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    Dave Danner

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    Everything posted by Dave Danner

    1. From an award document for the Spange to the EK1:
    2. The Oberlehrer in Oldenburg from page 43 was Hermann Wilhelm Gustav Becker (1885-1974). The Lehrer above was Hermann Adolf Becker, *25.7.1897 in Rodenroth, †30.9.1920 ebenda. I have no idea what unit(s) he might have served in. He does not appear in any casualty lists, unless they got his birthplace wrong. There are a few as-yet unidentified Lts.d.R. Becker with the HOH3X, including an aviator, and one with the BZ3bX (from RIR 110, though that was a 1915 award for which he was likely too young), but no as-yet unidentified EH3bX Beckers. So it's either an error in the obituary, a missing EH3bX from later in the war, or a medal of the order received before he was commissioned. They stopped putting death notices in the Zentralblatt für die gesamte Unterrichtsverwaltung in Preußen before 1920, so that doesn't help.
    3. The general is Friedrich (Fritz) Emil Ludwig Leopold Ferdinand von Friedeburg. The commander of IR 138 was his first cousin Friedrich Ferdinand Konstantin von Friedeburg, *15.5.1858 in Konstanz, †28.12.1923 in Biebrich am Rhein. This Friedrich was the brother of Generalmajor Ludwig von Friedeburg and the uncle of Generaladmiral Hans Georg von Friedeburg.
    4. Eggerss, Hans Christian Ludwig Wilhelm Theodor * 22. April 1867 in Gorow, Bückow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin † 28. September 1943 / 29. August 1943 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor 02.08.1914-24.06.1915 Kommandeur des Grenadier-Regiments Kronprinz (1. Ostpreußischen) Nr. 1 05.01.1917 Kommandeur der 40. Infanterie-Brigade 10.01.1919 Kommandeur des Grenadier-Regiments Kronprinz (1. Ostpreußischen) Nr. 1 01.05.1919 Befehlshaber der Infanterie bei der Reichswehr-Brigade 1 The proper spelling of his surname is "Eggersſ" with a long s after a short s, which is the reverse of "ß", but the long s often is not found in certain typefaces. The same source (Wegner) gives two different dates of death, reversing the 8 and 9, and I cannot find another source to confirm. I imagine Eggerss was commander of a reserve or Landwehr regiment in 1915 and 1916, but sources for these commands are hard to find. Maybe Andy or Glenn would know. The other signature is Karl Schemmann (*18.2.1879 in Gr. Slupia, Schroda). I don't have much information on him other than that he was a company commander and brigade and division adjutant during World War I (and in 1919 here, Führer of GR 1), so I was not sure if he was worth a separate thread. As can be seen by the signature block with "1. Infanterie Brigade", the naming conventions in the transitional Reichswehr were not quite set in stone.
    5. Lippe, Friedrich Wilhelm Elimar von der * 28. September 1854 in Birkenfeld † 25. Dezember 1935 in Oldenburg Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant z.D. 15.06.1905 Kommandeur des 6. Westpreußischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 149 10.04.1906 Kommandeur des Oldenburgischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 91 31.08.1909 Kommandeur der 44. Infanterie-Brigade 02.08.1914 Kommandeur der 43. Landwehr-Infanterie-Brigade 01.12.1914 Kommandeur der 19. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade 20.03.1915 Kommandeur der 13. Landwehr-Infanterie-Brigade
    6. Langermann und Erlencamp, Rudolf Freiherr von * 25. November 1858 in Glogau † 12. März 1927 in Frankfurt am Main Highest rank reached: Generalmajor 22.03.1912 Kommandeur des 1. Oberelsäßischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 167 01.04.1913 Kommandeur des Landwehr-Bezirks II Frankfurt am Main xx.xx.191x Kommandeur des Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 223 Father of Eichenlaubträger Willibald.
    7. Lochow, Erich Kuno Ferdinand Friedrich von * 21. März 1853 in Petkus † 23. Januar 1922 in Döbschütz bei Görlitz Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant 21.03.1909-22.03.1912 Kommandeur des 1. Oberelsäßischen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 167 22.03.1912-18.04.1913 Kommandeur der 56. Infanterie-Brigade 18.04.1913- Kommandant von Diedenhofen Not to be confused with his more prominent younger brother Ewald
    8. 1912 example, before he was ennobled:
    9. R = Russia A = St. Anna Order Ma, Mb, Mc = Medals associated with the order There aren't many good references on Imperial Russian medals, and the system of the St. Anna Medals was apparently changed shortly before World War I, so I am iffy as to which medals the a, b and c corresponded. There are a couple of threads here on GMIC about them. Foreign awards were not included in wartime rank lists.
