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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by webr55

    1. Ahh SA! Thanks --- this could be 101 indeed. The pic was probably taken in East Prussia. I read that there was a new Brigade 101 formed in Lötzen in October 1939.
    2. Gentlemen, I'm at a loss here: What is the other collar tab of this Sturmführer? (Pic presumably 1934 or before) Is he Allgemeine-SS or not?
    3. I've got a number of pictures of Model - but have never been able to find a picture of him wearing his medal bar. It seems he very rarely wore it. Here's a picture with the East Front Medal in his buttonhole, though. Makes sense, too -- he wore the two awards that would have gone on his Spange (EK2 Wiederholungsspange and East Front) in his buttonhole. (To the right is Hermann Breith.)
    4. Simply a wonderful find. It makes sense that Model's bar is quite plain and down-to-earth. Attached you find a picture of his grave on the war cemetery near Aachen - very simple - no rank, and he shares it with another one. Chris
    5. What about: Dr. phil. Wilhelm Kerp, Geh. Reg.rat, Kais. Gesundheitsamt, Berlin (born 1866), RAO4, BM3 in 1910.
    6. Guess no way to verify this one: Oberingenieur Schürmann, gunpowder factory Spandau, born 1846, BM4mKr 1899, shows an additional RAO4 in 1908. Importance of gunpowder... Could this tiny bar have been worn on a civilian dress?
    7. More suspects from the Super Grampa thread: RR Max Rausch, KP Kriegsmin, Berlin, BM4, RAO4 RR Schelle, Minist. d. öff. Arbeit, Berlin, BM4 RR Hermann Metzky (b. 1859), Kalkulator im Reichsschatzamt, BM4, RAO4 RR Rudolf Wolff, Geh. Registr., General-Ordenskommission, BM4, RAO4
    8. New try: Hans W. Schultz (born 1859), Regierungs- und Baurat in Kiel, Kais. Kanalamt. RAO4 and KO3 according to DOA; BM3 in 1908.
    9. With the newly found list of non-Bavarian recipients of the St. Michael, I found a suspect for my bar: Prof. Dr. med. Georg Alexander Rost (1877-1970). Dr. med. Kiel 1902. He is listed in the DOA with only the St. Michael 4th cl, which he got in 1904. He dropped out of the Marine as Generaloberarzt sometime before 1914 and went on to become Professor and Director of the Dermatology Clinic in Freiburg in 1915. Yes, no Baden awards -- but maybe on his neck?
    10. That must have been a trip to the front. According to a recent book on "war tourism 1914-18" I looked into, there was a real tourism to the front going on among rear area officials, especially for members of the General Staff.
    11. Wow! Couldn't have been a bomb on Berlin, could it.... Maybe a trip to the front? Here is his entry in the Bavarian Court and State Handbook:
    12. YES!!! That looks very good to me! Many of the others I checked had WF3a, but none WF3b. That must be him --- somehow Fritz Zingler exchanged his IX for an XXV and did not mount his EK2w.
    13. Third Class (at least remotely possible suspects until 1910) (Beamten in brackets) BUT: It is none of these -- I checked them all in the DOA and elsewhere. 1889: Adolf Röder Frhr. v. Diersburg, KP Oberst zD 1892: (v. Skopnik, KP Geh. Regierungsrat, Straßburg) 1895: (Kirschner, Geh. Regierungsrat aD, Berlin) (Täglichsbeck, KP Oberbaurat aD, Hannover) Gestefeld, KP Major aD, Polizeihauptmann, Hamburg Fielitz, KP Wirkl. Geh. Kriegsrat aD, Berlin 1896: (Ludwig Gundlach, Geh. Regierungsrat, Wilmersdorf ) (Dr. Paul Kollmann, Geh. Oberregierungsrat zD) 1897: (Dr. Karl Wilhelm v. Meister, Regierungspräsident, Wiesbaden) 1898: (Dr. v. Michels, Geh. Regierungsrat, Straßburg) Friedrich Goetze, Geh. Rechnungsrat aD, Görlitz 1900: v. Morgen, KP Oberst, Kdr IR 15 Starck, Frhr. v., KP Major zD Tjard Schwarz, Geh. Marine-Oberbaurat, Schiffbau-Ressortdirektor, Kiel 1902: v. Beckedorff, KP Hptm dR (Leo Franken, Kais. Oberregierungsrat, Wiesbaden) (Sperber, Geh. Rechnungsrat aD, Weimar) (Hasenpatt, Geh. Kanzleirat, KP Kriegsmin.) 1903: (Steinmeister, Geh. Rechnungsrat aD, Steglitz) 1905: Egmont v. Websky, Major, KP Generalstab, VI. AK Franzelius, Geh. Hofrat, Ausw. Amt, Berlin Brünig, Wirkl. Geh. Kriegsrat, Militärintendant, KP XI. AK 1906: Karl Graf v. Alten-Linsingen, Maj dL, Hannover (Jahn, Vortragender Rat, Reichsschatzamt) (Hintze, Geh. Rechnungsrat, Reichsschatzamt) (Gustav Stolterfoth, KP Geh. Baurat aD) (Seele, Geh. Hofrat, Ausw. Amt) (Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm v. Siemens, Geh. Regierungsrat, Berlin) (Beuckenberg, Baurat, Dortmund) v. Friedeburg, KP Oberstlt, Kais. Flügeladjutant 1907: v. Cramon, Oberstlt., beauftragt mit der Führung Garde-Kürass.