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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Odulf

    1. A new photo added to my collection: sent as a postcard and dated 09-08-1909.
    2. To my knowledge the German Forces used captured weapons (pistols) from all occupied countries. I have had a Polish Radom (9 mm) but in a brown leather German (Luftwaffe) holster produced to fit this pistol and stamped on the inside of the flap with "P35 (p)". The pistol was marked with the German eagle on the slide over the trigger. I still have a holster which contained a Czech M1938 (9 mm), not marked with German eagle. The black leather holster is stamped on the reverse with the German eagle over the marking "Wa A 757", and stamped with dark blue ink in the flap "P39 (t)". The markings (p) and (t), to my understanding, indicate "polnische" and "tschechische".
    3. From: Rangliste der Deutschen Reichsmarine (1. November 1924)
    4. From: Rangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine (12. Mai 1914)
    5. General der Artilerie Wilhelm Fahrmbacher Born: 19-09-1888 Died: 27-04-1970 01-04-34 Oberst 01-08-37 Generalmajor 01-06-39 Generalleutnant 01-10-40 General der Art. Commanding: 5. Inf-Div. (01-09-39) VII. Armee-Korps 25-10-40) XXV. Armee-Korps (01-05-42) Armee Gruppe Normandie (01-06-44) Befehlshaber Bretagne (01-08-44) DKiS: 30-10-1943 RK: 01-08-1944 Image Award document KVK2mS
    6. Oberstleutnant Hans-Gotfried Lindow Born: ? Died: 21-02-1945 in Kurland Oberstleutnant (01-01-43) und Kdr. Gren.Rgt. 424 (19-09-44 / 21-02-45) [part of 126. Gren.Div. in the Kurland Pocket] DKiG: 26-09-42, als Major u. Kdr. II./ Inf.Rgt. 524 Image: Award document Inf.Sturmabz. S.
    7. Oberst Dr. habil. Hans Mundt Born: 30-09-1886 Died: ? 01-08-34 Oberst 01-01-38 Generalmajor 01-11-39 Char. Gen-Lt. 01-10-40 Generalleutnant Kdr. Inf.Rgt. 66 (15-10-35 / 10-10-38) Insp. Wehr-Ersatz-Inspektion Dortmund (01-09-39) Kdr. 168. Inf-Div. (11-01-40) Ausgeschieden, 30-11-41. Image: Award document DA-IV (-7-04-38)
    8. Oberst Otto Obenhaus Born: 02-11-1897 Died: 15-01-1945 (Missing believed killed, near Jaslo) 01-01-40 Obstlt. 01-06-41 Oberst 01-10-44 Generalmajor Commanding: Pi.Btl. 23 (01-09-39) Pi.Btl. 123 (05-10-40) Lehrgruppen Kdr. Pi.Schule II (10-05-41) Pi.Rgt. 667 (1942) Pi.Fhr. 3. Pz.Armee (15-03 / 10-12-43) 545. Gren.Div. (10-07 / 09-10-44) 545. Volks-Gren.Div. (09-10-44 / 15-01-45)
    9. Oberst Traugott Herr Born: 16-09-1890 Died: 13-04-1976 01-08-39 Oberst 01-04-42 Generalmajor 01-12-42 Generalleutnant 01-09-43 General der Panzertruppen Commanding: 13. Schützen-Brigade (17-10-40) 13. Panzer-Div. (29-11-41 / 01-11-42) LXXVI. Panzer-Korps (25-06-43) 14. Panzer-Armee (m.d.F.b.) (24-11 / 13-12-44) 10. Armee (15-02-45) RK: 02-10-41 EL: 09-08-42 Schw.: 18-12-44 Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille (15-10-39)
    10. Major Theodor Körner Kdr. II. Abt. / Kavalerie-Regt. 17
