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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Amen to that my friend! All vets should be revered in their various societies... as should the elderly. That last point is one thing I've long admired about many oriental cultures. Seems in so many societies both these groups get tossed out in favor of the young and inexperienced. I for one, when I see a vet, regardless of the type of their service, war or peacetime, I always want to shake their hand and thank them. But often I'm too embarrassed as I tend to be an introvert in many ways. Although I often act the extrovert as a way to overcome what are to me very awkward situations. So most folks that know me would never guess I'm actually quite bashful and not good or comfortable in social situations. It's just like cold calls either on the phone or in person. Can't stand them! But I deeply respect both groups and appreciate what those who have gone before have done for all of us. It's just like the Nam vets... they really got the shaft. I was too young to have much impact one way or the other and like most kids just wanted to play and go to school and well, be a kid. But I remember growing up with the war... every night on the TV, radio, papers, magazines... you name it... for as long as I can remember. I full well expected it would go on long enough that I'd probably end up going myself as I wanted a service career. But then it ended... and it was like... no one made a big deal! No parades, no cheering or ticker tape parades. No mass celebrations like at the end of WWI or WWII. To me, even during those younger years, being a historian I compared it in my mind and it was like "What a gyp!" And I know the vets must have felt a gazillion times worse! Here they did what their country asked of them... at least in the form of our politicians... and what did they get for their troubles and sacrifices. At least we've done a bit better in some ways as a society since then. But we still have one heck of a long way to go! As for me... I salute all vets in my heart and whenever possible in person with a hearty handshake and a heartfelt thanks for all they've done, whether it was a few years as a clerk during peacetime or in combat during the war. Every vet and his family sacrifices... I've known enough to know that. They all deserve all the respect we can give them and more... and those Russian vets too. And that of course is one good thing that we Soviet/Russian collectors and historians try to do. Give them that respect and keep their memory and their history alive. Dan
    2. Hi Dolf, Could very well be. Makes as much sense as anything else. Just don't know why I didn't see it the first few times I saw the picture. Now it just stands out like a sore thumb. And it's not under all of his awards either. Perhaps the ones they are not on the cloth are regular pin back pieces. Very in-ter-est-ing! Dan
    3. Hi Doc, Good to hear from you my friend! And many thanks for the HB! Another year older... I hope at least a tiny bit wiser. And many thanks for confirmation on the name... I'd thought for sure it was Umalatova so glad I'd gotten it right from the start. I know it refers to the lady in charge of the Party over there and with a proper name always want to get it right. As I say this was also the first I'd seen. At first I wasn't even sure what it was... the Umalatova's didn't even come to mind for some reason. But then I mentioned it to Dave and he pointed out the thread on SAF. I went over and read that and learned a good bit more than I knew but still alot of questions on them in my mind. I don't know if there's a complete listing or not... I think they at least attempted this over at SAF but just far too zonked to hunt it down right now. I believe they also issued Red Banners and I think Dave (and now me! ) are dying to get ahold of one... but it's a piece I've yet to see. I believe she also reissued some Orders of Lenin. As I recall it was a large discussion on all this over there. Again not even sure if they issued a 1st and 2nd of this one or just one to cover it all. The thing that really grabbed me on this is the reverse... just really looks cool for some reason. On the obverse the one major downgrade in quality if you will is they used "cold" enamel instead of "hot". You can definitely see a difference. Can't wait to compare them in person. And seems there are at least four variations of them as far as the reverse goes! Definitely not something that seems to pop up very often so figured I'd jump on it. I think I did okay price wise... basically I'm very pleased. Couldn't beat it for a nice little birthday present to myself. Thanks again! Dan
    4. Hi Dolf, Hey, that's definitely one good reason! Just never seen this done before and although I'd seen the pic before I never noticed this aspect of it till just now. I know that way back when the original Red Banners (if I remember correctly) were worn on a circular piece of red cloth or ribbon... or was it the early Orders of Lenin? Can't remember which... my brain is a bit foggy. Too much sugar today and too little sleep last night. I also considered that it was a way to lay out a pattern for placement of the awards. I know that when I was in NJROTC one of the biggest chores after washing, drying and pressing my uniforms was in putting all the insignia and awards back on just so in their proper positions. Sometimes it would require several tries to get everything "just right". But I do wonder why he wouldn't use cloth to match the color of his tunic? Kinda stands out this way. Very interesting nonetheless. Dan
    5. Hi all, My latest acquisition in the Umalatova collection. I go into more detail at: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8255...533;entry100640 But thought I'd pop the pics here as well. [attachmentid=49983] [attachmentid=49984] I can't wait to see it in person and compare it with normal Soviet issues including 1985's. If anyone has any more info on these I'd be very interested to hear. Thanks, Dan
