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    Dave Danner

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    Everything posted by Dave Danner

    1. This appears to be a new one, at least new to me. Erich Jaehner from FAR 57, died on 19.4.1943. I don't know when he was born - his Leutnants-Patent was from 1897, so probably between 1877-1879. He also had the Sachsen-Meiningen Honor Cross for Merit in War.
    2. Georg Hermann Walter Böhm, born 20.1.1890 in Breslau, was a Lt.d.R. in GR 1 and RIR 240. Besides the HOH3X and the HH mentioned above, he may be the Lt.d.R. Georg Böhm who received the WF3bX, but I can't say for certain. He was wounded at least twice, so you can also add the VAs. Todesanzeige below for Hans Steuer from IR 155 and several other units. Born on 2.7.1872 in Kreuzburg in Schlesien, he served with the II. Seebataillon in the Boxer Rebellion and also had the KO4X among his decorations.
    3. He no doubt had the EK2. I would surmise, based on his spending most of the war in the field and, as you noted, being twice wounded, that he had the EK1. Also, as a battalion, regimental and brigade adjutant, he was well-situated to be put in for the award since he was in regular contact with the senior officers who made the award recommendations.
    4. Bio from the Stammliste of the 1.GRzF below. Known decorations are the Fürstlich Hohenzollernscher Hausorden, Ehrenkreuz 3. Klasse mit Schwertern (12.4.1916) and the Großherzoglich Badischer Orden vom Zähringer Löwen, Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern (25.10.1915).
    5. Otto Gall was born on 1.7.1878 in Trier and died on 25.4.1943. He served in IR 50 from 1904 to 1920 and was a Major a.D. and later Oberstleutnant z.V.
    6. Franz Smits was born on 21.8.18__ in Freren, Kr. Lingen. He was a Kriegsfreiwilliger in IR 91 and became a Lt.d.R. (Oldenburg) in that regiment on 15.10.1915. He was wounded in 1916 with GGR 2 and was killed in 1918 with IR 161. Otto Schumann was from FußAR 9. Günther Wolfgang Erwin Helmuth v. der Nahmer was born on 27.4.1897 in Berlin. He was a Kriegsfreiwilliger in RIR 204 and was named a Fahnenjunker in the 3.GRzF on 31.12.14. Promoted to Fähnrich on 3.2.1915 and Leutnant on 3.3.1915 (Patent 19.12.1915), he was transferred to the Fliegertruppe on 13.6.1915. He was killed on 12.12.1917. Werner Victor Bülowius was born on 24.12.1893 in Königsberg i.Pr. Gerhard Franz Wilhelm Hoyermann, born on 19.9.1896 in Hannover, was a Lt.d.R. in IR 99 in WW1. He received the DKiG on 19.9.1942 as a Hptm.d.R.z.V. in Panzerjäger-Abteilung 387. Panzerjäger-Abteilung 387 was renamed Schnelle Abteilung 387 in early 1943. He was a Maj.d.R.z.V. at the time of his death on 26.3.1943 in Reservelazarett Koblenz.
    7. Lenders had the Princely House Order. He was an Oberleutnant der Landwehr a.D., promoted to Hptm.d.L.a.D. on 28.10.1914. The Todesanzeige says "und mehrerer anderer Kriegsauszeichnungen", but other than the EK1, LD2, HEK3X, I don't know of any other awards. The 1918 Prussian Court and State Handbook only lists the EK2 and HEK3X.
    8. According to my search history, I did an extensive search for Erich Gravenhorst in December of last year. For the life of me, I cannot remember why. I cannot find him in any of my research projects. Anyway, he was an Oberleutnant in FAR 74 at the start of the war, promoted to Hauptmann on 24.12.1914, and ending the war in the Generalstab of the 237.ID. Charakter as Major a.D. He does not appear to have been an active OTL; likely z.V. or z.D. Friedrich Untucht was born on 8.6.1891 in Magdeburg and died on 6.8.1943 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. Wilhelm Walterscheid was born on 7.9.1894 in Troisdorf. He was with Landesschützenbataillon 678 and was killed on 3.11.1943. He had been promoted to Lt.d.R. in IR 69 on 20.3.1915 with a Patent of 22.3.1915. Ernst Josef Dewies was born on 28.3.1893 in Bonn. He came out of the Hauptkadettenanstalt and was named a Fähnrich in FußAR 10 on 13.1.1915. He was promoted to Leutnant on 8.5.1915, later receiving a Patent of 11.9.1913. He was living as an Oberleutnant a.D. and Kaufmann after the war but was not a member of the FußAR 10 Offizier-Vereinigung, at least as of their 1926 Mitglieder-Verzeichnis.