    11. Major Sermersheim, Heinrich Renatus Born: 03 June 1896 Highest rank reached: Oberst Artillerie-Regiment 74 Major und Kommandeur II. Abt. / Artillerie-Regt. 103 [4. Pz.Div.] Kdr Artillerie-Regiment 343 Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille (01-11-1939)
    12. Oberst Werner Sanne Born: 05-04-1889, Berlin Died: 26-09-1952, in Russian captivity Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant (01-04-42) Kdr: Inf.Rgt. 57 (01-09-39) 2. Inf.Div. (02-02-40) 34. Inf.Div. (11-05-40 / 01-11-40) 100. Inf.Div. (10-12-40 / 30-01-43) He was taken POW by the Russians in Stalingrad (30-01-43) DKiG: 19-12-1941, as Kdr. 100. Leichte Division RK: 22-02-1942, as Kdr. 100. Leichte Division Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille
    13. Oberst Johannes (Hans) Albert Hermann Streich Born: 16-04-1891 Died: 20-08-1977 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant (01-10-43) Kdr: Panzer-Regt. 15 (01-09-39) 5. Panzer-Brigade (Jan. 41) 5. Leichte Division (07-02 / 16-05-41) Führer der Kampfgruppe Streich 16. Inf-Div. (Autumn 41) Inspekteur der Schnelle Truppen (01-06-42) Inspekteur Wehr-Ersatz-Inspektion Breslau (01-06-43) Wehr-Ersatz-Inspektion Berlin (April 45) RK: 31-01-41, as Oberst u. Kdr. Pz.Rgt. 15 Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille
    14. Oberst Rudolf Höfer Born: 12-03-1892 Died:11-06-1961 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor (01-03-44) Obstlt (01-10-37) Oberst (01-09-40) Kdr: III./Schtz.Rgt. 4 (01-09-39) Schtz.Rgt. 64 (03-08-40 / 26-02-43) Deutscher Verb.St. zur Ital. 8. Armee (19-04-42) Truppen-Übungsplatz Zossen Divisionsstab 300 Kdt. von Stettin (28-02 / 04-09-45) DKiG: 14-01-42, Oberst u. Kdr. Sch.Rgt.64 Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille (10-09-40)
    15. General der Infanterie Walter Schroth Born: 03-06-1882 Died: 06-10-1944 (traffic accident) Highest rank reached: General der Infanterie (01-02-1938) Befehlshaber XII. Armeekorps Stellvertretender Befehlshaber Wehrkreis IV (01-05-43 / 06-10-44) RK: 09-07-1941 Image: Award document EK2 (19-03-43)
    16. Let's forget old service tricks. Boots over 70 years old cannot be revived to issue status. Over 70 years of time have dried out the leather, an fibres have lost their connections and structure, they are like cardboard. It is foolish to think these boots can regain their original use and flexibility. You can only slow future decay. So let's concentrate on that. Moisture will improve fungus and fungus loves moisture.... also in pee. Grease slows decay because it fills the cells, but because the material is dead, grease maight suck in, but only on the surface supplied (inside and out), it does nothing for the tissues in between. Oil might penetrade deeper, fill the cells, for a bit, but these cells are dead. Only the cell walls might absorbe some oil, but they will not pass the lubricants on. Long time rubbing may progress this, but over 30 years of experience does not support the idea. Forget the idea that you will walk these shoes, but keep them oiled, and they will last for many years to come.
