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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Kevin, Ask and ye shall receive! [attachmentid=51051] [attachmentid=51052] As far as our favorite little Kraut I actually got that from one of the others posts I believe. I meant to make a note of from where and whom but didn't and I'm too out of it right now with work and all to hunt it down. So there is at least one other fan lurking around out here in club land. Hope he doesn't mind me "borrowing" the pic... but he's one of my favorite characters and I couldn't resist. And as you see... it's come in velly handy. Dan
    2. Hi Kevin, [attachmentid=51038] Velly Interesting! Actually I've got a wide selection! Just haven't gotten around to posting alot of that stuff yet. One rule though... never wear a Pickelhaub for such duty assignments... unless you're very good working with drywall repairs! Very nice helmet! Looks like you're all set for your next combat mission! Dan
    3. Hi Kevin, Sadly I think the "garage sale" prices may have just gone up! But glad you'll be digging through. By the looks of it you've got an awsome ready made DDR/Soviet collection including references, etc. sitting right there ready to go. Of course if you don't want them let me know as donations are always welcome. An ammo box is another item I need to pick up one of these days... a couple of German ones as well. I loved the German ones and after years of carrying some of my U.S. ones to the range I can tell you that their idea of making the handles so two could be easily carried in one hand was a fantastic innovation I wish we'd copied. And on the DDR daggers... they used to run around $50 to $60 or thereabouts when I first started to see them. A bit more for the cased General's/Admirals. Oh how I wish I'd grabbed what I wanted then. But again at that time "everyone" was saying how such things were junk, would never be desireable, etc. so I figured they'd always be cheap. Arrrrrgh! A lesson and a case in point... those who figure the same on Umalatova awards... just send them all to me and I'll be very happy! Cause one mans junk is another man's treasure. Oh, do yourself a favor... check out anything you're not sure of values on on Ebay. I checked for Soviet papers, just from the homepage and quite a few came up. I think you'll be interested to see the prices for them. It really surprised me. Of course I'm talking myself out of the market here but feel you'd like to know. Shoot us some more pics when you can... love seeing all this good stuff. Dan
    4. Well there ya go! I think we all need a very nice Lithuainian woman to teach us Russian. Actually I've taken both French and German (both the Hogan's Heroes, TV war series and war movie courses ) and have always had an interest in various other languages. My problem was always in not having anyone to speak them with. And when you don't speak it, think in it, etc. you lose it over time. I managed to keep up a good bit through my involvement in the hobby as it's almost a necessity. But oh how I wish I'd had someone to speak it with on a daily basis as I'm sure I would have been fluent in now time. Now the brain cells are old and tired and I'm lucky if I can remember my middle name some days. But who knows what the future may bring... but if it's a very nice Lithuainian woman... I think I'll have alot of explaining to do as far as my wife is concerned! Dan
    5. Hi Vic, That does sound like a good one... something that Rick would probably love! Or Dave for that matter. As for me... I'm only beginning to pick up a word here and a word there. It's amazing really but where before it was just a bunch of cyrillic characters... now I see a word or words and it pops into my head in Engrish! I have several books that are all in Russian... oh how I wish I could read them. Perhaps one of these days I'll take a course. It's very tempting. Dan
    6. In your post #29 the AF (blue band) cap on the top shelf and on the top... not sideways like the others... from the badge I "thought" it's was a General's cap due to the wide wreath on the cockade... but seems this is just the parade version. Sorry bout that! The field grade peaked cap I mentioned is bottom shelf, left top with it's brim touching the beer mug. It's all green with the peak and strap being in a dark olive green and the buttons and cockade in a lighter shade of green. That's the type I've been trying to find in 59. They pop up on occassion... generally when I don't have to cents to rub together. Dan
    7. Yup... just give me some time to get my warchest built up... and give me a call about a day or two in advance of the big garage sale and I'll be there will bells on! Seriously... fantastic collection... all the way around. I salute you for a job well done. Thanks so much for sharing all this great stuff. And everything in such terrific condition. Quite a treat with which to end the day. Dan
    8. Instant Soviet library... I love it! Beautiful books in great shape. What is the one with the red cover and gold titles that's standing up? I can tell if you "ever" have a garage sale you need to tell me in time so I can catch the first flight!!!! Dan
    9. Love the General's cap. Out of curiosity what size is the Soviet field peaked cap? I've been looking for one in the 59/60 range forever and a day. I have one in a smaller size with the original tag still attached but always wanted the bigger size. Dan
    10. Very cool on both counts. Talk about wanting to have digging privileges! Me like... me definitely like!!!! I've been tempted to find some papers but so far I haven't. But I think they'd definitely look good with a display. I may have to find some at some point for the Cold War display I want to put on at our local museum. Would make a nice addition I think to all the other goodies. And folks up here lived through all that with the missile bases and AF bases in our state but doubt they've ever seen things from the other side. Guess I'm off to Ebay to hunt up some as they really look great. Dan