    6. Hi Ed, Just wondered if you or any of the other members noticed that under this officers Orders and medals he has curved stripes of what looks like grey cloth. Wondered if anyone has any idea why? Dan
    7. Hi all, Here's my latest acquisition... another one to add to the Umalatova awards. By the way... is it Umalatova or Umatalova? I've seen it both ways and want to be correct if at all possible. Anyhow, it's an Order of the Great Patriotic War... I'm assuming 2nd class unless they just combined them into one for these... and that I don't know. If anyone has any additional info on these please pop on and let us know. But it's a fascinating piece and I just couldn't resist... if for nothing else than the novelty. It's only the first I've seen... until Dave told me about a thread over on the SAF... which is well worth the read by the way. Dave also said he's only seen these on Ebay and only a couple of times. So figured if I could get it at a good price I'd better get it while the gettin' was good. [attachmentid=49975] As you can see, from the front it looks pretty much like a standard OGPW 2nd... albeit with a bit of a cheaper look to it... mostly visible in the enamel. Looks about like one of the 1985 issues or perhaps just a tad on the cheaper side. [attachmentid=49976] But the back is totally different. Serial number 3574... no idea how many of these puppies have been awarded so no idea if that's low or what. But looks like the entire center is a separate piece. Does anyone by chance know what the letters above the screwpost signify? Is this the mint mark or what? What are the letters? The screw on disk looks really cheap to me... especially after seeing the nice GPW and Red Star ones... the big ones with the dimples and such. But again, at least to me a very interesting piece. I figure I'm "not" going to make the same mistake I made with 1957 West German reissues back in the day. I don't care how many folks say these are junk, not worth it, never be collectible, etc. That may end up being true but when I can find nice ones at a good price I'm hoping to grab them whenever I can. One never knows. Anyhow hope ya'll enjoy and again if anyone has any additional information they'd care to pass along I for one would love to hear it. Especially, can anyone confirm if there were indeed 1st and 2nd classes of these or just one issue combined? As if there are 1st's I'd sure love to find one someday. Dan
    8. Hi Gerd, Many thanks for your compliments on this one. I just can't say enough about Dave working this one for me. It's one he liked but he felt I'd appreciate it and love it even more. Thanks Dave!!!! So I have a single researched piece which I hope one day turns back into a group, and of course the Georgian group from Stogie which I also love beyond words. thanks Rick!!!! Of course my "ultimate" goal is to get my other pieces researched... hopefully before too long. Perhaps I'll be able to start sometime this fall or early winter if things work out okay. Thanks! Dan
    9. Since his record says he'd also received the Valor/Bravery medal and the Combat/Military medal I wanted to add one each unnumbered until such time as I "might" get lucky and be able to reunite his originals with his Glory. I know it seldom happens, but there's always that chance. So in the meantime, as representative pieces, here's the first I've managed to acquire... an unnumbered Valor/Bravery medal: [attachmentid=49787] [attachmentid=49788] I hope to find a Combat/Military medal soon for a good price. And yes, I will make it clear to anyone viewing this Glory that the additional medals are "not" original to it and simply representative pieces used as such until such time as his originals can be reunited to make it a complete group. Just wanted to make that clear as I too worry about such things as put together groups. Thanks, Dan
    10. Hi Paul, Well thank you. Just wish I hadn't missed the other one I wanted. That was because I ended up wanting to get something to eat, got involved in the kitchen and ended up missing it by two minutes. Was one of the bigger red silk ones with the slogans and seals and such. Went for $22 and my bid was going to be $25! I hate it when I screw up like that. Sometimes I think my head just isn't screwed on just right or something. Sigh. Well, I'm back on the hunt... there is always more game crawling around out there. Just gotta be patient and be ready to pounce when the time is right. Thanks! Dan
    11. Paul, I deeply appreciate your sentiments. I too feel that one side has far too much influence in our country these days, and perhaps has for quite some time. However, I feel that in a pinch, most of not all of them would jump into the foxhole and fight alongside any other American, regardless of political beliefs. We have our divisions as Americans but we always seem to come together when the going gets rough... we put aside our differences and become one. That is one of our greatest strengths. I would be as proud to fight beside a liberal as a conservative in a good cause. And trust me when I say that myself and my immediate family have tended to be on the conservative side the vast majority of the time. But then again, conservatives have their problems and faults too. We finally became Libertarians because we got fed up with the garbage of both of the main parties... and we feel that we need "less" government involvement. But I do agree with Ed that this is not necessarily the place for a political discussion as this is one of those hot button topics with many folks that get the hackles up and start small wars at times. We are indeed gentleman. I feel that we can all agree that the GMIC is rather like a military wardroom or mess and there are certain subjects that should be avoided... politics being one of them. Believe me, as passionate as I am about certain subjects, even when I've seen them posted on here I've stayed away as I know I'll get hot under the collar and that's not necessarily a good thing. Not that I'm burying my head in the sand mind you... but I just feel this is not the proper place for such things. My intent with this thread was not to get into politics or beliefs so much as to get folks moving in a positive direction such as writing Congress, their representatives and perhaps even calling them or getting petitions signed and submitted. There are things we can do. If we do nothing, and such awards are banned for collecting, then we have no one to blame but ourselves for letting it happen. But I definitely do not want this thread to turn into anything that would devide my brother and sister members in the club. Thanks, Dan
