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    Everything posted by Anatoly13

    1. Dear Doc! I would recommend to refuse purchase of this star if yet to late. :ninja:
    2. Dear Doc! This is copy 100 %. I'm sorry. The dealers will shoot me soon. :ninja:
    3. May be,may be... Doc, pls post big scan as posible without ribbon. ;)
    4. This is 1st cl. without swords.
    5. No problem Kris! But the size and quality of pictures is insufficient for definition of authenticity of other items. I see you don't need that. Your choise. Good Luck! :cheers:
    6. It is remarkable, that we not in court! If you want - I'm sure that this items are fake or copies ( it is pleasant to whom ) I simply wished to help you and it turns out, that I should prove now the opinion and spend here lecture. Sorry I have not mach time for that and my English is too far from perfect too. Lets wait other collegues in this topic,may be from Poland. I promise, that if I was not right - I shall publicly apologize and I shall eat my hat.
    7. Uwe! Which proofs do you want? Are we in the court? We're in forum and I post my opinion here. You have 3 Grunvald 1st cl.,Kris have another,I have one the same (copy) and many collectionars in the world have a lot of this order. Do you have documents with yr orders? Whose awards are in ours collection? Look here: Wśr?d odznaczonych ORDEREM KRZYŻA GRUNWALDU l klasy znajduje się m. in.: gen. broni Zygmunt Berling ? d-ca 1 Korpusu WP.; Bolesław Bierut ? przewodniczący Krajowej Rady Narodowej; gen. Dwight Dawid Eisenhower ? nacz. dow?dca alianckich eksped. sił zbrojnych w Europie od 1943 r.; Władysław Gomułka ? sekretarz PPR; Andriej A. Greczko ? marszałek ZSRR; Iwan J. Jaku-bowski ? marszałek ZSRR, gen. dyw. Franciszek J?źwiak ? szef Sztabu Gwardii Ludo?wej; Iwan S. Koniew ? marszałek ZSRR; gen. broni Stanisław Popławski; Konstanty Rokossowski ? marszałek ZSRR; gen. dyw. Juliusz Karol R?mmel ? dow?dca Armii ?Ł?dź", ?Warszawa" i obrony Warszawy w 1939 r.; gen. broni Władysław Sikorski ? Naczelny W?dz Polskich Sił Zbrojnych na Za-chodzie od 1939 r. (odznaczony pośmiertnie); Stefan Starzyński ? prezydent m. st. Warsza-wy w 1939 r. (odznaczony pośmiertnie); gen. broni Karol Świerczewski ? wiceminister obrony narodowej; Dmitrij F. Ustinow ? mar-szałek ZSRR; Aleksander M. Wasilewski ? marszałek ZSRR; Wanda Wasilewska ? lite-ratka, przewodnicząca Związku Patriot?w Polskich w ZSRR; Gieorgij Żuk?w ? marszałek ZSRR; gen. broni Michał Rola-Żymierski ? Naczelny Dow?dca WP Groups of awards of these people are stored in museums. You are right - in the last years of PRL this order was produced in Warshawa from not gold. This is the way and opportunity for sellers for sell copies as originals 1961-1987 - 12 awarded ( Gagarin,Tereshkova,other cosmonauts ...)
    8. Kris, lets try to use a needle in black "enamel". I think, that a black covering is soft. Here a picture of the original order, compare with yours! And please post good picture of your order here.
    9. In different sources different quantities of awarded are specified. I think it is because there were awardings cities, military units, and also small quantity awardings in last PRL years.
    10. This is your Virtuti Militari Third Class. By the way 57 times awarded only. All that I have written in the previous post concerns to this award . On an award on this picture at all not enamel, shines as a varnish. And quality of manufacturing is visible a unaided sight. Balls on the ends of beams of the different size, the letters "dance", the central medallion on abverse and reverse has an indistinct, indistinct appearance ,ribbon is new and so on... I'm sorry again Kris but this order is 100% fake or copy.
    11. Lady and Gents ! Do you know that, for example ,Order of Grunvald 1st class was awarded 59 times only! There are a few people who just SAW original ! I never saw.All that huge quantity of these order which is on sale now - modern copies. I cannot even imagine how many one such award can cost. 200 000 euro? 400 000 ? Kris,how many you paid for yours? I am sorry for a tactless question. I don't remember in my collection's life this order in sale.It made from real gold in Mondvor after WW2 and awarded people were high ranked generals and first persons of the countries. This is your picture, Kris : It seems dark and light falls sideways. And picture of the same order from russian site ( I can't be sure abt originality too ) - just for example of a qualitative picture.
    12. Kris! I'm sorry! Your photos give representation how the medal or an order looks, but from the professional point of view to define well made copy on them difficultly. I have specified to you on well-known copies, for definition of it quality of your photos has sufficed. The Polish awards by quantity of copies and fakes borrow the maximum lines!It is very hard theme for a collecting. My opinion is based on own experience and own collection. I do not know at whom you bought these medals and I have nothing against your dealer. You can not pay attention to my opinion and continue to trust the one to whom you trust or you can try to ask somebody else...
    13. I mean Peoples Republic (P.R.L.) Medals - Page 1 - Virtuti Militari Third Class, -Order of Grunwald First Class, -Order of Grunwald Second Class, -Medal of Merit on the Field of Glory Lenino - all 3... May be more fakes - pictures are not good.
    14. :ninja: I see fakes, especially on 1 page
    15. There are 2 variants of this orders : -without lining between a medallion and a star - early; -with lining between medallion and star .
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