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    Everything posted by Ed_Haynes

    1. The translation. Record card Order book No Б-111071 1. Last name: NETSENKO 2. First, middle names: Matvey Pavlovich 3. Military rank: private 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1906 6. Place of birth: Kursk region, Novo-Oskolsky district, Slonovka village 7. Party membership since: Non- party 8. Education: Elementary 9. Nationality: Russian 10. In the Red Army since: September 1943 to September 1945 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 911th rifle regiment, 387th rifle division ? senior submachine gunner 12. Current place of service and position: Kramatorovka mine, Voroshilovsky district, - miner 13. Home address of the awardee: Golovinovka village, Voroshilovsky district, Voroshilovgrad region 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked Glory 3rd class 443857 Temp cert. 882902 Order to 387th rifle division No 012/N of July 1, 1945 Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee Voroshilovsk district Military Commissar attested by: Lieutenant Colonel (signed) November 5, 1947
    2. And the translation: AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Merkuryev Anatoly Merkuryevich 2. Rank Lance-Corporal 3. Position, unit Rifleman of 242nd rifle holding the order of the Red Banner regiment, 104th rifle division Is recommended for the order of Glory, 3rd cl. 4. Year of birth 1920 5. Nationality Russian 6. Party membership Non-party 7. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR and in Patriotic War (where and when) In the Patriotic war, since March 22, 1941 to January 03, 1944 - Karpatsky front, since November 06, 1944 to January 06, 1945 - 2nd Ukrainian front, since January 06, 1945 - 3rd Ukrainian front 8. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Heavily wounded in June 1942, Maselskaya staion, Karpatsky front, lightly wounded on April 27, ??, Karpatsky front 9. In the Red Army since 1939 10. Drafted by what district military commissariat Leningrad, Vasileostrovsky district military commissariat 11. Previous awards Was not awarded 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee or his/her family) Leningrad, Vasileostrovsky district, 7? ?? line, apt. 45. Sister - Arestova Klavdia Mikhaylovna I. Brief description of personal feat or merits Comrade Merkuryev on April 13, 1945 during attack for Radkersburg town (Austria) revealed courage and firmness. He was one of the first to rush into the trench of the enemy and in man-to-man fighting destroyed two fascists and a hand machine-gun. After that the enemy counter-attacked, but comrade Merkuryev remained at the conquered by him line, he started an aimed fire from machine-gun and destroyed 10 more fascists, thus providing successful advance of our subdivisions. On April 14, 1943 comrade Merkuryev, being in capture group ??? of senior Sergeant Kuzmin, penetrated the enemy?s location, where he destroyed crew of hand machine-gun and was one of the first to capture a German and a hand machine-gun, after that he chased retreating enemy up to the water border. For destruction of 12 fascists, hand machine-gun with its crew, for the revealed courage, bravery and firmness in the battle, for being one of the first to capture a prisoner and a hand machine-gun comrade Merkuryev deserves to be awarded with government award, order of Glory, 3rd cl. Commander of 242nd rifle holding the order of the Red Banner regiment Lieutenant-Colonel (signed) /Ogloblin/ April 24, 1945 II. Conclusion of the Higher Command Under order to units of 104th rifle division No 023/N of April 30, 1945 he was awarded with order of Glory, 3rd cl. Head of personnel department Senior Lieutenant (signed) /Korolev/ May 04, 1945
    3. And the translation: Record card Order book No Г-956158 1. Last name: MERKURYEV 2. First, middle names: Anatoly Merkuryevich 3. Military rank: Lance-corporal 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1920 6. Place of birth: Smolensk region, Novo-Duginsky district, Dubetskaya village 7. Party membership since: Non-party 8. Education: Incomplete secondary 9. Nationality: Russian 10. In the Red Army since: since 1940 to 1946 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 242nd rifle regiment, 104th rifle division ? rifleman 12. Current place of service and position: Planning institute ?Rosgyprosovkhozstroy? - senior drill operator 13. Home address of the awardee: Leningrad, 5 Plekhanova street apt.42 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked Glory 3rd class 703421 Г-956158 Order to the 104th rifle division No 023/N of April 30, 1945 Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee Officer of the 3rd department of Leningrad Regional Military Commissariat attested by: Major (signed) /GAZA/ October 29, 1956
    4. Having, after some delay, gotten around to getting research on some simple single Glory 3s that live with me (and having, after even more delay, gotten the research results), I thought that -- in an effort to give more life to these sub-forums -- some might like to see what came back. First, Glory 3, #703421.
