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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Chip

    1. I've got a Nachrichten round for the light MW. Never could find an H.E. version. Sold my Granatenwerfer years ago. Still have a message round for it. Chip
    2. Interesting that all three Demags are from Saxon units. So, are the markings telling us that these are government issue? I had thought that these were private purchase pieces. Chip
    3. Rick, How many years have you been "off line" now? It has to be two years or more. We miss you to the point that perhaps we could take up a collection to get you back with us on a regular basis again. Seriously, what would it take? Best, Chip
    4. Andreas, So, then you are saying that there should be a M1915 graugrün shoulder strap with red unit number and red piping for the GMGA? I have never seen such a thing or heard it described. Do you feel certain that the piping would not have been green? Chip
    5. Andreas, Kraus says that with the new uniform regulations of 1915/16 that the special unforms of the MG-Abteilungen were discontinued. From then on, the detachments should wear the unform of the unit they are assigned to, that is, an infantry or cavalry tunic. So, essentially, from that point, graugrün uniforms were no longer being officially worn. Chip
    6. Andreas, I know that the GMGA had the uuniforms of the MGA, but there was a point at which the MGA units dropped the special uniforms, so I am assuming that the GMGA did the same. Chip
    7. Andreas, Do you think there is a chance that this 201 strap could be the Gebirgs-MG-Abt. Nr.201? I'm wondering if the mountain MG units wore graugruen? Chip
    8. OK, OK. Maybe there is a slight possibility. I'd be jealous about the book, but I already have a copy. I actually paid less (but that was in 1981). Chip
    9. Eric, You're right, that's not a Salzbeutel, but still very cool and another thing to add to my needs list. Damn! Is that scarf wool or cotton? I have a Halstuch marked to IR92, so I think that pouch needs to come my way. Chip
    10. I prefer to think that this particular pair is from the Prussian Jäger Batl. Nr.3. (before they became storm troops, of course.) Chip
    11. For the Bluse, enlisted Prussian Radfahrertruppen wore a graugrün Jäger type strap with hellgrün piping and the unit number in red. Bavarian Radfahrer units wore a hellgrün strap with a yellow script "R", some having a yellow Roman numeral beneath. A Württemberg decree from March 19, 1917 proscribed a Prussian type Jäger strap, but with a red "R" and a red arabic company number beneath it. Here is one of the Prussian types from the Res.Radfahrer-Komp.Nr.78. Any guesses to identify the other one (201)? Chip
    12. Well, that is an interesting question. I say that because I am wondering how you tell the difference between a Jäger Bn. Nr. 3 and a 3.Jäger Regt. officer's boards. I suppose if you were lucky enough to find a Bavarian officer's pair, you could definitely say it was from the regiment, but a pair with Prussian state "darts" is a different matter. A "bright" pair of Jäger 3 officer's boards sold on Ebay just a week or two ago. I have a pair of Leutnant boards and what I believe is the board of the unit commander, Ralf von Rango. Chip
    13. Well, as said, I suppose they could be just crappy originals and they were added when the collar was altered. Chip
    14. Prussians kept graugrün throughout the war. Only the Bavarians had feldgrau for Jäger. So what is the color of the Grundtuch? Chip
    15. I can't give you an order of battle for this regiment, but I can tell you that it was the Dubnenski Regiment, formed from the 151.Inf.Rgt. and part of the 75th Division and was raised in Kartus-Beresa.This information dates from the beginning of 1917. Chip
    16. Dave, I don't believe that they had such abbreviations on their straps. At least they are not listed in the Austrian handbook on the wartime Russian army. All I see with their own distinctions are Finnish, Siberian, Turkistan and Kaukas regiments. No Georgian or Armenian rifle regiments are even listed. Chip
    17. If it is feldgrau, it has to be a Bavarian Jäger. What color is the body, feldgrau or graugrün? Chip
    18. Eric, There is a very slight possibility that they might be just crappy private purchase examples, but they don't belong on an issue Bluse anyway. A Bluse from a non-Bavarian unit would nearly always have the shoulder straps whip stitched on to the shoulder, not into the shoulder seam. I would take these off, sew the holes back up and then add proper examples. If you want to go infantry, you would be looking for a pair from IR.78, 73, 74, 79,164, 77, 92 or FAR 26, 62, 10, 46. Of course, there are many other possibilities. If you need some help, let me know. Chip
    19. Robin, Yes, that's the one. I have a picture I took of it somewhere. The officer went on to serve in a Freikorps unit.
    20. I got a nice 1913 dated one (checkered grips) years ago. Unfortunately, there was no unit mark, but for $75 I couldn't pass it up.
    21. Wow! Now that is cool! I have only seen one officer's version in person. It was on a tunic in the Wehrgeschichtliches Museum in Rastatt. Chip
    22. Here's the other one from the 2.Jäger Bataillon. This series of cards has every pre-war Bavarian unit represented. I have yet to see one from a strictly wartime unit. I've also attached a couple more from this battalion.
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