    17. Oberstleutnant Wilhelm Conze Born: 07-02-1896 Died: 31-03-1978 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor (30-05-45) Oberstleutnant (01-01-39) Oberst (01-12-41) Kommandeur Panzer-Lehr-Regiment der Schnelle Truppen during the Polish Campaign also Kdr. Panzer-Regiment 5 (15-08-39 / 01-02-40) Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille 1. Oktober 1938 (14-08-39)
    18. Generalmajor Siegmund Freiherr von Schleinitz Born: 23-07-1890, Berlin Died: 30-11-1968 Highest rank reached: Generalleutnant (01-12-42) Kdr. Inf.Rgt 48 (12-10-37 / 06-01-1941) Kdr. 9. Inf-Div. (06-01-41 / 20-08-43) Kdr. 361. Inf-Div. (20-11-43) Kdr. Div. 402 (01-10-44 / 15-03-45) RK: 14-08-43, Genlt. Kdr. 9. ID DKiG: 26-12-41, Genmaj. Kdr. 9. ID
    19. Generalmajor Erwin Franz Burkhard Engelbrecht Born: 12-11-1891, Potsdam Died: 08-04-1964, München Highest rank reached: General der Artillerie (01-09-42) Gen.Maj. (01-01-39) Gen.Lt. (01-10-40) Kdr. 163. Infanterie-Division "Division Engelbrecht" in Norway (25-10-39 / 15-06-42) Commanding Höheres Kommando z.b.V. XXXIII (Territorialbefehlshaber Mittelnorwegen) after reorganisation Kom.Gen. XXXIII Armee Korps (23-01-43) (Territorialbefehlshaber Norwegen) 25-12-43 into Reserve-List From mid Sept. 44, Kom.Gen. Höheres Kdo. Saarpfalz. RK: 09-05-1940 Image: Award document EK2 (01-06-40)
    20. General der Infanterie Leopold Thomas Alexander Viktor von Schwedler Born: 18-01-1885 Died: 30-10-1954 Kommandierender General des IV. Armeekorps und Befehlshaber im Wehrkreis IV (1938) On the Reserve-List, Oct. 1942 Reactivated and appointed general commanding Wehrkreis IV (01-03-43 / 31-02-45) Highest rank reached: General der Infanterie (01-02-1938) RK: 29-06-1940 (Gen.d.Inf. u. Kom.Gen. IV. AK) Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille 1. Oktober 1938 (dated 20-02-40)
    21. Oberstleutnant Oppelt Born:? Died: ? Regimentskommandeur 32. Infanterie-Regiment. Highest rank reached: Oberst Originated from 11th Infantry Regt., a major, and placed with 32nd Infantry Regt. as Battn. Cdr. DKiG - 12-03-42 Image: Award document Sudetenmedaille, 1. Oktober 1938 (dated 20-02-40)
    22. Generalmajor Hans Gollnick Born: 22-05-1892, Gut Gursen Died: Highest rank reached: General der Infanterie (01-10-43) Commanding: Inf.Rgt. 36 (01-09-39) 36. Inf.Div. / Pz.Gren.Div. (15-10-41) XXXXVI. Pz.Korps (10-08-43 / 22-03-44) XXVIII Armee Korps (20-05-44) RK: 21-11-1942, as Gen.Maj., Kdr 36. ID (mot) EL: 282nd, 24-08-1943, as Gen.Maj., Kdr 36. Pz.Gren.Div.
    23. Reichssportführer Hans von Tschammer und Osten Born: 25-10-1887, Dresden Died: 25-03-1945, Berlin Reichssportführer und -kommissar (1933), and President of the DRL and NSRL SA-Gruppenführer (1931) Image: Membership card of the DRL [facsmile]
    24. Generalarbeitsführer der RAD Günther Arndt Born: 01-12-1894, in Lomnitz, Kr. Hischberg, Niederschlesien Died: 18-05-1975, in Pretoria, Rep. South Africa Highest rank reached: Generalarbeitsführer (20-04-39) Gauarbeitsführer and Generalarbeitsführer of Arbeitsgau XI, Mittelschlsien. Arndt served in the Artillery during the Great War, and lost a leg. He was a member of the Reichstag for the NSDAP and held the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer der Allgemeinen-SS. Image: facsimile from a quarterly magazine, issued by AG XI.
    25. NSAD Feldmeister und Abteilungsführer Höltze Born: ? Died: ? Leader of NS-Arbeitsdienst Emslandabteilung 5, der Emslandgruppe I Image: Award document of the NSAD Emsland cuffband, dated 25-09-1935.
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