    5. Yes, when you realise we're looking at a total of something under 2500 Sukhbaatars awarded (to date). Getting that 100 of them would given you a herd of maybe 4% of the total.
    6. Yes, Rick, got the full translation today. And it is a complex one. Noit easy to put up as "plain text". Shall have to scan. In the meantime, the 1950s: -- Head of Administrative and economic department - Staff of 14th Army of Far Eastern military district - Main Command of Far East - 0254 - April 20, 1948 -- Detached at the disposal of Head of ОКТ ВМ on the basis of command of ОКТ ВМ No OK/3/10123 of January 14, 1950 - Far Eastern military district - 0184 - July 18, 1950 -- Served in remote area in Chukot since August 01, 1948, which gives right of preferential terms of calculation of service time in the Soviet army under Order of PCD No 61-45, i.e. one year equals to two years. -- Second in command of battalion on supply - 257th detached building battalion - Byelorussian military district - 0357 - Sept. 09, 1950 -- Acting as Chief of personnel department of rear of Byelorussian military district -- Colonel (signed) /Romanovsky/ -- Commander of battalion - 7th road depot - Byelorussian military district - 0400 - Nov. 12, 1951 -- Transferred to the disposal of Commander of troops of Byelorussian military district - Byelorussian military district - 0398 - Nov. 21, 1956 -- Under order of Main Command of the Soviet Army No 0379 of January 25, 1957 transferred to reserve by cl. 59, i. b with the right to wear military uniform. - Registered at Minsk district military commissariat of Minsk region
    7. To date (1856 to present) 1,356 VCs. HSU (1934-1991) awarded 12,745 times. The last VC group sold at auction by Dix, Noonan, Webb was on 22 September 2006 (http://www.dnw.co.uk/dnw/medals/FMPro?-db=...4283&-find=) and the hammer price (before fees) was ?180,000.
    8. Missing: At least one Lenin. Bargain? Well, compared to a VC group, it is pocket change.
    9. Recommendation: AWARD CITATION 1. First, middle and last names Tuzov Alexander Fedorovich 2. Rank Junior Sergeant 3. Position, unit Commander of machine-gun section, 348th artillery machine-gun battalion, Marines, Northern Fleet. Is recommended for the medal For Courage 4. Year of birth 1911 5. Nationality Russian 6. In the Red Army since Since November 1933 to December 1936, since May 1941 to August 1946 and since November, 1939 to November, 1940 7. Party membership Non-party 8. Participation in the civil war and other military actions aimed at the defense of the USSR and in the Patriotic War Karelia front since May, 1941 to February, 1944 Battles with Japan since September, 1944 to 1945 9. Wounds or contusions received during the Patriotic War Heavy missile wound on May 29, 1943 10. Previous awards Medal for Victory Over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and medal for Victory Over Japan 11. Drafted by what district military commissariat Kirovsky district military commissariat, Murmansk, June 16, 1941 12. Permanent home address (of the prospective awardee and his family) Murmansk, 39 Lenina avenue, apt. 16 Place of birth Vologda region, Ustuzhinsky district, Zalesye village I. Brief description of personal feat or merits On May 28, 1943, the 2d machine-gun section of the 3d machine-gun company received an order to destroy an enemy?s machine-gun emplacement. Junior Sergeant Tuzov together with soldiers of his section crossed a neutral zone and approached the front line of enemy?s defensive position. Under cover of coming darkness soldiers of Junior Sergeant Tuzov bombarded the enemy?s machine-gun emplacement with grenades. When they were falling back the enemy brought down heavy gun-fire. At this moment Junior Sergeant Tuzov was heavily wounded in the left leg with bomb splinters. Comrades carried their commander from the battle-field. Afterwards he was directed to Hospital №74 