    12. Hi Paul, Speak of the devil! I just received it literally seconds before I read your reply. And it's very nice... not huge but definitely very well made and the color combination is quite striking. Seems to be in mint condition. Great little piece I just couldn't resist... figured how often would you see one of them. And hey, the price was right... .01 cent! LOL! Well, shipping was $5. That ticks me off a bit... it was actually only $2.46. Flag was wrapped in Saran wrap, put into a manilla envelope, then another and shipped off. But hey, gives him at least a little extra so I'm not complaining on this one. Mind you, I don't mind paying a bit extra on shipping when it does actually require someone to go to a bit of trouble to do it... like a glass item or something like a model. But other than that... whenever I sell I charge what the PO charges me... and I try to recycle materials or use their free stuff. But in this instance, I love the flag and it wasn't that much of a difference so c'est la vie! Dan
    13. No problem... happy I could help on that one. Having the book does occassionally pay off. Pity you don't have the name of the Sub. Again, I'd dare say the vast majority of flags out there have no history whatsoever. But they're still great pieces and certainly can make a terrific backdrop for our collections. Great flag holder you have there. Nothing like getting the family involved in our hobbies. Thanks again for sharing. It's a great piece. Hope one day I can find one myself. I see them on Ebay but I guess I have too much of the Scot in me... have to wait till it's a knock down, drag out bargain before I'll take the leap on anything. Dan
    14. Hi Ron, Great pics! Many thanks for posting them. Quite a variety of both types of award. Thanks for sharing. Dan
    15. Closest I could come is "Fenders". I now see the difference. The way the seller had described it it seemed it had something to do with the tracks. But I now see that one fender is much wider than the other. Many thanks for posting this. Clears everything up on this one. Thanks! Dan
    16. Hi Chuck, Beautiful flag and yes, your wife is cute too! This one is for the Commander in Chief of the Soviet Navy. If it had two blue stripes across the bottom instead of one, it would be for the Minister Of Defence. This is from a Soviet book on flags that I have. I don't suppose you know the name of the Sub it came off of? As that would definitely be a nice additional piece of info. So many flags come without any history at all which is really a shame. Hope that helps. Dan
    17. Many thanks, that would be a huge help. I think I'm looking at the wrong part. I'm looking at the bottom tread which on the left which doesn't look as wide as the bottom tread pictured on the right. Perhaps if you could also mark or circle in one of the pics what it is we need to be looking at that would be a great help as well. Many thanks, Dan
    18. Many thanks for joining in. This one is getting good as I'd kind of hoped it would. So, on the original pic from the sale: [attachmentid=49557] I take it the "short wing" variation is that pictured to the left and the "long wing" that which is pictured on the right, correct? Thanks, Dan
    19. Hi Rick, No, the excitement is over it being a great thing to keep award research in. So much better than just a plain manilla folder or something along those lines. Anyhow, "Vic" and I like it. Dan
    20. Terrific! Could you try to scan a closer pic of it like in my original post? I've only checked one of mine so far... have had a gazillion things hit me this morning... but I'm hoping. No idea as to the rarety on these... only what the dealer stated in the auction. Thanks, Dan
    21. Hi Dave, I know we've already discussed this a bit on the side... but felt I should make a quick post too. I agree on many of the types and variations, etc. they've "discovered" over time. Other than a very few, I feel it's become yet another way for dealers to pick our pockets just a little more, putting out alot of hype about how great it is, etc. and then tempting us to dig deep to be the only one on our block to own one. In this instance that doesn't seem to be the case as the dealer in question does not have it posted as an unreasonable amount, even for just a normal version of this medal. Again my main reasons for the post were to find out if I was the only one out here who didn't know about this, and if so to learn more. Or to let everyone else in on it and see a mad rush to check all their Bravery medals to see if they have on of this type. Anyhow, I do hope that perhaps some info surfaces on this. Most likely just a slight redesign on one of the dies somewhere along the way. It's a very minor and subtle different and you have to look at the base of the tracks to really see it. To me, I think it would be neat to own both types, but I totally agree that it's nothing I'd pay a premium to own. Thanks, Dan
    22. Hi all, I saw this on one of the Ebay auctions for a Valor or Bravery medal. It's out of Estonia. I'd not heard of this so thought I'd post it here for comments and additional information. [attachmentid=49343] [attachmentid=49344] [attachmentid=49340] Short and wide tracks on the tank... short being to the left and wide to the right. I believe the short one is supposed to be the rarer variation. It's more noticeable towards the bottom tracks. Has anyone else heard of this? Is this indeed a true variation and if so, just how rare are they? Thanks, Dan
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