Like you Troy I just need the armband and a gold badge to make my little collection as complete as I will be able to do
I picked this up the other week to match the 40 year badge that goes with it.
I personally like the history of the signature as well. The authorizing signature is, "Reichskriegerführer", (National Soldier's League Leader), and "General der Infanterie, SS-Obergruppenführer", Wilhelm Reinhard
Interesting career had he "a highly decorated WWI veteran having been awarded the Iron Cross in both 1ST and 2ND classes and a Pour le Mérite in August 1917 followed by the Oak-leaves to the Pour le Mérite in October 1918 among numerous other awards. During the Third Reich era Reinhard was bestowed an NSDAP Golden party badge on March 22ND 1938, the War Merit Cross in both 1ST and 2ND classes, an SS-Totenkopf, (Death's Head), Ring on October 8TH 1937 and an Ehrendegen der RFSS, (Honor Sword of the SS Supreme Commander), on March 18TH 1939. Reinhard held the position of Reichskriegerführer from March 18TH 1938 until March 3RD 1943 when the position was abolished."
Mel the Kiwi