    9. Otto Bausch received the HOH3X on 12.10.1918 as Adjutant of Artillerie-Kommandeur 14. 14.11.1903 Lt.d.R. des FAR 7, 18.12.1912 OLt.d.R. des FAR 7, 3.1.1915 Hptm.d.R., z.Zt. beim Stabe der 14. Feldartillerie-Brigade. He is listed in the 1914 rank list as an OLt.d.L. Transfers from the Reserve to the Landwehr are not gazetted in the MWB. Transfers back to the Reserve usually are, but his does not appear to have been gazetted. Add the LD2. Arthur Schoeller was born on 21.4.1890 in Kirchseifen, Schleiden and died on 19.5.1932 in Berlin-Schöneberg. He appears to have been the Lt. in IR 117 (22.8.1908 Lt., 25.2.1915 OLt., 27.1.1918 Hptm.). He received the EH3bX as a Lt. in FFA 4. As an IR 117 officer, he likely also received the HT. Perhaps Gunnar will have more information/confirmation. Friedrich Wilhelm Emil Alexander Kisker was born on 18.11.1886 in Lippstadt and died on 20.10.1925. Peter Kuhler was born on 31.10.1888 in Ölmühle, Remscheid. He was promoted to Lt.d.R. (Lennep) in IR 16 on 29.12.1914 and was wounded 4 times. He left Germany for Argentina in 1922. Ernst Rudolph Heinrich Theodor Lange, *5.1.1880 in Königsberg i.Pr., †11.2.1942 im Reserve-Lazarett Wernigerode. His Truppenteil was Kommandeur des rückw. Armeegebiets 559/Abt. IV, and he was transferred to Kraftf.Ers.Abt. 46 Deggendorf on 24.1.1942. I'm not sure about WW1; I think he's the Ernst Lange who was a Hptm.v.d.A. with the Militärmission in the Ottoman Empire, and later with AOK 9, promoted to Major on 15.2.1918. Franz van Endert was born on 5.10.1869 in Neuß. He was from the Reserve of DR 7.
    10. The family's first entry is in the 1913 edition: http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/periodical/pageview/1235066 Marie is listed there as already deceased and without any birth information. She does not appear in subsequent editions. The father is just listed in various editions as "Max" or "Maximilian (Max)" with no other Vornamen. *11.10.1837 in Meiningen, †26.6.1918 in Dresden.
    11. Max v. Buch had three sons (at least that survived; one was born and died on the same day): Walter Gustav Alexander, *20.5.1872 in Braunsberg, †20.3.1936 in Hamburg. Walter was a Rittm.a.D., previously (albeit briefly) in DR 21, and served in World War I as a Maj.a.D. in the stellvertretender Generalstab der Armee. Gotthard Erich Karl Leopold, *28.11.1874 in Braunsberg, †7.3.1928 in Berlin. Gotthard was the former 1.GRzF officer. In 1914, he was a Major in the Kriegsministerium (Versorgungs-Abteilung). He was named a battalion commander in GR 1 in August 1914 and was wounded on 26.10.1914. After convalescence, he was transferred back to the Kriegsministerium on 20.2.1915 and was named an Abteilungschef on 2.1.1917. He was retired on 30.3.1919 and was an Oberstleutnant a.D. Friedrich (Fritz) Karl Hans Max, *24.1.1876 in Braunsberg, †5.4.1959 in Kassel. Fritz also had the Austro-Hungarian Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration 3. Klasse. He was a z.V.-officer, so he probably did not have the Wehrmacht DA. They were Briefadel. Max's father was ennobled in 1858 by the Duke of Sachsen-Meiningen-Hildburghausen. They were not related to the Uckermark Uradel family "v. Buch", who were ennobled in the 1300s.
    12. The rolls of Baden awards were prepared by Erhard Roth and published by the Phaleristischer Verlag Michael Autengruber.
