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    Everything posted by christerd

    1. :jumping: Thanks, I will show the result in another thread " Arnold Kuschler" I learn new things about German Army every day, bought the great book "handbook of imperial army" recently but havent have time to read it yet. Thanks again Christer
    2. Hi, just want to know what the z.V stands for? I been looking in all books I have but cant find it Is about a Hauptmann z.V is he retired or reused in the second world war ? sorry for this probably stupid question Christer
    3. Hi, what do you think about this one? Bravery Bronce medal 4 times! I am not so good at theese "spangen" (sellers pics) Dont have any better... Christer
    4. :cheers: WOW WHAT A GROUP !! Tragic but fantastic Thanks for showing, just think if the croatian badge would turn up.... Christer
    5. And the last document is a ? What is this Looks like a Russian doc for what ? could anyone translate it (I promise to get a better scan if it is impossible to read it) Christer
    6. Some sort of document to the DKMS Anyone who knows what kind of badge belongs to this ? Christer
    7. The document for Bulgaria 1300 years , the medal was delivered in a extra nice box Probably Generals got nicer boxes than the rest ? Christer
    8. And the doc itself, sorry for low quality pic, I used the camera instead of my EPSON If anyone wants a better pic I post a new one. Christer
    9. And here is some of the awards to GenLt Toschkov !! I suppose he had a lot more but at least I got some of them.... First out is his 1941-44 II class, with doc from 1983, more to follow Christer
    10. Aha , Thanks Theodor A order of Merit would explain it What class do you think a Leutnant would get? Christer
    11. Hi , I have a ribbon bar to a German Lt. He got a Bulgarian bravery order award with crown ? What kind of level could a Leutnant get? 4th class or 3rd and which one was awarded with crown Best regards from Christer
    12. Hallo Kees, Feel free to use my pics from post 42-44. If you would like better scans just ask and I will make some new ones. Christer
    13. Thanks Ulsterman ! I have this scan of the EK I doc, the other docs will be posted after I get them with better scans. Christer
    14. Yes , I got the EK II document, Wound Badge in Gold two documents but was outbidded on the EK I document (sold for 64 Euro....) to bad the wallet isn´t big enough to keep theese groups together Christer
    15. :ninja: The Lt Arnold Kuschler has surfaced again ! Now is his paper for EK II, EK I and wound badge in Gold out for sale probably I will not be able to buy them and so another great group will be splitted for ever..... But the last paper show him as Hauptmann in Gren Erz Bat 492 in Oct 1942 he was in Res Lazarett Bad Bramstedt maybe wounded again? for 6th time Hold your thumbs that I get the documents and a nice group from the great war will be kept united Christer
    16. Great Photo Bolgarin ! I love to see a early 9 Sept 1st class, I wonder how many was awarded of the early neck type. Couldn´t have been to many I guess before they changed to the hanger type. Santa are you out there ? I want one for christmas........ Christer
    17. Wow , thanks Ulsterman I will post pics of the group when I get it home. Its so interesting to find out something about the man behind the name Thanks again Christer
    18. Hi all, I know this is probably a stupid question but I ask it anyway Does anyone know or have any info about Bulgarian Generals during 1946-1990 ? I just bought another medal/order group to a GenLt and wonder if there is any way to find out more about him? His name was Toschkov Georgiev if I read right, I will post photos when it arrive. Christer
    19. Nice ! I love your hand signed one , wish I could write like that Still wonder what kind of people who got theese? Christer
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