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    Everything posted by Bryan

    1. Award card : 1. Last Name : Dolgov 2. Name and Patronymic : Boris Vladimiriovitch 3. Military Rank : Sergeant 4. Sex : Man 5. Year of birth : 1916 6. Place of birth : Nikitovka village, Nikitovskogo Raion, Kursk Oblast 7. Party membership : accepted in the CPSU since 1943 8. Education : 8th Class, secondary 9. Nationality : Russian 10. Service in the Red Army : since 1941 11. Place of service and duty position at time of awarding : 41st Regiment of Military NKVD for the defense of the rear/bases, Voronezh front as an assistant commissar for political work 12. Place of service and duty position at the current time : 290th Motor Rifles "Novorosenisky", Regiment of the Armed Forces MVD 13. Home Address: City of Kiev, 71 Ulitsa Konstantinovskaya, House No. 4.
    2. Here is one of the first items I have asked research for my collection. I already have 2 complete groups that were previously researched, but this time it was my turn to order some research. This one is the more exciting of both researches I have ordered. The other one is not that exciting. Here is my sloppy translation I have made before to go to bed. I'll need your help to replace my ??? please. First of all, here is the Red banner I have asked research. Red Banner screwback T2 V2 #38786
    3. I have to admit it was the best museum I have seen so far in regards to Soviet medals!
    4. Hehe, tu es all? faire un tour r?cemment au mus?e!
    5. Here is an other one for you Christian! Ж. Я. Kотина
    6. Wonderful cap! I unfortunately never saw one for sale on Internet. I usually only see them on photographs! Very nice!
    7. Hi Peter, it must have been the flash from the seller. Nice WWII period award.
    8. Hello Gordon. Concerning the helmet webpage, if you are using Firefox and not Internet explorer you might get less of those pop-ups. Here is a picture from the front of the cap. Here is the place where I bought everything : http://www.bulgariana.com/ This is the winter hat.
    9. And here is a Bulgarian side cap. Probably from the 80's. They sell $5 on internet.
    10. Doc, here is my WWII M36 Bulgarian helmet. Those are dirt cheap compared to other countries headgear. By the way, here is a nice site to learn about Bulgarian helmets : http://helmet.0catch.com/
    11. I wonder why only the Glory 1st has a stitched ribbon on the reverse and not the other others as well.
    12. So what's your homeland Jim?
    13. Again a copy and paste from an other forum. Specific persons - Сталин - Stalin - И.В. Сталин - I.V. Stalin (I.V. stands for Iosif Vissarionovich) - Сталинец - Stalinets, "follower" of Stalin (note that the -ets was reserved for very specific names/terms - e.g. there was no such thing as Voroshilovets, he wasn't important enough) - Ленин - Lenin - В.И. Ленин - V.I. Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich) - Ленинец - Leninets - Ворошилов - Voroshilov - К.Е. Ворошилов - K.E. Voroshilov (Kliment Efremovitch) - Будённый - Budennyi - Стаханов - Stahanov (famous pre-war coal miner who set record individual production levels) - Стахановец - Stahanovets, generally referred to overachievers - Папанин - Papanin, a pre-war Arctic explorer - Челюскин - Cheluskin, name associated with a famous pre-war Arctic shipwreck and rescue - Челюскинец - Survivor of the above shipwreck - Александр Невский - Aleksander Nevskii, Medieval Russian prince of Novgorod who won famous battles against the Teutons and Swedes - Дмитрий Донской - Dmitrii Donskoi, victor over the Golden Horde at Kulikovo Pole in the 14th century Communist terms - Коммунизм - Communism - Слава Коммунизму - Hail Communism (or Glory to Communism) - Комсомол - Komsomol (Communist Youth organization generally joined in mid/late teens) - Красный Комсомол - Red Komsomol - Комсомолец - Komsomolets, male member of the Komsomol - Красный Комсомолец - Red Komsomolets, again referring to male members of the organization - Октябрь - October (rare without the "Red" monicker) - Красный Октябрь - Red October (referring to the revolution) Miscellaneous - Боевая Подруга - Fighting Girlfriend - I personally haven't seen this one in old photos, actually, but it sounds plausible enough - Колхозник - Member of the Kolhoz (collective farm) - probably rare, but plausible - Тракторист - Traktor Operator (again on a collective farm) - Красноармеец - Red Army Soldier - Зверобой - Beastkiller; unofficially official name of the ISU-152, but also works as a tank slogan (especially on a heavier tank) - От Тружеников Узбекистана Освободителям Родины - literally - From the Working People of Uzbekistan to Liberators of the Motherland (there were a tone of these, generally on tanks that were donated by some folks out in Region X, e.g. Uzbekistan)(note that typically all the tanks in a given company would have the same "from...to..." slogan on their turrets) - От Тружеников Узбекистана Нашим Танкистам - From the Working People of Uzbekistan to Our Tankers (as above) Note that for both "From the Working People Of", you can take out the word Узбекистана (Uzbekistan) and put in other placenames like: Казахстана (Kazakhstan), Таджикистана (Tadzhikistan), Сибири (Siberia), Москвы (Moscow), Урала (the Urals region)
    14. Geographic slogans - На Берлин - Onward to Berlin - Дойдём До Берлина - We'll Get to Berlin (alternatively: Let's Get to Berlin) - Красная Кубань - Red Kuban (the pre-Caucasus region occupied by Army Group A in 1942 - also the region of the Kuban Cossacks) - Освободители Кубани - Liberators of the Kuban (not sure how often you'd see "Liberators" of anything) - Освободители Крыма - Liberators of the Crimea - Красная Украина - Red Ukraine - До Днепра - To the Dnieper - На Запад - Westward or To the West - Ленинград - Leningrad - Прорвём Блокаду - We Will Break the Blockade (referring to the siege of Leningrad from late 1941; the siege ring was breached in winter of 1943, and the siege was lifted in 1944, both at considerable cost) - Прорвём Блокаду Ленинграда - We Will Break the Blockade of Leningrad
    15. I found a list of Soviet tank slogan. - Победа - Victory - К Победе - To Victory - Победа Будет За Нами - Victory will be with us - Бей Фашистов - Kill the Fascists (literally - Strike the Fascists) - Бей Фашистких Оккупантов - Kill the Fascist Occupiers - Бей Гитлеровцев - Kill the Hitlerites - Бей Фрицев - Kill the Fritzes (Fritz - generic Russian term for German soldiers, like Jerry or Boche) - Смерть Оккупантам - Death to the Occupiers - Смерть Фашистким Оккупантам - Death to the Fascist Occupiers - За Родину - For the Motherland - За Сталина - For Stalin - За Коммунизм - For Communism
    16. These are Komsomol badges.
    17. To me your group looks like very good! I have no knowledge about Order books, so I cannot say anything, but the medals are gorgeous! I'll have to go to Wien next time I go to Germany, only to take a look at those jewels in your collection.
    18. Welcome to the forum Ostfront! Well it seems that your soldier had a big day on May 7th, 1944. Did I understand it well? This guy killed up to 80 soldiers and officers in one day only! I don't if they have exaggerated what he has done, but id it's true that?s a very huge amount of kills for one day!!! I remember that mission in COD where you have to shoot down all those planes in order to catch you flight.
    19. Well I'm pretty sure I'm among the young forum member from the Soviet section. I do not think that fakes from eBay are driving us away, because there is always a possibility to ask other people on forums about the originality of any items. I think the biggest problem is the increase of the prices that the younger generation cannot afford. I'll see in few years if I made a good choice to invest some of my scholarships in my collection. Concerning reproduction, I will never be interested to fill the gaps in my collection with fake awards. For me they have to historical value and that is the reason why I am collecting those things. If I don't have the money to buy the big groups or the expensive awards, well I have to wait or dream about it. Hope I'll get my HSU one day.
    20. Danke f?r deine Erkl?rung Christian.
    21. Christian, may I ask you why you mention Germany and Israel? Is there a special law about those countries in regards to Soviet awards?
    22. Good that I had help for the translation. I wasn't able to read at the bottom.
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