    13. Ernst Krüger was born on 8.3.1877 and died on 5.8.1940. I too have not found a birthplace. His Kontrollbezirk when he was commissioned in 1902 was IV Berlin, and he was in Cottbus in 1907/08 and Elberfeld in 1910/11. The only other known Ernst Krüger/Krueger with the HOH3X is the later Luftwaffe general. The only other unknown-first-name Krügers/Kruegers with the HOH3X are Leutnants der Reserve.
    14. The BZ3bX date is from the award roll. The EK2 date is from his EK2 document, which is in his Nachlaß in the Landesarchiv.
    15. Siegfried Krick was Kommandant of Stalag Trier at the time of his death. Ernst Stamm was Leiter WMA Köln 2. He was an E-Offizier - Hauptmann (E) with an RDA of 1.1.34 and promoted to Major on 1.1.40. He was born on 8.7.1892 in Elberfeld and died in Reservelazarett Köln-Hohenlind. You can add the WHDA4 to his awards. Georg Sperlich was born on 27.4.1877 in Beuthen in Oberschlesien. He commanded Landesschützenbataillon 472 Münster. Wilhelm Rünz was born on 28.1.1883 in Kettig, Coblenz. His promotion to Dr.phil. was on 23.11.1910 from the University of Bonn and he was an Oberlehrer in Dülken. His Einjährig-Freiwilliger year was 1.10.1905-30.9.1906 in the Bavarian 1. Infanterie-Regiment (he was a student at the University of Munich at the time). He was promoted to Lt.d.L.-Inf. I (Rheydt) in RIR 68 on 24.12.1914. Oskar Schulz was a Hauptmann in IR 16. He was born on 15.9.1880 in Ellrich, Grafschaft Hohenstein. Ernst Krüger was an OLt.d.R. (II Cöln) in JB 5, promoted to Hptm.d.R. on 5.2.15 while with Luftschiffer-Ersatz-Abteilung Nr. 3. His HOH3X came with Schlachtstaffel-Gruppe A. He also had the LD2. Wilhelm Lindau was born in Wiesbaden. Although the Todesanzeige says "5mal verwundet", he only appears in 2 Verlustlisten. His SLK was awarded on 21.2.1917. I have no idea about the WF3bX. He does not appear in the Personal-Nachrichten in the Württemberg Militär-Verordnungsblatt, but I don't know how many awards to Prussians were not recorded there. Alexander Bergmann also had the LD2 and ÖM3K and probably the Treudienst-Ehrenzeichen. He died on 16.12.1965 in Frechen, Landkreis Köln. He has a Wikipedia entry: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Bergmann_(Jurist)
    16. It is Brandl, not Brande. He received the BZ3bX on 27.10.1917 as an überplanmäßiger Feldgeistlicher in the 28. Reserve-Division. He received the EK2 on 6.11.1915. He was a Hofvikar in Karlsruhe and from 1916-1918 Hofdiakon. There is a brief bio here: https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olf/einfueh.php?bestand=60572 There is also a Nachlaß and there are several personnel files in the archives in Karlsruhe.
    17. • "Gossler" is Goßler, Friedrich Eduard Hermann, *9.9.1887 in Magdeburg, gef. 17.7.1918 bei Tréloup an der Marne. He was a Zollsekretär in Magdeburg. For some reason, he is listed as Hans in the Verlustliste. • Schalk is Karl, *29.5.18__ in Meißen, Minden, †4.6.1918 infolge Verw. am 29.5.1918. • "Essmann" is Eßmann, *28.8.1883 in Düsseldorf, gef. 1.11.1918; 22.3.15 Lt.d.L.-Felda. I (Düsseldorf) im FAR 33, gef. mit d. 3./FAR 237. • Ernst Josten, *28.10.1892 in Remscheid, †26.10.1918 infolge Verw. b. St. Etienne (Champagne). He was a Lt.d.R. in FAR 23, and was killed with RJB 4 (JägR 8). • Wilhelm Rath was the commander of Fußartillerie-Bataillon Nr. 52. He was an Amtsrichter in Grevenbroich and an OLt.d.L.-Felda. II (Neuß), promoted to Hptm.d.L. on 30.11.14 while in the Landsturm-Fußartillerie-Bataillon of the VIII.AK. He was originally commissioned a Lt.d.R. in FAR 23, but is not in the FAR 23 Mitglieder-Verzeichnis, nor its list of verstorbene Mitglieder. He also had the LD2. • There was another Rath who received the HOH3X in 1918: Rath, Friedrich Karl Hugo Richard, *4.2.1889 in Eisleben, †20.2.1960 in Bochum-Langendreier; Lt.d.R. (Burg) d. FAR 74, 3.3.17 OLt.d.R., OLt.d.R.a.D., Rittergutspächter auf Gut Neuermark, Schönhausen/Elbe-Land. • The Hptm. Seebeck mentioned in the same excerpt was Hptm.d.L. II August Seebeck from IR 69. He also had the LD2. • Herbert Veltman was an Oberleutnant in IR 69 and was killed with IR 389. He was born on 16.6.1893 in Aachen. • Max Heyden was born in Düsseldorf and was a Kgl. Regierungsbaumeister and Vorstand of the Eisenbahn-Betriebsamt Leipzig 2. He received the HOH3X on 23.4.18 as a Lt.d.R. in RPB 33 and was promoted to OLt.d.R. on 18.5.1918. • Pulfrich's award was dated 27.8.1918, but he was already dead by that point, having been wounded on 3.6.1918 and dying on 8.8.1918. • Felix Lohe was a Maj.d.R. in the Luftwaffe. He was a Bankdirektor in Düsseldorf.
