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    Everything posted by order_of_victory

    1. Here are few of Gramota's, I thought I new what Gramota meant till I looked it up in the dictionary and it came up as Litteracy or the abillity to read , but they have some loveluy designs on them, enjoy First up my favroiteits a 1984 and has a lovely design on the front cover
    2. What is the order diagonly accross from OSH 3rd, it looks a bit an OoV Order of Victory
    3. Thanks guys I am still anovice with this stuff Order of Victory
    4. Hi Kirk Welcome to the forum When do them bester badges date from , the dont look as pretty as the one I posted Order of Victory
    5. Dan, These people might be able to help, they even have a MIG , http://www.tanksforsale.co.uk/Tanks_Trucks...ps_for_sale.htm But I would think a COUP would be cheaper than a full blon revolution Vic BTW this place is right near were I live so if any help needed let me know
    6. Wow they are awsome I would love one like that Order of Victory
    7. Hi Dan, Yeah no details will be relaesed until the item is in my grubby little mits Order of Victory
    8. I am very lucky I have a complete set of maternal and mother heroine with docs to same person and I Motherhood Second with docs, but I cant no matter how hard I try find a documented first motherhood medal BTW if any one has one and wants to part with it let me know Doc, good luck with hunt Order of Victory
    9. Wow Dan, You realy have a geat collection, keep up the good work Order of Victory
    10. Sorry Jim, If I had not been reoganising my liabery I wouldnt of noticed either Order of Victory
    11. I have just found out my Copy of Order of Lenin Order of Stalin, the design matches one in the book but it should have a blue back ground not red Order of Victory
    12. Paul Thanks Paul and USAIRFORCE I am glad people like them Its just a shame its not as researchable as an Order of Glory and I wonder did one get special privlages for being a cavalier of three classes Order of Victory
    13. Christian, My thoughts are on the RB are once it was decided that the Glory and and other combat medals were to be ribboned to make the RB fit properly on a Medal Bar the only course was to add suspension Order of Victory
    14. Christian, THat was one thing that supprised be about Yugo awards, is there wieght compared to USSR awards Sorry to hear you dont any Military Merits, fingers crossed that one day one come around for you Order of Victory
    15. Hi Eric I did not spot the spelling mistake on Collect Russias website Ed, Imagine how much more the group would be if it was complte Order of Victory
    16. That was my thought exactly, if I am spending more that 1,000 usd on an item I want to know it is a hundred percent authenticated Order of Victory
    17. Just spotted this on Collect Russia and nearly fell off my Chair http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=16378 Now only to find 175,000 usd Order of Victory
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