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    Igor Ostapenko

    Valued Member
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    Everything posted by Igor Ostapenko

    1. I have these medals ( without XII years cross and without spanish cross ) russian cross of st. George number 29968 In 1972 y. 20 Austrian soldiers receive st. George crosses , but in russian archive we have only four names. May be I can receive Information from some austrian book or archive ? Thank you !
    2. Mikulas, great awards and memory !!! I have this ribbonsbar
    3. Thank you, anybody have this not rare medal in collection ?
    4. prof. Pavlov not sell this book on eBay for $180. Some seller from Bulgaria want this price. In Bulgaria you can pay for this book for 170-200 Bulgarian Levs - 105-120 US$ . Professor of Economics can make sate and can sell book to collectors for good price ( and with autographe )
    5. I'm ready to pay if book can help me . Do you see book about serbian orders and medals ? Information about variants and producers, quality of pictures and price 100€
    6. No, very expencive ( I need information about Battenberg period awards and in all books minimum information about this period ... )
    7. Two Jankovic - Nicola and Stevan - may be brothers ?
    8. This cross was for sell in Russia few years ego
    9. Roll from this book http://www.archive.org/stream/ratsrbijesaturs00vojsgoog#page/n9/mode/2up
    10. 150 names I have cross of Stevan Jankovic
    11. new book http://www.ebay.com/itm/282576877015
    12. Thank you ! Who need copy's of these documents in 1940 ? And why ? ( I have simple Romanian, I was born in small town Reni on Danube )
    13. I have few copys from 1940 Can you help me with translation from Romanian ?
    14. Hi Graf, I have picture of front cover
    15. Thank you, Moderator, can you move this topic to correct forum ?
    16. I have book about St. Alexander order, but can't to find about Bravery order
    17. another photo from my collection Атанас Илиев Дуков
    18. Independence medal, private issued?
    19. Major General Блъсков, Андрей Райков in 1877-78 war "Юнкер в 4-та рота на 2-ра опълченска дружина" receive Златен войнишки кръст "За храброст" 1-ва степен Major Панов, Павел Спиридонов in 1877-78 war was унтерофицер "3-та рота на 1-ва опълченска дружина" receive cross 2-nd class Interesting photo with names
    20. Драган Стоянов, субалтер-офицер на І дружина в Опълчението with russian and romanian awards Nikifor Nikiforov - Lt. Gen. with soldiers cross for bravery photo of former participant in the Voluntary Corps Kosta Panica with soldiers cross Вестник България, № 597 от 12 февраля 1903 г. " Тези дни Негово Императорско Величество (руският) цар е благоволил да изпрати в подарък на всеки опълченец, кавалер на руския военен орден за храброст, по една хубава сребърна чаша с името на опълченеца и вензела на царя, а на всеки офицер-опълченец по една златна табакера. Ще бъдат раздадени 140 сребърни чаши от масивно сребро, всяка една тежаща по 72 грама, извътре позлатена с вензела на цар Николай II, поставени в дървени кутии, обвити в червена кожа с руския герб."
    21. Great photos !!! Thank you ! https://www.ebay.com/itm/371984779044
    22. Moderator, can you move these posts to
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