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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. Now a ribbon bar with a third combo EK II - EhrenKreuz - Bravery Medal 1st - Com medal 1918 Christer
    2. Another medal bar , this time with EK II - EhrenKreuz - 1918 Com Medal
    3. here is more Medal bars and ribbon bars connected to the war 1918 in finland First a EK II - Finnish Liberty Cross IV - Bravery Medal I st class The blue ribbon on the bravery medal is almost completely faded. This is an early bar without 1934 EhrenKreuz. Neither has he got the 1918 com medal Christer
    4. Nice One ! I think Romania have the nicest boxes of all the Eastern Countries Christer
    5. Aha, was this in your collection back in 2006 Chris ? I just found the EK doc , I have to check with the seller if there is more docs to the same man . Seems to have been a interesting career Thanks for the info I would never have found it in the archives Christer
    6. 1500 Euros of course an unusual EK I but still a EK I , what next ? 300 Euro for a Ehrenkreuz with a rare maker ? Maybe a EK II document folded in a strange way or written with red ink ? Heaven is the limit
    7. Hallo collector friends , I could use some help in reading this document , a EK I awarded in 1919 by 5 Minen Such Flottille ? Can anyone transcrypt the writing ? Thanks in advance Christer
    8. Thanks Dave and Bavaria , now it become a little bit clearer when I look through the old Bavarian Rolls. Normally it says JM or PRLM and now I know the difference , a interesting and often bypassed medal I think Christer
    9. Fantastic work Dave Great to see the work on narrowing down the candidates to tjhe last one ! Christer
    10. And speaking about Bavarian Bravery medals Did anyone se that original box for a medal on German Ebay ? sold for 546 Euro !! I knew that the medals are rare and suppose the boxes are really rare but still 546 E for a box ? And I thought the MVK boxes was expensive :cheeky:
    11. Wow , thanks Dave ! its always interesting with a story like this . Wounded three times and back in service in the next war With the Hessian Bravery I can now delete him 100% The search goes on Christer
    12. Hmm the search goes on , LtdR Freidrich Gesell was killed May 29th 1918 so probably one more off the list. Wich leaves me with "possible" 12 suspects to this bar with 5 hotter candidates from IR 91 and FAR 62. I must try to find a Regimential story for IR 91 and or FAR 62 maybe there are some clues in there Christer
    13. Fantastic Pic Christophe And what a family , seems that everyone was in the military :whistle:
    14. Hmm 2717 S:t henry Knight awarded , 584 Sa3aXmKr and about the same for SSRM I should find him So far I found 1 with all of the awards and SSRM but he was Major in 1924 and had a BZL3mEl also so probably not my guy . Does anyone know if there is a book with the S:t Henry winners ?
    15. :cheeky: I have one of the few Christophe., I love phots showing unusual awards and hoped it was a SSRM on his bar . He shouldn´t be mpossible to find with SH3 , SA3aXKr , HHO3X and SSRM I think I have started the search , only about 2600 SH winners left ...... Christer
    16. Here is a new photo in my collection , a Wermacht Officer with wife and daughter 1941 , but what awards do her have ?? what I can see , and far away sure he was a saxon well decorated soldier in WW I , but that ribbon on his uniform Lokks like..... a Lifesaving medal ? I have never seen anything like it before .... Ok here is me trying to id the ribbon bar , and better pics will follow EK II - S:t heinrich - Albert Order Knight w Crown and swords , uhh Civilan Saxon Order ? , Albert order - KVK 1939 - ?? - Saxon Long service or ?? EK I on the breast so sure an officer in WW 1 . anyone ? Christer
    17. Here a n rather unusual style of ribbon bar , it looks almost american . First the medal for war 1941-45, then medal for Olympic games 1952 , Civil defence medal and last a Swedish Order of the Sword ?
    18. Now here is some more colourfull ones At the bottom a Lotta Svärd ribbon bar wich is very unusual Liberty Cross 4th class non fighter 1939 ? Order of the white Rose Knight (a civilian award ) Lotta Svärd merit Cross (400 awarded) , and winter war The liberty cross could mean that she was wounded during war. The 4th class was often awarded to wounded soldiers. Next one is a typical behind the front worker , maybe in air raid service or firefighting Bravery medal 1st class, Air Raid service , medal for homefront duties , and winter war. The last one we can place in unit thanks to the third ribbon , Finland has a lot of Unit medals , divisions , regiments and likely Here we see first a Bravery medal ´since there is no 1939-40 medal must be a 1941 , then the com medal for 1941-45 awarded in mid fifties and the Coastal artillery medal , last the blue cross a veteran medal given in the sixties to veterans.
    19. Here is four different ribbon bars all showing a different story .... At the bottom a two award bar with Liberty Cross 4th class civilan and winter war medal wo swords could be anyone working behind lines during the winter war . Next is a first row of two to someone well decorated a Liberty Cross 4th 1941 or 1939 , then a 4th class oakleaf 1941 and then a 3rd class cross. He would probably have a second row with some bravery medal, Winter war and maybe even a 1918 medal ? third from bottom is a half size type of bar often reffered to as Navy bar , this guy was very well decorated and probably quite high ranking in Finlands rather small navy . He has the winter war wo swords , Liberty Cross 4th 1941 (I guess) Liberty Cross 3rd class 1941 and Liberty Cross 3rd class oakleafs 1941 wich is a real high decoration , meaning that he got two 3rd classes. There was only 1394 awarded in this class. I have the names of 152 recipients so far. The last on top is also a officer in both winter war and 1941-44 war probaly a Captain or Major even LeutCol could look like this . from the end : Winter war med, Bravery 2nd class 1939 ? ,Liberty Cross 4th class w oakleafs (could mean that he got 1939 cross and later 1941 cross , and the 3rd class 1941 ( even these were quite scarce about 9000 awarded)
    20. This pic is more to show you the different types of Finnish ribbon bars On older bars you can often see the with screws and nuts but in the period 1939-1944 these are the types you will most see top , just sewn together and made to sewn on the uniform (This ribbon bar was given to a Swedish volunteer , he had the Swedish Civil Defence merit + Swedish Red cross merit + Liberty Cross 4th cl + Winter war medal ) second is the normal one with a needle pin back third is a high quality type with a more broad needle that is not sharp. The small devices for awards were often sewn in place because the small fasteners broke (sometimes even glued ! )
    21. Thanks Gordon , I totally agree with you the Finnish awards are underrated I think , probably because the language ? and lack of good reference littrature... Now some ribbon bars ! First out is the most common ones for a soldier during winter war and maybe war 1941-1944 First a single winter war with swords for front duty Then a typical one Liberty Cross 4th class and Winter war medal next is one is trickier since the ribbon dont tell you when the crosses were awarded from the right : Winter war medal wo swords ( means mostly behind front duty) Liberty Cross 4th class w swords could be 1939 but I guess 1941 , and Liberty Cross 3rd class 1941 probably a captain who was uniform 1939 but didn´t saw any action then leutnant/Captain in 1941 and partcipated in fighting. A real nightmare sometimes to read this ribbon bars without the real awards But sometimes you can guess quite well
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