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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Here's my latest addition to the flags, banners and finials department. [attachmentid=49339] 1996 flag for Peaceshield exercise with former Soviet Republic Ukraine. Measures 2x2 feet. Dan
    2. Many thanks for your compliments. I actually got into such things rather late in the game. I'd had some German flags years ago and this past fall got rid of just about the last of them. But then got hooked on Soviet pieces, both flags, banners and finials. Bargains can still be had (luckily) unlike most German pieces, either Imperial (which I could never touch) or TR. And yes, those marks are actually a reason I have dupes of some of the same finials... am trying to get several different examples of those price marks. Thanks again, Dan
    3. My latest acquisition. While not a document per se, I think it will be a good place to keep my awards research and documents. It was described as a USSR Ministry of Defense (Oboron), this is "litchnoye Delo" or Personal File folder. [attachmentid=49337]
    4. Hi Pat, Looks great... all dressed up and ready to go out on the town. Glad I could help out. Dan
    5. [attachmentid=49073] So hopefully I'll have the scanner up and running by the time this arrives and can put in new pics of all of these. Thanks, Dan
    6. My latest addition... a hunting ID card from the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR for someone named Parmen Ivanovich Akhobadze in the Soviet Republic of Georgia who was born in 1881. It's 30 pages... the inside pages have come out. Looked interesting so figured why not? Plus I love photo ID's as they are much more personal than those without. These are the sellers pics... will do better ones when it arrives, assuming I've got the scanner up and running by then. Still working out the bugs on my new system. [attachmentid=49070] [attachmentid=49071] [attachmentid=49072]
    7. Hi Stephen, Wow! That's one mess I'm certainly glad I didn't have to clean up. Thanks for posting that. Dan
    8. Hi all, Here's the newest addition to my flags and finials. Have wanted one of these for quite some time as they are a good bit fancier than the ones I already have. Been waiting for one at a really good price, preferably from the U.S. and this one worked out on both counts. [attachmentid=48738] [attachmentid=48737] Hot off the Ebay presses. Hope to have it by late next week. Dan An additional bit of info here. Seems that this is actually a Bulgarian finial. Any additional info would be deeply appreciated.
    9. Many thanks for this great info! And yes, I'll definitely try to get better pics posted soon. I now have an Epson scanner but am waiting for some software and a USB cable. Just as soon as I can get it hooked up and working I'll do up some better pics of these and probably several other pieces I've posted over time... not to mention adding some new posts that I've been holding off on due to the picture situation. Thanks again! Dan
    10. Hi Rick, Hey, figured at a couple of bucks or less each I couldn't go far wrong. Had they been more than that it would have been another story. But hey... it's an adventure! And now you've really got me wondering and I can't wait to get them in person and "scan" them... you know... S C A N them on my E P S O N printer. Anyhow... I figure if I can't get a PMO out until Monday morning it'll take two or three days to get to him in California and "assuming" he pops them right in the mail like I've basically asked him to do upon receipt of my PMO then hoping I'll have it early the following week at the latest... knock on wood. Can't wait! Thanks, Dan
    11. Hi all, Here are my latest acquisitions... hot off Ebay within the last hour. The pics I'm posting are the sellers but hoping to do scans (yes, I "finally" have an Epson scanner! But have to get a few things before I have it up and running. But we tested it at the shop and it came through with flying colors!) by the time they all arrive. First off is an Orders Book for a female recipient of the Order of Lenin dated April 1951, Order of Lenin number # 157473.: [attachmentid=48137] [attachmentid=48138] [attachmentid=48139] [attachmentid=48140] Again sorry for the poor pics... not sure what anyone can tell from them (Hi Rick! ) but until I have them in hand they're the best I have. Here's one he listed as a Soviet military ID book: [attachmentid=48141] A Young Communist photo ID book: [attachmentid=48142] And last but not least a Communist Party Member ID book: [attachmentid=48143] Again as soon as they arrive I'll plan to submit new and better pictures in the hopes of learning a bit more about these. Many thanks! Dan
    12. Hey, I envy you the ones coming back. I've not put in for any... yet! But I want too sooooo bad! Here's hoping your's come back with some super hero stories attached! And I'm sure there are some nice groups in your future as well. Thanks, Dan
    13. Many thanks! I really love it! And Dima's great translation added so much too it as well. I'd sure love to find those other two medals he was awarded... that would be sooooo cool! I've listed them in the Soviet Awards Database so keeping my fingers crossed. Well, now I have a researched group and a researched Order (hopefully one day to be reunited as a group... knock on wood.) so think I'm making some good strides in my collection of late. Hope I can keep up the momentum. Thanks again! Dan
    14. Hi Dima, WOW! Thank you so much for all the additional information on this Glory. I had no idea he'd even been awarded those additional medals. This is great! I deeply appreciate your help on this. It adds so much to it. Sure do wish I could find those other two medals... well, stranger things have happened. Thanks so much! Dan
    15. I do have one additional scan of one of the documents that was provided by Dave so I'll include this here (with his permission): [attachmentid=48085] I hope that somehow all this showed what was needed on this Order's research. Thanks, Dan
    16. [attachmentid=48084] Sorry about how I had to split the one document into four pieces. It was the only way I could get it to fit. A friend did these scans and they were way too big. Tried everything I knew to make them smaller.
    17. Hi all, This is my newest acquisition from Dave (Thank you Dave!!!! )... a Kazakh Order of Glory 3rd with research. [attachmentid=48068] [attachmentid=48070] These pictures are Dave's... used with his permission. This Order was rennumbered by the veteran as a replacement for a lost one. Kiziatov During offensive operations, aimed at liberating the city of Vilnus from the German invaders from 7 to 13 July 1944 Comrade Kiziatov proved to be a courageous and decisive soldier. During the street fights he inflicted heavy losses on the adversary personnel with his machine-gun, supporting his unit's movement forward. In one of the buildings a team of adversary gunners occupied an advantagious point and centered their fire on the road intersection. Comrade Idrisov, changing positions, killed German gunners with his machine-gun fire as the result of which the unit moved forward, occupying more advantageous positions. Their mission was successfully completed. Deserves to be awarded the governmental award-the Order of the Glory, 3rd degree.
    18. Here's some better shots of the Tadjikistan and Chechnya medals in my original post: [attachmentid=47818] [attachmentid=47819] [attachmentid=47820] [attachmentid=47821]
    19. Well, not sure if it will be or not... other than the fact that I definitely "slipped and fell into them" quite by accident. Not an area I have ever really considered collecting and I know just about nill about it. But I'm always willing to learn as with all the other things I'm into. If I find more of them that are as pleasing in their design and as colorful and at a good price I suppose I'd be willing to grab a few more. One never knows. Stay tuned for further developments. Thanks! Dan
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