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    Igor Ostapenko

    Valued Member
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    Everything posted by Igor Ostapenko

    1. Hi Graf, single order 3rd class belonged to MG, uniform with order 1st cass - to Marshal
    2. from museum in Krimea - order of soviet MG Bocharov L.P. two photos of Marshal Tolbuhin
    3. May be anybody have best pictures of these medalsbars from Museum ? ... and best pictures of these awards of Gen. Nicola Genev
    4. Terry, you can try to find some information on this russian forum http://ak-group.ru/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=259 ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪ better picture of cross from Maybauer cataloge ( 1920-1930 )
    5. Claudio, thank you for pictures of first type of award !!!
    6. Thank you Claudio ! Do you have pictures of Order from XIX century ?
    7. Thank you Claudio ! In Barry's store was few Savoy orders https://www.emedals.com/europe/italy/orders/military-order-of-savoy but this $2.5K - so expencive ! Why ?
    8. For sale https://www.emedals.com/europe/italy/orders/military-order-of-savoy/an-italian-military-order-of-savoy-5th-class this is original WWI order ?
    9. Today arrived 32 mm, marked BRONZE on the "loop" and another from my collection - 31 mm
    10. May be Mr. Manov can help us ? We need pictures of badge reverse and picture of box ( on the box - producer of badge !!! )
    11. "... medal Circular gold medal with a crown above. The centre bears a red crosson a cloth red, green and white background... " may be anybody can receive from IWM pictures of badge not for £50 ?
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