt and IR 72 was HQ'ed in Halle, all later Nazi WK XI cities. Perhaps that would give a clue as to who the others were, Cheers Elwyn
OK took a while. All that wild goose chase with Sachsen units. No 3 was Otto v Garnier. You can see Red Eagle Order breast star in the same position on pocket flap. So why was Garnier there? Between his PLM on 17.10.1916 and Langer's on 08.10.1917, Garnier was Kmdr V Res Korps. Was that part of AOK7? I started off as a Wehrmacht reseracher so I am spoiled with Mehner and Georg Tessin. Soooooooo hard to get a decent OOB at your finger tips. Cheers Elwyn
Reinhard Montag listed 5 Prussian von Boehn and no v Böhn. PLM GenObst Max was the famous one. Philipp Oktavio and Julius Heinrich were accounted for by Priesdorff. Could someone help me with this circa WW1 von Boehn? GenMj Ludwig Christian Georg 1854 - 1920 or Gen d Kav Hans v Boehn 1853 - 1931? Cheers Elwyn
http://de.wikipedia....er_von_Xylander Re Xylander, there is a GenObst Joseph Anton Emil 20.02.1835 - 04.10.10, bayr Militärbevollmachtigter general in Berlin here. http://books.google.com/books?id=ElIrAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=pacific+Xylander&source=bl&ots=V3HX8SeYr5&sig=aPWx89WlU-It0KwJBvWylhCPk0Q&hl=en&ei=RhhDTO6TN4OB8gaP_amUCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CBkQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=pacific%20Xylander&f=false Same man. Of interest is the Obst Emil v Xylander that followed him .... could he be the father of Oskar of WW1 fame? http://www.lexikon-d...dolfRitterv.htm Here it said GenObst Joseph Anton Emil was father of MMJO Wehrmacht GenMj zV Rudolf and grandfather of Wehrmacht GenLt Wolf Dietrich Cheers Elwyn
Thank you for your help. If you could check the DOD of Hurt was indeed 04.10.1914 http://www.worldstat...elgiumprov.html This site has Hurt being Gouv v Brüssel u Brabant after Adm Ludwig v Schroeder ( I assume it meant the Adm as he was Kmdr of Marinekorps Flandern at this time). I re-read Krafft v Dellmensingen's Das Bayernbuch ( hard to get from New Jersey off-site storage to New York Public Library every time) and it had the precise time as 03.08.16 - 11.11.18. The said website also had Hurt as Gouv v Luxembourg in 1914. Krafft's dates for von Hirschberg's as Gouv v Namur was 25.08.14 - 21.08.16 Cheers Elwyn
In Josef Peter's Unsere Bayern im Felde Vol 2, it showed Left: GenLt Friedrich Hurt. He also had the BMV OffzKreuz. Sorry, either I am too cheap or too low on the totem pole to be able to post anything bigger. Right: GenLt Ferdinand Müller. Looks like Müller had the Spanish Military Merit Cross. Bottom: GenLt FrHr ? v Hirschberg. he also had the BMV Offzkreuz Would anyone be kind enough to fill in the DOB/DOD, promotion dates, assignments etc? Cheers Elwyn