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    Everything posted by medalnet

    1. By the way, here is one of the impossible exmaples. Not made by Wagner, but Godet for a medal bar. Amazingly with a full lenght of that imposible to find ribbon: [attachmentid=26417]
    2. I strongly agree with Wild Card's observation. We are dealing here with secondary sources and worse. The opus magnum (I don't even own it) as well as catalogue are nice little starting points but have unfortunatelly many mistakes.
    3. don't worry, I happen to have all the rules and regulations. If there is ever a questions: email me.
    4. I was just made aware that there is a question on my favorite topic. The answer is rather simple: With the Red Eagle Order everything is possible. Well, there are the official rules of when and how certain attachements could be added to the order, but then the kings also awarded after their liking. Also, the rules changed over time and make it even more confusing. Good point is the remark about: "Maybe just for foreigners???" and indeed, the rules for forgeiners are different as well as changed often. I do recommand to get all sets of statues and additions
    5. What is his name? If I may ask? I should be able to find him in the regiments history!
    6. Thank you, and here are his sons badges: [attachmentid=25561]
    7. The medal is made from Dukatengold, which is rather soft. to ensure that the medal did not fall out of its frame a much harder gold with high non-gold content (Silver) was used as frame material. This explains why the frame and agraffe looks always a bit dirty. [attachmentid=25560]
    8. here is the golden Ludwigs medal for Arts and Science: [attachmentid=25559]
    9. I guess I will have some reading to do to also find the days of his awards of the Hessian Bravery medal as well as his Iron Cross 1st class. It seems that those are mentioned by name in the regiments' history book. A word about the Militaerverdienstkreuz: It the typical silver gilt WWI issue piece with the marking W 938 for Wagner and the silver content. Gilding is of course almost washed away. The following picture shows the messed up "T" in Verdienst. The tooling broke early in the war and was never replaced. [attachmentid=25552]
    10. Here the cover of the regiments's history: [attachmentid=25550]
    11. I really hate to show this off, but it is to nice stay in hiding. A nice group of former Vizefeldwebel Heinrich Prigge. Just arrived from Germany. He was awarded the PlM for NCO's (Militaerverdienstkreuz) for extraordinary bravery during defeating the French enemy on October 02, 1918, being part of the Grand Dukes Hessian Reserve Infantry Regiment No 254. His documents unfortunately didn't survive, but I luckily got it from the grand daughter who also threw in the regiments? history with his personal comments as well as a copy of the 1960 issued book about the bearers of the MVK. Despite the fact that he got lost during the day of his deed he survived the war. I also got his sons WWII medals (e.g. tank battle badge in silver as well as the frozen meat medal) - Certainly a brave family. [attachmentid=25549]
    12. That bar was worn by a fellow named Niemeyer. He was indeed from Waldeck. His biographical data is published in the Waldeck book.
    13. But, hey, we are supposed to talk Waldeck here. It would be very interesting to find out about the bearer, which I believe might be impossible to do?
    14. The one on the bar (AO 1 X) is a Silver gilt Scharffenberg piece. The AO 2 is a Scharffenberg piece with gold center.
    15. This actually was the reason for me to bid on the bar. Quite nice.
    16. ...and one more. this is a very sad story for me , I was really trying to bid on this, but did not get it. Even though this surfaced in a tinny auction house in southern Germany too many people knew about it. Anyway, at least I was smart enough to ask for a good picture: [attachmentid=24642]
    17. Certainly a brave man. PlM for NCO's awarded april 24, 1918, him being the a "deputy" (Offizierstellvertreter) in the Sturmabteilung des Marinekorps.
    18. ...send me an email, I have one for you. andreas@medalnet.net Andreas
    19. ...after those killer swords on ring pieces I thought it might be a good idea to show this nice group as well. It is quite nice to have the miniature bow as well. [attachmentid=24351]
    20. The actual author of the book has some books left for sale. If you like to contact him directly for a signed example: Gert Efler Weimarer Str.8 D 34613 Schwalmstadt Germany Fax: +49 (6691) 72303
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