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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. Nice one Bill Please check this page http://mondvor.narod.ru/OLenin2.htm You type (Ferdinand is completely right) is type 4, variation 1, variant 1 (Тип 4, вариант 1, разновидность 1). Cheers, Nick
    2. Nice one Paul Congrats! Krasnokamsky Mint vintage. As for the additional mark... Most likely this is internal quality control mark of the Mint. Although I've never seen any documents that confirm this hypothesis. Regards, Nick
    3. Maybe because they are (at least some of them) ashamed that they minted for themselves 100+ medals? I certainly would be...
    4. Allow me to remind you that we are discussing #39 and not your level of knowledge Let's discuss it "old style" which is "Proposition - Proof". Let's not use this "modern style" which is "Proposition - It is truth because a) I said so b) I am very knowledgeable c) I collect for many many many many years d) Knowledgeable dude told me that this proposition is true e) I know my drill ... Cheers, Nick
    5. Here is another piece of info for you Mogul Gotcha 1) я тебя подловил/to catch someone 2) я тебя понял/to understand someone Hope now you understand what I really meant by this phrase (Hint 2))
    6. You get that right Actually you don't ask questions... "I don't think that Leningrad Mint did any" "I mean the actual order with all the seals and stuff"
    7. Gorgeously man! You know what is my current dream? To see a nice scans of obverse/reverse/screw of #42. It would be so cool ... I wonder if Vic could be so generous and make them for us ...
    8. So you really think that orders that was made in Leningrad Mint between 1925 and 1933 should have "seals and stuff"... In this case go http://mondvor.narod.ru/ORBan.html and try to find these "seals and stuff" on RSFSR Order of Red Banner Sounds like nice HaPPy eNdinGg... Hmmm..... Nope, we are not in "strictly for dummies" hollywood blockbuster :lol:
    9. That's where "Эскиз трудового ордена Закавказской Федерации был утвержден решением Президиума ЗСФСР 22 февраля 1932 года и сразу же передан для исполнения в металле на Ленинградский Монетный двор"
    10. In case you have any doubts about triangle Vic, please go to this page http://mondvor.narod.ru/ORbnLab.html and see for yourself ... Cheers, Nick
    11. So the Leningrad Mint made only one order? For real? Do you really think that it was rational (and humanly possible if it comes to that!) to manufacture in 14 days (between February 22, 1932 and March 7, 1932) 111 orders in different private workshops, when Leningrad Mint already had production capabilities and facilities? Fat chance!
    12. Frank, unfortunately this is the only photo that is available http://rav-60.livejournal.com/106242.html http://24smi.org/news/5001-blogeri-rasskazali-o-falshivix.html Guess everybody was interested in this creature at the opposite corner ...
    13. Thanks for this info Tsend! Unnumbered replacement... Within week! We are living in terribly decadent times... No number, no letter Д or something nice like that... No checking and rechecking in soviet style... Last step toward France will be a shop when everyone could buy his own brass Legion of Honor (Red Banner/Polar star/... in our case ) And I am sure that this shop has been opened already. Unofficially of course. I saw way too many these shiny brass orders on the market, so they couldn't be all replacements. On the other hand (if everything that's easy and Mint people are so trustful) I guess one could demand replacement every week Regards, Nick
    14. Some additional thoughts about "private workshops"... Allow me to remind you dear colleagues what Kutsenko and Smirnov in their book ("Orders of Soviet Republics"/Куценко А., Смирнов Ю. "Ордена Советских Республик". 1996) wrote "Эскиз трудового ордена Закавказской Федерации был утвержден решением Президиума ЗСФСР 22 февраля 1932 года и сразу же передан для исполнения в металле на Ленинградский Монетный двор. А 7 марта того же года «в ознаменование исключительных заслуг перед ЗСФСР в деле социалистического строительства и укрепления хозяйственно-политической мощи» и в связи с юбилеем республики была награждена этим орденом большая группа ветеранов революции, рабочих-ударников, колхозников и служащих – всего 111 человек" and "До отмены награждений республиканскими орденами кавалерами Закавказской трудовой награды стали еще несколько десятков человек. Одно из последних награждений орденом Трудового Красного Знамени ЗСФСР состоялось 25 февраля 1933 года: 3-я сессия ЗакЦИК шестого созыва единогласно утвердила постановление Президиума Закавказского Центрального Исполнительного Комитета о награждении орденом ЗСФСР Наркома по военным и морским делам К.Е.Ворошилова" and "К осени 1932 года заказ на изготовление знаков ордена Трудового Красного Знамени ЗСФСР был выполнен." So, I believe it was probably the Leningrad Mint that made at least the first 111 pieces between February 22, 1932 and March 7, 1932 and I would never believed that in USSR the order for the order could be 111... No way! It was probably 150 or 200 orders ... So we should really expect some uniformity between these Transcaucasians...
    15. Sorry Vic, but I believe this is one 100% fake "triangle" ... Otherwise you have unique variation with very unusual МОНДВОР. Not to mentioned others "uncommonness"...
    16. Well chaps that's very weird ... You bought quasi rare orders... Your orders are very much alike... And you both don't remember the price...
    17. Here comes my advise. Put this one on evilBay with reserved price (let's say equal to the price that Vic paid back in 2006). Then wait...
    18. Sorry, I misread your phrase "Got this one years ago by a lucky chance".
    19. Of course there was a market... Although a different one... Conversed first types of Suvorov order were selling for less than second types... I wish I was there...
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