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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Don, Many thanks! I'll nudge Pat to move in that direction as I'd told him I'd put those up for him to see. That one was more of an after thought on here than anything. Sorry bout that! Dan
    2. Hi Sam, Many thanks! I totally agree. I'd love to get the Star of Romania some day to go with this. But fear that's going to be a tad bit out of my range these days. But nice to dream. Dan
    3. Hi Jacky, Many thanks! But remember... that was twenty some odd years ago. I'm sure it's gone up a few cents since then. Dan
    4. And last, but not least... Bronze: [attachmentid=43094] The backs are blank of course... so didn't show those. If and when I ever get more I'll plop them here. I'd love some of their breast stars and such... just have to see what pops up for a reasonable price here and there. Thanks for stopping by. Dan
    5. Crosses of Merit... Gold: [attachmentid=43088] [attachmentid=43089] Silver: [attachmentid=43090] [attachmentid=43092]
    6. Hi all, Hope dis be de place to put this. If not, please feel free to move it. Although I don't have a ton of them, here are a few Polish awards I've picked up over the years. As with many things I know they look great, and I know enough to be dangerous... that's about it. So please feel free to pass on all kinds of info and technical details cause I do love that sort of thing. First off, my cased Polonia Restituta: [attachmentid=43083] [attachmentid=43084] [attachmentid=43085] And my Cross of Valor: [attachmentid=43086] [attachmentid=43087]
    7. [attachmentid=43079] [attachmentid=43080] I just know if I can ever find the case for it it will be absolutely gorgious as a full set. Dan
    8. And my favorite part of this set... the breast star. [attachmentid=43077] [attachmentid=43078]
    9. Hi all, Here's another piece I got ages ago (no I won't mention that magic number ). I keep hoping to find the case for it but that's beginning to feel like the impossible dream. I believe I paid around $200 to $250 for it and no idea what they're running nowadays. Yet another thing I haven't kept up with. Was a one time shot as I love the old Imperial Orders, yet they're generally way too expensive from say England. This was in my range at the time, looked great so I grabbed it. [attachmentid=43073] [attachmentid=43074]
    10. [attachmentid=43069] [attachmentid=43070] I just know if I can ever find the case for it it will be absolutely gorgious as a full set. Dan
    11. And my favorite part of this set... the breast star. [attachmentid=43065] [attachmentid=43066]
    12. Hi all, Here's another piece I got ages ago (no I won't mention that magic number ). I keep hoping to find the case for it but that's beginning to feel like the impossible dream. I believe I paid around $200 to $250 for it and no idea what they're running nowadays. Yet another thing I haven't kept up with. Was a one time shot as I love the old Imperial Orders, yet they're generally way too expensive from say England. This was in my range at the time, looked great so I grabbed it. [attachmentid=43058] [attachmentid=43060]
    13. Hi all, Here's a piece I got years ago off Ebay. Think I paid all of $15 for it plus like $5 shipping. It was very cheap. Of course there's no comparing this to the old European Orders. But it seems to be the norm for many countries. All in all it's a nice enough piece and very complete. [attachmentid=43053] [attachmentid=43054] [attachmentid=43055] [attachmentid=43056] Thanks for looking, Dan
    14. I love the combination of the colors on this... gold with green and red and the green and red ribbon. [attachmentid=43050] I tried to get the pin plate in clear but this was the best I could do. It says: "El Oro" Military Jeweler Jose J. Tupaz, Jr. Quezon City, Philipines [attachmentid=43051] All in all just a beautiful piece. And with a most unusual case. The medal's pin is held on by clips set in the base. I also eventually hope to find the ribbon miniature for civilian dress and perhaps a miniature of the medal if one exists. Thanks for looking, Dan
    15. Hi all, Here's another one I know little about... except that it's beautiful. Sadly when I got it it was missing the lower star. I "substituted" the closest thing I had on hand... a star for a U.S. ribbon bar... as I have a bunch of extras in my parts box. Figure it's the next best thing until I can find something closer. [attachmentid=43046] [attachmentid=43047] [attachmentid=43048] [attachmentid=43049]
    16. Hi all, Here are my four Orders from Thailand... two Orders of the Crown and two Orders of the White Elephant. I think I actually have at least two more of these running around somewhere... tried to find them but couldn't. There's still alot I need to find since our last move up here. Just tons of stuff still packed in boxes. [attachmentid=43041] [attachmentid=43042] I'm not sure of the levels of these. I think the second Order of the Crown is an Air Force issue. But I know very little about these... other than they are beautiful! So if anyone can enlighten me I would be most grateful. Also does anyone have an idea what these would be worth nowadays? I got them a number of years ago and once I had them I never kept up with similar orders. Thanks! Dan
    17. These are fantastic and a great addition to my mini sports badge collection. Two documented minis, one in gold and one an oblong silver... with a II pendant! I've never before seen one of these with a pendant! Fell in love with these the second I laid eyes on them. Gerd... I simply cannot thank you enough! Fantastic pieces one and all! [attachmentid=43034] [attachmentid=43035] [attachmentid=43036] [attachmentid=43037] Dan
    18. [attachmentid=43025][attachmentid=43026] [attachmentid=43027][attachmentid=43028] [attachmentid=43029][attachmentid=43030]
    19. Hi all, Here's the newest additions to my DDR collection thanks to Gerd. Many thanks my friend! You are indeed a Scholar and a Gentleman! [attachmentid=43021][attachmentid=43022]
    20. And now mine... in Gold: [attachmentid=55412] [attachmentid=55413] [attachmentid=55414] [attachmentid=43019] Now that I have a scanner I redid all but the last picture which was one of the originals I did. Believe me when I say these pictures still do not do this justice in any way, shape or form. This piece is in mint condition and it must be heavily gold plated as it looks like it's solid gold. It's never tarnished either! So now, after finding that other one last night, I'm really wondering what mine is worth... in gold, mint condition and dated 1936... the year of the Olympic Games in Germany! If anyone has any info on this or a guess as to how much it's worth please let me know. I've had this one forever and a day and literally last night when I found the one on Snyder's site is the first time in all these years I've ever seen another. Thanks! Dan
    21. Hi all, Here's another sporting pin. I've always kept it with my 36 Olympic decorations due to the date. I've only seen one other on a dealer site. First that one: http://www.snyderstreasures.com/pages/stickpins.htm GLP-081 German KK-S Berlin Service Marksmanship Shooting Badge [attachmentid=43014] This is a 21mm German SSf. KK-S Berlin copper stickpin badge. It is solid copper with raised lettering and wreath over a target. There is an unreadable stamped maker mark. The maker name is visible E. SCHMIDHA?SSLER PFORZHEIM. This is for the small bore rifle marksman. (Kleinkalibergewehr Sch?tzen) Here is a view of the back. [attachmentid=43015] The condition is near excellent, as shown. $149.99
    22. Hi all, Here's my lastest addition to my West German collection... thank's to Pat. [attachmentid=43012][attachmentid=43013] Dan
    23. Hi all, Here's one I just dug out. Really love the design on this one. Am I right in assuming this one is Bavarian? [attachmentid=43010][attachmentid=43011] Dan
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