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    Everything posted by DavidM

    1. Hello Excellent One more off the list of makers EKs to get. Only another 100 and something to get Oh, adding that is just cruel. I'd love one of those, but unfortunately an RK is way beyond my pocket at present - especially having just bought a new house. I'll have to make do with my early 57 RK for now. By the way, if that one is yours you are very lucky - and I'm insanely jealous !! Seriously, a nice RK.
    2. Hello Robin Thanks for the information. I'll chase up Waterstones on that, as according to their online system delivery should be in around a week after the order, (I ordered it on Friday, as in yesterday), although I never pay to much attention to the delivery periods as they are inevitably longer than advertised. Still, as long as it doesn't slip beyond the end of November, I'll wait. By the way, how did you hear that the book hasn't been published yet ?
    3. Hello Dave I.ve just been comparing it to some S&L EK2s and I feel that the advice I've been given is correct, in that this is a nice S&L piece. Actually that's even better, because I have a K&Q already, so if this, as it now seems, and S&L it's another off my 'to get' list. I got simply because it is so frosty.
    4. Hello Thanks for the comments. I've been advised this may be a very nice mint S&L rather than a K&Q. It's nice and original, (and frosty !!), which ever it is. I must admit, as I said before, the ring mark does look a mite strange for a K&Q. Then again it doesn't look like a '4' for S&L either. Maybe it's just some weird mark that isn't actually a makers stamp at all. Any ideas or thoughts ? Given Friday night is my night out, perhaps I'd be better off comparing and examining these on a Sunday rather than a Saturday
    5. Hello I now have a copy of this book on order. When it arrives I'll let you all know what it is like.
    6. Hello I have just got this nice, and in my opinion, mint EK2 by, I believe, Klein und Quenzer, maker '65'. There is a little bit of tarnish showing in places on the rim, but all the paint and frosting is intact. The cross is three piece construction, magnetic core and measures 44.30mm x 44.56mm. The ring stamp is a bit hard to see and is different to those I have seen on K&Q EK2s previously, almost as it if hasn't been struck onto the ring properly. As usual, any comments and observations welcomed. Thanks.
    7. Hello From what I can see in the pictures, I think the bar is ok. However, could you please post a full on, clear shot of the front please. L/13 is the mark for Paul Meybauer, Junkerstrasse 19, Berlin SW68. I have to say that my initial reaction to the reverse set up was that this should be a B H Mayer piece, so some clear full on shots will really help, but from what I can make out the front looks like what I would expect on a Paul Meybauer piece. Thanks.
    8. Hello Would I be correct in saying it is of one piece conctruction ? If so, I like it. The Schinkles which do not have magnetic cores and appear to be made of brass are generally brass plated over the base metal that they were made from. They would then have the silver plate and paint applied. Apparently the brass produced a surface that the paint and the silver plate would bond to. Yes, I like it.
    9. Hello No need to worry Dave, as I say out of my entire collection I've only had three bad pieces - and let's face it, it could have worse. It could have been an RK. Instead of ?50 down the drain it could have been ?4000 or ?5000 Bill, thats a really nice cross you have, especially with the matching packet of issue. Very nice
    10. Hello The new picture without the use of flash looks more like what I would expect to see - the fading and 'yellowing' of the white areas.
    11. Hello Very, very nice. The expression 'I've got to get me one of those' springs to mind !! Thanks for showing.
    12. Hello On a list of medal makers marks, from The Kaisers Bunker, http://www.kaisersbunker.com/stuff/1914_EK2_makers.htm 'G' is listed as Godet und Sohn. I like the EKs but I am uncertain about the large non combatant ribbon. It looks in your photo just a little to clean and white for something that is anything between 76 and 92 years old, (they were still making and issuing the 1914 EKs into the 1920s / 30s). Does it glow under black light, (UV light) ?
    13. Hello Many thanks for this Rick, it is appreciated. I think the crosses pretty well match - the incuse ring stamp certainly does. As I say, that the cross is an genuine WW2 EK2 isn't in doubt. It's just that having never seen any EKs from maker '52' I just wanted to be sure it was a 'real' 52. As for the other one I posted, I am pretty well certain that's a Floch fake. It's ?50 down the drain, but it could be a lot worse, and I feel very lucky to only have three items in my fake drawer - or I should say five items, but only three that I have bought thinking they were ok and original. The other two pieces are cases, and I was given those as modern repros to keep the dirt off a couple of pieces, (since replaced genuine original cases). Anyway, thanks again for your help.
    14. Hello I have just received this EK2 which is maker marked '52', for Gottlieb & Wagner, Idar-Oberstein. However, I can't find any other '52' EK2s to compare it against. Does anyone have one of these, or can anyone say if this one is ok or not? The cross is of three piece construction and has a magnetic core. Any help or comments will be really appreciated. While I'm posting, I have been going through some stuff I have had for a bit, and I'm happy with everything except with this EK2, pictures of which I'm posting after the shots of the '52' marked piece. I know what I think it is, (Floch), but do others agree? Please advise. Many thanks in advance.
    15. Hello Torsten Welcome to the forum. Good to see you on here as well as the WAF.
    16. Hello I have never (as yet) been fortunate enough to either own or examine one these. From those I have seen in reference books and occasionally on forums this looks like a nice original piece. Nice find
    17. Hello Looks like a nice EK from the photos. Does the ring really go through a hole on the top arm, as it appears from the pictures and is this a common feature of Deschler EK2s?
    18. Hello I really can't say if this is a Juncker EK or not. All the examples of alleged Junker EK2s that I can find don't feature the cross hatching on the inner corners - which was a feature of the Junckers RKs. Of course, that doesn't mean your's isn't a Junckers or that the others are, I just don't know. It would seem that Junckers attributed EK2s are (yet) another hotly debated area. Sorry this doesn't help to much, other than to say that the ones alleged to have been made by Junckers that I have found don't have the cross hatch.
    19. Hello I would have to agree that this is a Third Reich produced piece.The best explanation I can think of is it was made either for display purposes or as a museum piece. In the copy of a pre WW2 Assman catalogue that I have, the only EKs shown are 1914 ones - of course that is only one catalogue from one manufacturer and others may have been producing 1870 crosses, although the market can't have been very large, if at all. Just as an interesting aside, I see that a screwback 1914 EK1 in real silver, (EK1 original mit schraube und platte echt silber), would have set you back 7.20Rm. Shame we can't get them for that price now.
    20. Hello There are a couple of slightly different variations of the pins on these S&L EK1s. The pins on the S&L crosses tend to be wider towards the top of the pin, tappering towards the bottom, wereas the B H Meyer pins tend to be thinner towards the top, becoming wide nearer the bottom before tapering off - hopefully I'm explaining myself clearly enough !! In so far as the reverse set ups go, they are fairly similar in appearance however, and it raises the question (again) as to how many companies produced 'universal' parts which others bought in.
    21. Hello Looks like a nice original S&L. Nice piece.
    22. Hello The pictures are a bit blurred, but from what I can see of the reverse it looks like a good one.
    23. Hello A very nice EK. Congratulations on a nice catch.
    24. Hello Thanks to all who have commented and contributed to this thread. Whether these EKs are Godet or Meybauer, (and after being pointed in the direction of Godet and doing some comparisons, they look like Godet to me as well), they are, in my opinion, beautiful pieces of work and I feel very lucky to have one in my collection.
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