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    Everything posted by NavyFCO

    1. Though you could get a REALLY nice diamond for that price......
    2. A little birdie told me that the weather in July 1972 was nice...in Egypt....
    3. By the way, is the photo of the citation hard to read (distorted) or is it just my monitor? The file I uploaded looks okay, but the one on the thread doesn't.... If it's hard to read I can post a better one. Dave
    4. In fact, speak of the devil... Here's an award card I just got yesterday for another 600,000 series Glory 3rd... Dave
    5. One more note... I've seen the 600,000 range Glory 3rds issued between late 1944 and the early 1950s. Really a mixed bag of when they were issued! Dave
    6. I just got notified that all the research is "in" on my remaning Glory 3rds... I always think they're worth researching, even if one (like me) just plans on selling them. Go for it! Dave
    7. Yes! I have found a contact that can get me the award cards via photo instead of photo copy. He can do it for awards that have the name of the recipient, and the turnaround time is about one week. Gotta love competition in the ranks of researchers...... Dave
    8. Just got this award card in today for an unnumbered For Military Merit medal. Any stabs at what he might have gotten the award for??? Dave
    9. And the reverse... I can also post a photo of the reverse of the star if anyone would like to see more.
    10. I'll be darned! I never noticed it when I owned the group, which I sold about 4-5 years ago. Guess you learn something new every day! Thanks for the education! Dave
    11. I recently had a lady ask me to ID her grandfather. Can anyone help me out? The shoulder boards are marked with a "TDg" (in Cyrillic) Anyone know what unit that was? Thanks! Dave
    12. Doc- Thanks for the compliments. I was blessed to have had some really beautiful groups through my hands since starting to collect Soviet awards back in 1992. I appreciate the interest in these older ones that I used to own as it's kind of fun going back through my hard drive and taking a walk "down memory lane" so to speak. When this group came to me, I paid $900 for it, and then with research I probably invested around another $125 into it. When I sold it for $1080 I was dissapointed, but still didn't lose anything. Some "rough" addition now would show this group be be around $2600 or so (though I'm normally off in my pricing!) Dave
    13. Order book. The photo has him almost looking young... A few years of War and then you can see the sunken eyes, the receeding hairline, etc., that were evident in the photo with the Big Three.
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