    11. Hey, looks great to me. Also love that DDR dagger paperweight. Yet another piece I'm dying for but should have gotten when they were cheap. Thanks much for digging it out and posting it. Dan
    12. Hi Kevin, Definitely! Would love to see it!!!! Will be keeping my fingers tightly crossed. Would love to see the other posters and such too if not too much trouble. Thanks, Dan
    13. Hi Dan, Wow! Thanks for all the pics. First I've seen other than mine. And also love the Zep badge. Great pieces. I don't suppose you by chance remember the price on the one you pictured that you'd found for sale? Again I have no earthly idea what these run. And no offense taken on your liking the other one better. But personally I still think mine stands out. May just be that I'm used to it, but the one you pictured seems to be off in it's proportions. Also mine seems more colorful. As to the authenticity... I've never had any doubt. The gentleman who found it was a realtor with absolutely no interest in militaria whatsoever. It was found in a small shoebox sized box in the eaves of an attic of a very old house down in North Florida... where of course alot of retirees go... well to Florida in general. So perhaps a WWI vet back in the day moved down there to retire, had the box in the attic, it got shoved back, forgotten and sat waiting for him to find it. It had tons of other period militaria from the allies as well as Germany... all to the period and all totally authentic. And as many years ago as this was I don't think the fakers tended to make such things with their issue packets. Even with what's printed on the packet... basically a watchmaker and goldsmith or jeweler... just don't think the fakers were or even are that good unless they're copying and original to the t. With the way it was stored in the packet and again in the box... the aging, wear, etc. all look absolutely correct. It does not react in any way under a black light. I just can't find anything about it that either detracts or makes me doubt it's being totally and 1,000% original. To me, it's just a case of knowing the story behind it. I mean in Gordon's book on IC's he pictured one of the cloth IC's which again I think is just the ugliest thing. If I was a German officer or solder with that award I would not have been caught dead wearing one of the cloth versions. If snagging was a big concern I'd have gotten one of the stitch on versions and worn that. But in the case of this pilot's badge, I feel it fits in with the idea of style and class back then. It just looks great... don't know how else to say it. I love it as much now as I did the first day I set eyes on it. And believe you me, when he opened the box and I saw it it was all I could do to not show how excited I was and perhaps cause him to rethink the deal. I'm sure that one piece alone was worth far more than I had in the whole deal. Figure... I traded him the modern blackpowder rifle that I'd bought for $90 with all the accessories. I kept the accessories which alone were probably worth at least $50 by themselves. And considering that I managed to sell or trade off most of the other items from the box and came out perhaps $500 to $600 on all that I think I did quite well. Anyhow again, many thanks for posting those pics. At least now I know there are others. And I hope still more pop out of the wood work. I think they're beautiful pieces and can only hope some further information comes out on them as I'd love to know their history as much as any of the other medals or badges from either war. Thanks again, Dan
    14. Hi Bob, Many thanks! I never doubted it for a second but never hurts to have it reinforced... especially these days. Dan
    15. Hi Gerd, I suspect there are probably traps in there... nasty devices for nipping off prying fingers! Who knows what sinister things lurk in... "the box". But I too would love to dig for a bit. Would be a nice way to spend an afternoon... or two... or three or... well, you get the idea. Dan
    16. Hi Darrell, Know the feeling... went in and chatted for a sec about the "possibilities" and she was like "You already have a third of the house... plus the living room." Well, I admit I spend much of my time in the living room... only until I'm able to redo my bunker like I want. Need to get the floor redone (concrete) and then put up wall board, etc. Total redo. But that's still a few years away I fear. I've got plenty of room to store things but my dream is displays, displays and more displays! I mean, once I saw Jack Angolia's collection in his bunker... there was no going back. I'll "never" reach those heights... but would love a feel of some of what he did... and his was an amazing collection. Put all the museums I've ever seen to shame. Dan
    17. Hi Ed, Yes I did... sorry. My eyes are really getting bad. Methinks it's time for a new prescription very soon. Alas more money I can't spend on the things I really want to spend it on. Sigh. VERY NICE though! That's an especially nice strike of the CW medal by the look of it. Really stands out! I only wish I had my ancestors medals. Other than the pieces my Uncle Jack gave me... or my grandmother who had saved some pieces he'd sent her... I have nothing from any of mine who have served... nor does Kim. I suppose we could apply for replacements but I know that takes a long time. That's one reason I picked up the basic US theater and victory medals and such. I figure'd I'd get the ones they would have been entitled to as representative examples. One of these days I'll put in for their records and find out exactly what they had. No matter how basic or unimpressive they might seem... "we" know what went into earning them. And as one who knows of such things... I'd like to say thank you to all those in your family who put on the uniform and served our nation. It's a history to be proud of... and I know you are. Thanks for sharing. Dan