    18. Dossenbach was a native Badener. The ribbon is for the Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern of the Order of the Zähringen Lion, awarded on 1.6.1915.
    19. I'm pretty sure the Court and State Handbook entry was an error and SLK should be LK, as he does not appear in the SLK roll. I have yet to encounter him in the LK Akten, but I've only reviewed about 1/3 of those.
    20. Warburg, Erich v. *05.08.1864, †09.11.1924 Im 1914 beim Stabe des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 153 02.08.1914 Kommandeur des Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 36 02.01.1917 Kommandeur der 172. Infanterie-Brigade 31.05.1918 Kommandeur der 112. Infanterie-Brigade 08.02.1919-25.06.1919 Kommandeur der 40. Infanterie-Brigade 16.06.1913 Oberstleutnant 18.06.1915 Oberst 15.07.1918 Generalmajor
    21. Zwenger, Wilhelm *22.01.1859, †11.01.1934 30.05.1914 zur Vertretung des abkommandierten Kommandeurs des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 58 kommandiert 12.01.1916 Kommandeur der 16. Infanterie-Brigade 26.03.1918 Kommandeur der 20. Infanterie-Division 27.01.1919 Kommandeur der 72. Infanterie-Brigade xx.xx.1919 Befehlshaber der Infanterie in der Reichswehr-Brigade 2 20.07.1912 Oberstleutnant 30.05.1914 Oberst 06.11.1917 Generalmajor Generalleutnant a.D.
    22. Trotta gen. Treyden, Franz Heinrich Otto Karl v. *22.01.1862, †21.02.1941 20.05.1911 Kommandeur des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 116 26.02.1914 Kommandeur der 57. Infanterie-Brigade 11.01.1915 Kommandeur der 28. Infanterie-Division xx.xx.191x zu den Offizieren von der Armee versetzt 10.01.1916 zur Disposition gestellt xx.xx.191x Inspekteur der Etappen-Inspektion Nr. 10 xx.xx.191x Inspekteur der Etappen-Inspektion Nr. 17 17.02.1914 Generalmajor 11.10.1916 Charakter als Generalleutnant z.D. 27.01.1918 Patent seines Dienstgrades
    23. Passow, Friedrich v. *16.07.1865, †25.12.1929 19.06.1912 Kommandeur des Jäger-Bataillons Nr. 6 02.08.1914 Kommandeur des Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 22 13.05.1915-04.09.1916 Kommandeur des Füsilier-Regiments Nr. 36 21.09.1916 Kommandeur der 209. Infanterie-Brigade 25.04.1918-22.09.1918 Kommandeur der 4. Landwehr-Infanterie-Brigade 22.09.1918-22.01.1919 Kommandeur der 108. Infanterie-Division 22.01.1919-30.04.1919 Kommandeur der 21. Infanterie-Brigade 01.05.1919 Befehlshaber der Infanterie, Reichswehr-Brigade 11 18.10.1919-30.09.1920 Befehlshaber der Infanterie, Reichswehr-Brigade 6 01.10.1912 Oberstleutnant 08.11.1914 Oberst 22.03.1918 Generalmajor
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