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    1. Another great photo thread from 2007 below by Jacques shows numerous KM officers & men sporting Spain Crosses -with and without swords- with a few sporting the Spanish Civil War Campaign Medal ribbon, some that might be sporting it (photos too blurry/small to tell for certain), and some not sporting it at all. I supposed it boiled down to circumstances and preferences.
    2. Well, I should know by now that if I go far enough back in this forum I'll find what I'm looking for . The photo below was posted in a thread by Jacques in 2007, clearly showing this KM sailor wearing ribbons of the Spanish Red Military Merit Cross and Spanish Civil War Campaign Medal.
    3. Thanks, Gordon. Yes, I remember that thread. My curiosity was piqued on this subject by the photo below posted on WAF: other than the German Spain Cross being worn on the wrong pocket, the ribbon for the Spanish Civil War Campaign Medal/Medalla de la Campampana is conspicuously absent from his ribbon bar. I know ribbon bars weren't always kept up to date, but it still got me thinking.
    4. I know German Kriegsmarine (KM) personnel who were on ship in support of the nationalists during the Spanish Civil War received various grades of the German Spain Cross at the wars end. But did Spain authorize award of the Spanish Civil War Campaign Medal/Medalla de la Campampana (example shown below) to those regular German-uniformed KM officers and men at sea supporting the nationalist cause, but not in-country as part of the Legion Condor, Gruppe Drohne, etc?
    5. Vendor says 3cm wide . . . https://en.todocoleccion.net/military-decorations/rokiski-observador-republicano-aviacion-espanola~x207423535
    6. Tupper, on the Internet, I found an Observer wing companion to your pilot . . .
    7. Thank you Antonio!
    8. Gordon, I've seen the term "Rokiski" used when describing every type of Spanish Air Force insgnia (primarilly wings) - often as a manufacturer of such insignia. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rokiski literally means 'Spanish Air Force Emblem', and is not the name of a Spanish insignia company. Do I have that right? Tupper, please forgive me for hijackng your post for my tangental question.
    9. Nice! What size?
    10. One more: a 22mm red Military Merit Cross, along with a new family portrait.
    11. A new addition from the 2024 SOS.
    12. Scott


    13. Scott


      I am posting the Egaña MMI example below for reference purposes. All of the Egaña-marked MMI's posted in this thread (and in similar threads on other websites that I've seen) have the single raised "Egaña" mark front and reverse. The Egaña MMI below is of a slightly different design, and has no mark on the front, with the reverse having the "A.M." (left side) and "Indrustrias Egaña" (right side). Also of note on the front is the missing ~ over the N in 'Campana'. Has anyone else seen this type of Egaña MMI before? Could this be a German manufactured example? I found the medal below while surfing the web.
    14. Nice!
    15. Another German from this forum,2006, belonging to dond: Order of Mehdi.
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