where he stayed for 3 months. Then comrade Tuzov was directed to his unit. Diagnosis: missile wound accompanied with fracture of the left shin. The report is made up according to narration. The wound is confirmed by certificate №3486 of May 28, 1943 issued by Hospital №74. For fulfilling his duty to the Motherland and heavy wound received, Tuzov deserves to be recommended for the government award, the medal For Courage. Kirovsky district military commissariat, Murmansk. Major (signed) /A.Grigoryev/ December 3, 1946 II. Conclusion of the Higher Command I intercede for awarding Junior Sergeant Tuzov Alexander Fedorovich with the medal For Courage Murmansk district Military commissariat Colonel (signed) /Kulikov/ December 16, 194 III. Conclusion of the Army Military Council Awarded with the medal For Courage under decree of the Presidium of Supreme Council of the USSR of November 6, 1947 IV. Conclusion of the Front Military Council Deserves the government award, the medal For Courage Commander-in-Chief Belomorsky military district Lieutenant-General (signed) Military Council Member Belomorsky military district Major-General (signed) January 16, 1947 V. Conclusion of the Award Commission of the People?s Commissariat of Defense VI. Award Record
    10. Research in. Record card: Certificate Б No 602941 1. Last name: TUZOV 2. First, middle names: Alexander Fedorovich 3. Military rank: Junior sergeant 4. Sex: Male 5. Year of birth: 1911 6. Place of birth: Vologd region, Ustyuzhensky district, Zalesye village 7. Party membership since: Non-party man 8. Education: Elementary 9. Nationality: Russian 10. In the Red Army since: September 1933 to November 1936; June 1941 to January 1946 11. Place of service (name of the unit) and position occupied when awarded: 348th marines artillery battalion of the Northern fleet ? squad commander 12. Current place of service and position: Murmansk, Regional planning commission - driver 13. Home address of the awardee: Murmansk, 39 Lenin Avenue, apt. 16 14. Record of previous awards Names of orders, medals Their numbers Document numbers Ground for award Checked For Courage - 2279019 Perm. cert. Б-602941 - Decree of November 6, 1947 For the Defense of Soviet Zapolyarye - Perm. cert.-E043936 - Decree of December 5, 1944 For the Victory Over Germany - Perm. cert.- Ф0398319 - Decree of May 9, 1945 For the Victory Over Japan - Perm. cert.- Г132466 - Decree of September 30, 1945 Signature of awardee (signed) ________________________ Data correctness and signature of awardee Kirovsky district Military Commissariat of Murmansk attested by: Lieutenant Colonel (signed) /Grigoryev/ February 13, 1948
    11. To what degree is there a different policy toward foreign awards earned while in US uniform and foreign awards earned from prior service, before joining the US military? I know that such issues were especially sensitive in the years after WWII, when many of the defeated Germans came to the US, gained citizenship, and entered the US military. Could they wear their old awards? Ouch.
    12. Thanks (once again), Rick! It is always good to see the pieces come together on these groups, even without sled dogs!
    13. ABSOLUTELY!! Well done, Christophe (deserves two rounds!) Over to you . . . .
    14. Ouch! Now an even nicer hero group http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=17880 "just" $55K!!!!!!! Let me see, I have THRE children, and a wife, and a cat, and . . . . (And the hero star for Vienna, Christian, hello, . . . ???? )
    15. Not sure whether I should answer specific questions. (But I WOULD like to keep this thread alive and REALLY WOULD like to believe someone could answer this question -- easier than most, I believe.) As the terms are usually defined, the answers are, respectively, "No" and "No'. "Twenty Questions", anyone? The count stands at 18.
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