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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Christophe

    1. OK, I'll try. Even if I don't get all the answers, it should help the others to progress... And, maybe I won't get any answer right... It is so cryptic... 1- Who are we? * Damdin S?khbaatar (Mongolian: Дамдин Сүхбаатар), known as S?khbaatar. * Horloogiyn Dandzan. * Khorloogiin Choibalsan 2- What struggle? All come from the time when the Chinese republic reinstated its claim to Mongolia by an invasion in 1919. S?kh traveled to Moscow as part of a delegation from the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party sent to ask for aid from the Bolsheviks. S?kh and the Mongolian/Red Army force returned to find that White Russian warlord Roman Ungern von Sternberg, operating independently, had driven the Chinese out of the Mongolian capital of Urga and proclaimed himself dictator. S?kh and the Mongolian/Soviet forces defeated von Sternberg in the summer of 1921 and reclaimed Mongolian sovereignty. In 2 words, S?khbaatar defeated both the Chinese and von Sternberg and thus confirmed Mongolia's independence from China. 3- When and why did we receive our Orders of the Red Banner? 1921 4- Who died first? S?khbaatar died on 22 February 1923. 4a- And how. Officially. Poisoned by counter-revolutionaries. 4b- And what is now named after him? Name at least two. S?khbaatar Square in front of the government building in Ulan Bator today. Other places named after S?khbaatar include a town on the Chinese border, a district of Ulan Bator, and a Mongolian province... and of course a famous Order!!! 4c- Who was his wife and what positions did she come to fill? And what awards did she recieve? S?khbaatar's widow, S?khbaataryn Yanjmaa, went on to serve in a number of senior positions in the Mongolian government, including acting President. She served as acting President of Mongolia from 23 September 1953 until 7 July 1954. 5- Who died second? Horloogiyn Dandzan 6- Who survived? When and how did he fall? Khorloogiin Choibalsan (Mongolian: Хорлоогийн Чойбалсан; February 8, 1895?January 26, 1952). He was supposed to be assasinated by the Kemlin doctors, led by Stalin's own physician. 6a- What additional awards did he receive from the USSR? 1 Lenin Order 2 ORB's 1 Tuvian order of the Republic type 2 20th anniv Red army medal 7- When (and why) did we become heroes? November 1921 ? BONUS: Who succeeded the third, and what awards did he receive from the USSR? Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (Mongolian: Юмжаагийн Цэдэнбал; 1916 - 1991). Here are my proposals. If I'm not our ot the subject (Mr Professor ), I could try to check the dates and names of awards, but if I'm wrong, I prefer the others to follow as soon as now other routes... Cheers. Ch.
    2. Ed, I think I have the answer. Just need to check a few points, and I'll post (at least partial answers, those concerning the orders are not easy...). Cheers. Ch.
    3. Only 66 surviving Companions of the Liberation. On 9 April 2007 died General Jacques Bourdis, Companion of the Lib?ration. Born on 10 November 1920 in Grenoble, Jacques Bourdis was a Member of the Conseil de L'Ordre de la Lib?ration (Council of the Order of Liberation) since January 2007. Jacques Bourdis chose the military carrier when the June 1940 armistice was signed: he refused the capitulation and joined the Free French Forces (FFL) in London on board an English cargo. Appointed to the 13th half-brigade of the Foreign Legion, he took part in all its campaigns. From Solum, on the Egyptian-Libyan border in January 1942 to the French-Italian border on 8 May 1945, Jacques Bourdis distinguished himself in Bir-Hakeim in June 1942, in El Alamein in October 1942 and in Illhausern, Alsace, in January 1945. After the war, he assumed several commands in Germany and in Indochina. He was a military, naval and air attach? to the French embassy in Athens between 1963 and 1966. He was then appointed chief of Prime minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas? military cabinet between 1969 and 1973, government adviser for Defence in 1977. Jacques Bourdis then headed the 2nd military region in Lille between 1978 and 1980. From 1981 to 1986, he was the chief of the survey department of the armament control agency founded in 1954 within the Western European Union (WEU). General Bourdis was a holder of the Grand Croix de la L?gion d?Honneur and the Grand Croix de l?Ordre National du M?rite, and has been awarded many other French and foreign decorations. Here is his bio (in French) : http://www.ordredelaliberation.fr/fr_compagnon/132.html After his death, there are now only 66 surviving Companions of the Liberation. Ch. Pic : Chancellerie de l'Ordre de la Lib?ration.
    4. Bryan, A very nice group, and a superb way to make it back to life!!! Congrats!!! Too bad for him he did not get the Red Star... Cheers. Ch.
    5. He, he!!! Back now to the Quiz, but too late here for trying... Will look at it tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, others ? Ch.
    6. And the fountain, as phototgraphied by me in October 2006. I can post more infos on the park if some of you are interested... Ed, your turn, now... Cheers. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    7. Sorry, Ed, but as you successfully answered at least 3 questions, YOU are the winner!!!! And it's a long time we have not got one of your cryptic and obscure questions!!!! Just to complete answers : Answers 1 & 2 are perfect. Answer 3 is wrong. The dates you mention are Ok for the Park / Exhibition center. But the fountain has been erected only in 1954 !!!! Answer 4 is excellent. Answer 5 : G.Konstantinovski & K. Topuridze. Congrats Ed!!!!! Your turn, now. Cheers. Ch.
    8. So, Ed : quick answer to the 5 questions (maybe not to easy BTW... ), and we will be waiting for your question. Cheers. Ch.