    10. For some reason, I thought I'd already posted this. Britt from RIR 39 is Carl.
    11. Martinek, Robert * 2. Februar 1889 in Gratzen, Königreich Böhmen, Kaiserreich Österreich-Ungarn † 28. Juni 1944 an der Beresina, UdSSR (gefallen beim Luftangriff) Highest rank reached: General der Artillerie Kommandant der Artilleriefachschule des österreichischen Bundesheeres Kommandant der Artillerieschießschule des österreichischen Bundesheeres Artillerie-Inspekteur des österreichischen Bundesheeres Artillerie-Kommandeur 35 Artillerie-Kommandeur 7 Führer der 267. Infanterie-Division Kommandeur der 7. Gebirgs-Division Kommandierender General des XXXIX. Panzerkorps Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub Deutsches Kreuz in Gold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Martinek https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Martinek https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/M/MartinekR.htm
    12. Wuthmann, Rolf * 26. August 1893 in Cassel † 20. Oktober 1977 in Minden in Westfalen Highest rank reached: General der Artillerie Chef des Generalstabes der 16. Armee Chef des Generalstabes der 15. Armee (m.d.W.d.G.b.) General z.b.V. beim Chef des Transportwesens Kommandeur der 295. Infanterie-Division Bevollmächtigter General des Transportwesens im Abschnitt Südrußland Kommandeur der 112. Infanterie-Division stellv. Führer des XXIII. Armeekorps Führer bzw. Kommandierender General des IX. Armeekorps Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes Deutsches Kreuz in Gold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Wuthmann https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolf_Wuthmann https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/W/WuthmannRolf.htm Some earlier examples as a junior officer:
    13. One more example, from 1943:
    14. The emedals link no longer works; I assume he removed the images. Anderson was an Oberstleutnant in the Luftwaffe and his personnel file raises a question or two (besides the question of why the Bundesarchiv misspelled his name). There is a Militär-Dienstzeitbescheinigung which lists his known WW1 decorations - HOH3X, EK1&2, HH, OK1&2, ÖM3K, Vag - but then there is this file photo: As can be seen, he appears to be wearing some sort of wreath device on the OK2 ribbon rather than a VOR DEM FEINDE Spange, and he also appears to be wearing a Lübeck Hanseatenkreuz after his Hamburg one. No such award appears in his file, nor is he in the (admittedly incomplete) Lübeck roll. He served in the Prussian Army and Reichswehr from 1.4.1900 to 31.12.1920 and entered the Luftwaffe in 1939, so he would add an 18-year Luftwaffe DA to the awards in the photo. I've not a clue about any WW2 decorations.
    15. Pantazi, Constantin * 26 August 1888 in Calarași † 23 January 1958 in Ramnicu Sarat 1942-1944 Minister of National Defense https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantin_Pantazi https://generals.dk/general/Pantazi/Constantin/Romania.html From a certificate for the Order of the Crown of Romania to a German officer. I have no idea who the colonel was who signed as Director of Personnel.
    16. Huber-Liebenau, Theodor Karl Andreas von * 15. September 1858 in München, Königreich Bayern † 9. August 1939 in München Highest rank reached: charakterisierter Generalleutnant z.D. 1907-1909 Kommandeur des 3. Chevaulegers-Regiments „Herzog Karl Theodor“ 1910-1914 Chef der Zentralabteilung im bayerischen Kriegsministerium 1914-1917 Kreischef in Belgien From a Leutnants-Patent:
    17. Dobratz, Kurt * 9. April 1904 in Stettin † 21. Dezember in Bremen Highest rank reached: Oberst (Luftwaffe) / Kapitän zur See (Kriegsmarine) Kommandeur der II. Gruppe des Lehrgeschwaders 1 und Kommandant des Fliegerhorsts Schwerin IIa im Stab des Luftflottenkommandos 5 Kommandeur der I. Gruppe des Kampfgeschwaders 26 stellvertretender Chef der 24. U-Flottille Kommandant des Unterseeboots U-1232 Chef des Stabes des Kommandierenden Admiral der U-Boote m.d.W.d.G. des Kommandierenden Admiral der U-Boote beauftragt Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Dobratz
    18. Kreipe, Werner * 12. April 1904 in Hannover † 7. September 1967 in Badenweiler Highest rank reached: General der Flieger Kommandeur der Aufklärungsgruppe 122 und Kommandant des Fliegerhorsts Goslar Kommandeur der III. Gruppe des Kampfgeschwaders 2 Chef der Abteilung Ausbildungswesen im Reichsluftfahrtministerium Chef der Führungsabteilung im Generalstab der Luftflotte 3 Chef des Generalstabes des I. Fliegerkorps Chef des Generalstabes des Luftwaffen-Kommandos Don Chef des Stabes beim Chef des Ausbildungswesens im Reichsluftfahrtministerium General der Fliegerausbildung im Reichsluftfahrtministerium m.d.W.d.G. des Chefs des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe beauftragt Kommandant der Luftkriegsakademie Referatsleiter im Bundesverkehrsministerium Ministerialdirektor die Abteilung Luftfahrt im Bundesverkehrsministerium Deutsches Kreuz in Gold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Kreipe https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Kreipe https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/K/KreipeWerner.htm
    19. Wetzell, Georg * 5. März 1869 in Nieder-Erlenbach † 3. Januar 1947 in Augsburg Highest rank reached: char. General der Infanterie Chef des Generalstabes des III. Armeekorps Chef des Generalstabs des XVIII. Armeekorps Leiter der Operationsabteilung im Generalstab des Feldheeres Chef des Generalstabes der 5. Armee Inspekteur der Nachrichtentruppe im Reichswehrministerium Chef des Truppenamtes Orden Pour le Mérite mit Eichenlaub https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wetzell https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wetzell https://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Personenregister/W/WetzellGeorg.htm
    20. Knight 2nd Class with Oakleaves, the class typically awarded to captains.
    21. Not a great picture, but I finally managed to transfer it from my phone to my computer:
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