    18. Hi Ed, What is it about some women wanting to destroy things or throw them out? Why can't they be pack rats like us guys! Of course, if they were then nothing would be rare or even scarce. So I guess... here's to all the women of the world creating more rareties than war, pests, bad weather and mother nature in general (see, another woman! ) and all the rest the world can throw at us. Seriously though, very sorry to hear about his uniform. That would have been an absolute jewel and some great family history. But very glad you have your great-grandfather's medals. Would love to see pics sometime if you wouldn't mind posting them. Hope you come across the stuff your dad found and collecting. Sounds like it might be a nice little treasure trove. Dan
    19. Hi Laurence, Would definitely love to see pics once the transformation is complete. Dan
    20. Hi Pete, Hey, I think the pics just fine. First I've seen of all three and in color to boot! Just what the doctor ordered. Many thanks!!!! Yeah, I definitely have a feeling they'll cost a pretty penny if and when one ever turns up for sale. But beautiful pieces, that's for sure! Dan
    21. Hi Vic, VERY NICE piece!!!! Any idea if they still pop up from time to time? I'd absolutely love one of those. Any idea what it would cost to get one printed? Thanks, Dan
    22. Hi Gents, Ed... how I remember our moves! I've never seen so many boxes in my life. I had between 80 and 90 just in videos! Been collecting those since about 1977. I'm a big movie (and TV) fan... just think Remington Steele... although I don't generally spout titles, actors and studios... but I do speak in movie/tv ese much of the time. I keep saying if they ever put me in a home it'll have to be the TV & Movie home out in California as no one else will be able to translate! When we moved it was actually out of our home of twenty some odd years, most going to storage down there and the rest to my friend John's. We were there eight months (Trust me... that's a FRIEND! HE's actually like a brother and just a great guy... and now a GMIC member too... can't beat that!) and then we loaded up two huge trucks and made the final move. Still have two storage areas filled to bulging that we need to go through. Needless to say... I "hate" boxes! As far as kids and college... Nick's been making rummbling noises about deciding where he wants to go. But it will probably be within 1 to 1.5 hours away so his room will probably stay as is. Besides... it's a 2/3 floor up there and I'm 6'3" so I don't really fit... especially as there are ceiling fans up there (go figure... there when we bought it) and they're like guillotines to me every time I go up there. I'm much more comfortable down in my bunker... safe and snug in mother earth and lots of good old solid American concrete! So I think if his room eventually comes up for grabs Kim can have it. Then perhaps I can have her current office as that would be perfect. Hmmmm, I feel a chat coming on with the Mrs. right now. May as well plant the idea and give it time to grow. And Kevin... trust me when I say I'd be in the same boat re: the TV and such. I'm actually hoping and praying for holodecks some day. Then I'm going to go in, weld the door shut (assuming there are restrooms and food replicators available) and I'm never, never coming out again. I'll be quite happy reliving history and all my favorite shows for the rest of my days. I don't ask for much do I? Dan
    23. Bonjour Christophe, I'm very my in the same boat on this one. Never seen another in all my years of collecting or studying such things. I keep hoping someone out there will pop up and tell us about it. Here's what Rick (Stogieman) said over at the Aerodrome Forum: "These were made in cloth. However this is unlike any I have seen. Normally, when a cloth badge shows up it's in bullion/wire not bevo thread. First thing I would do is hit it with a blacklight. if it glows, bad apple. If it doesnm't, we'll need much better images. A high-density scan would be best so we can see it straight on. Good Luck" And of course that was well before I had my scanner. I'm getting ready to pop a set of the scanned pics up on my thread over there. And I did test it under black light... absolutely no glow! But it's a beautiful piece... well made and in this case from what I can tell never worn. When I got it it was in it's original issue packet as shown. You can still see the imprint it made on same... that distinct oval shape. I've had several people make offers on it over time but not for many years now. They were mostly in the $100 to $200 range but I figure it's got to be worth more than that. I may be wrong as I know some rare things just don't bring the bucks you'd think. But in a category where Imperial pilots, etc. badges bring what they do and are as desireable as they are... and as no one I can find has ever seen or heard of one exactly like this... I just put two and two together. Plus I think if I ever parted with it I would never be able to sleep at night. This, IMHOP is one of my all time greatest finds... and not many of those to begin with. And to find it complete with it's packet? How often does that happen. Methinks this is definitely one to be passed down for a loooooong time. Dan
    24. Really? Had no idea. Hey, if someone can confirm that then I may pop it over to my SAW items on the other post. Not sure which sword you mean... if the cutdown I believe it's one of the standard NCO pattern swords in use in the U.S. at the time right before the war started. If the sword with the Enfield against the tree... that's a staff & musicians sword if I remember correctly. I'm sure one of the members can fill in the correct info... again never specialized in this area. Just love the goodies! And of course that one was a family piece handed down. And then of course there's the standard bayo on the end of the Enfield. Guess I'll have to do more detailed shots of those. But if I've missed one... let me know. And of course I'm happy to do more shots of anything per request. But very glad you like. Thanks! Dan
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