    9. Not sure, just look how it integrated the two first ribbons of the orders of the Federation of Russia. It is neatly done. The mystery is total... Except if a tradition exists that makes some pins / badges worn / symbolised with ribbons of jubilee medals... Just an hypothesis, and I have nothing at all to confirm it. Pure speculation... Cheers. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    10. OK, let's go for an easy one!!! It's Saturday evening, here... Question #105 : These statues are part of a monument. 1. What is the name of this monument : complete and familiar names ? 2. Where is it located : country, city, exact location ? 3. When has it been erected ? 4. What is its meaning, symbolism ? and as a bonus : 5. Name of its two architects / sculptors ? Good luck, and good hunt. Cheers. Ch.
    11. So, my turn again... About Mr Castro..., here is what I have : http://www.firmaspress.com/568.htm But, you can also find the story in : * The Sword and the Shield - The Mitrokhin Archive" - Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin - 1999 - Basic Books - p. 356-358 * The Secret Charm of the KGB - Majorie Ross - 2004. Cheers. Ch.
    12. Hi Christian, Are you sure this question has not been already answered here in my post #247 : http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3144&st=240 The project has not been realized because Stalin did not want it done during is lifetime. Stalin said: "Don't produce it now, and when I die - its up to you". After Stalins death on March 5 1953, the project was simply forgotten. And the final end has been put by the report by N. Khrushchev on the closest meeting of the XX-th CPSU Congress "On the cult of personality and its consequences". Cheers. Ch.
    13. Christian, Excellent answers!!!! You are the winner With such a question, I did not expect less than this from you!!! We could just precise that the 4 options would have been realised by the same man Grigulevich / Castro. We could also add that on 1st March 1953, the MGB reported to Stalin that the attempt had not yet taken place. Stalin read this disappointing report at about midnight. This report may well have vbeen the last document he saw before he suffered a fatal stroke in the early hours of 2nd March. Christian, again, congrats!!!! Cheers. Ch.
    14. Portrait #15 A mix of Soviet, Russian and Umalatova medals. Please, note the Order of The Red Banner with the shield for multiple awards. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    15. Hi Rick, I agree with you. But, on the pic below, you will see some doubled ribbons (last row)... And this is a true pic of a true vet ... Would it be possible that these ribbons are used to symbolise other vet pins? Have you seen this already? Or, maybe just regulations misapplied?... Cheers. Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    16. Portrait #14 The last row of medals is interesting, as it seems a duplication of Jubilee medals already present... Ch. Pic : ? Christophe ? ChR Collection
    17. So, now Question #103 !!!! A set of questions all related to the same "event"... In February 1953, took place in Vienna a secret meeting involving MGB officers. They discussed there a secret plan, agreed by Stalin, to assassinate a foreign head of state. The volunteered MGB agent for the role of assassin was part of this meeting. 1. Who was the head of state targeted by the MGB ? 2. Who was the "assassin" present in Vienna ? Name and codename ? Details ? 3. This "assassin" already took part in the past in another attempt again the life of another leader. Which one, and when ? 4. During the meeting in Vienna, four possible ways to eliminate the leader have been suggested. What are these 4 solutions ? 5. At the end, what was the result of this mission ? The most difficult part is question 4. If good or composite answers from several members, the winner will be the one able to give the 4 solutions. Good luck, and good hunt!!!! Cheers. Ch.
    18. Thanks for the kind words, Gerd . And thanks to all, again. To all, please, don't hesitate to participate, questions are not so difficult, and in "playing", we all increase our culture and knowledge. We are now a strong and friendly team here!!!! Cheers. Ch.
    19. Christian, I doubt they are used for airshows. As far as I know, only the 77114 has been "converted" in the Tu-144LL. He performed a series of 19 flights (within Russian airspace) in two test phases, the last flight being early 1998. The programme ended in 1999. No Tu-144 has flown since the end of NASA testing. I will be in Moscow end of August for the next MAKS Airshow. If I see a Tu-144 flying, be sure I will take thousands of photos !!!! Cheers. Ch.
    20. Christian, I thought that only one Tu-144 was still flying : the Tu-144D 77114 (1981), modified to become Tu-144LL. After years of storage, Tu-144 has been made airworthy again to be used on a number of test flights in a joint venture of the United States and Russia, under the administration of NASA and with the participation of US aerospace firms such as Boeing. Cheers. Ch.
    21. Thanks Jim, This was a very clever set of questions, with excellent clues !!!! Bravo!!!! I really enjoyed finding the mystery. So, it's my turn now... Cheers. Ch.
    22. Hi Jim, Clever !!!! I propose the Tu 144, Tupolev 144. 1. My full name us Tupolev 144, also known as Concordski. 2. A significant difference between Concorde and the Tu-144 is that the Tu-144 wing did not have the complex curves found on that of Concorde. Lacking the sophisticated wing, Tupolev instead relied on a simple but practical device: a small retractable canard surface on either side of the aircraft, close to the nose, to manoeuvre at low speeds. 3. I was the Tu-144S 77102, 1st flight on 03.20.72 - 1st production aircraft. Crashed 06.06.73 at Le Bourget (Paris Air Show). Although the Tu-144 flew before Concorde, its development was connected with industrial espionage against the French company A?rospatiale, which was developing Concorde, hence the name Concordski. At the Paris Air Show on 3 June 1973, the development programme suffered a severe blow when the first Tu-144S production aircraft (reg 77102) crashed. While in the air, it undertook a violent downwards manoeuvre. Trying to pull out of the subsequent dive, the plane broke up and crashed, destroying 15 houses and killing all six on board and eight on the ground. More details here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-144 http://jnpassieux.chez-alice.fr/html/Tu144.php http://francis.deshayes.free.fr/concorde/tu144.htm Ch.
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