-Reg. Rettig, Geh. Kanzleirat, KP Kriegsmin. 1908: Dr. Nietner, KP Oberstabsarzt aD, Professor in Berlin Boy-Ed, Kais. Dt. Korvettenkapitän Hintze, Geh. Hofrat, Militärkabinett (Schultz, Regierungs- und Baurat, Kanalamt, Kiel) 1909: (Theodor Dietrich, Geh. Rechnungsrat, Reichsamt des Innern) (Jungheim, Geh. Rechnungsrat, Direktor des Reichstags) Eduard Stemmermann, Oberstlt, Distriktskommandant der Gendarmerie, Karlsruhe Stolzenburg, Geh. Rechnungsrat, Geh. exped. Sekr., KP Kriegsmin. (Dr. Alfred Westphal, KP Geh. Regierungsrat aD, Schriftführer des Kyffhäuserbundes) (Stieme, Geh. Kriegsrat, Justitiar, KP Kriegsmin.) Arnold, KP Geh. Kriegsrat, Intendant 1. AK Lemmel, Wirkl. Geh. Kriegsrat, KP Kriegsmin. Hoene, Rechnungsrat, Geh. Kanzleidirektor, KP Kriegsmin. Frhr. v. Broich, Major beim Stab Drag-Reg. 7 1910: v. Lenski, KP Oberstlt, Abt-Kdr, FAR 31 (Ruth, Geh. Hofrat, Ausw. Amt, Berlin) (Franz Dütting, KP Oberbaurat, Eisenbahnzentralamt, Berlin) (Laury, Oberregierungsrat, KP Eisenbahndirektion, Berlin)
    14. And the Beamten: Merit Cross with Crown: 1910: Grundstedt, Lazarettinspektor, Dieuze 1909: Bergemann, Registrator, Militärkabinett; Hermann Rubow, Geh. Kanzleisekr., Militärkabinett 1908: Jacques, Intend.-Sekr., Int, KP XV. AK; Alexander Kliebsch, Ob.-Intend.-Sekr., Int, KP XVI. AK 1906: Hofrat Petersen, Geh. Registrator, Militärkabinett; Georg Lix, Geh. exped. Sekr. 1905: Nicolaus, Intend.-Sekr., KP. III. AK; Grosse, Rechnungsrat, KP Kriegsmin.; Köbele, KP. Kaserneninsp.; Julius Zöllner, KP Garnison-Verw.-Insp., Saargemünd; Hofrat Sommerkamp, Militärkabinett 1904 Reichelt, Rechnungsrat, KP Gr. Generalstab 1903: Kohrs, Rechnungsrat, KP Gr. Generalstab 1901: Thaa, Lazarettinsp., Metz-Stadt 4th class with Crown: 1909: Herbert Wollmann, Geh. exped. Sekr., Päpstl. Stuhl; Rechnungsrat Albrecht, KP Gr. Generalstab; Intend.-Rat Düvel, Intend. 39. Div.; Hofrat Lemcke, Militärkabinett; Rechnungsrat Blume, KP Kriegsmin.; Rechnungsrat Goetze, KP Ingenieur-Komitee, Festungsoberbauwart 1908 KP Rechnungsrat Krüger, Straßburg, Proviantamt; KP Rechnungsrat Tigör, Metz, Proviantamt; KP Rechnungsrat Heinrich Finke, KP Gr. Generalstab; KP Rechnungsrat Liere, KP Kriegsmin.; KP Rechnungsrat Balk, KP Kriegsmin.; KP Geh. Rechnungsrat Hermann Schliewe, KP Gr. Generalstab; Hofrat Fahm, Militärkabinett; Rechnungsrat Zingler, KP Gr. Generalstab 1907: Rechnungsrat Martini, KP Kriegsmin.; Rechnungsrat Müller, Reichsamt des Innern; Rechnungsrat Seidel, KP Kriegsmin.; Rechnungsrat Rausch, KP Kriegsmin 1906: KP Rechnungsrat Schelle; KP Geh. Rechnungsrat aD Karl, Berlin; KP Rechnungsrat Schröter, Rechnungsrat Metzky; Geh. Rechnungsrat Schuckert 1905: Rechnungsrat Kieselbach, Mainz; Geh. Rechnungsrat Strähler, KP Kriegsmin.; Geh. Rechnungsrat Armand, KP Kriegsmin.; Rechnungsrat Rudolf Wolff, Ordenskommission, Berlin ....
    15. The Bavarian Court and State Handbook lists all St. Michael winners – Non-Bavarians only until 1910, however. Here is the list of possible suspects from 1910 – non-Bavarian officers, Zahlmeister and similar ones (year is “handed out in”): Merit Cross with Crown: 1909: Zschau, KS Zahlmeister, IR 102 1903: Zeitz, OStVeterinär in FAR4 (Prinzregent) 1897: Kurth, Oberzahlmeister aD, Magdeburg 4th class with Crown: 1909: Dörtenbach, KW Major in 2. Württ. FAR; Peter Eichen, RM aD and Amtsgerichtsrat, Frankfurt/M. 1907: Beyersdorf, Hptm, FAR 16; Dunin v. Przychowski, Maj in IR 95; Neumann, Hptm in IR 95 1906: Wolfgang v. Salmuth, Maj, 10. Division 1904: v. Memerty, Hptm in IR 96; Kurt v. Plüskow, Hptm, 42. Inf-Brig. 1900: Erhard Graf Kalnein, 2. Garde-Ulanen-Reg. 1895: Landwehr-Hptm aD Friedrich Keilholz; Landwehr-Hptm aD Friedrich Schüppe 1893: KP RM aD Graf v. Pückler 1890: KP RM aD v. Katte 1888: KP RM aD v. Döring
    16. And this one had a writing on the back: "Fritz und Molly" in 1937 -- their 55th anniversary. So Friedrich Müller could be right...
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