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    Everything posted by order_of_victory

    1. Heres a pic I hav just don wich shows what the group would look like with the medals and orders, hope you like it Order of Victory
    2. Now Iam deffinitly sold Now I have just got find space in my budget to aquire one Ed please dontdo that to me Order of Victory
    3. Wow, I have been looking at this part forum for a while and resisting the urge to buy Mongolian, but those scans with Sukhbaatar Order are melting my deffences Order of Victory
    4. I have stange feeling Almara has more to do Iraq than with Afganistan Order of Victory
    5. I am not to bothered as they are nom specific docs But if it was somthing like that medal I would be Order of Victory
    6. Hi Mattie, I acctualy never noticed tha sports doc was different It also makes it a bit harder to keep track of items you have bought, whn the docs are filed away and all you have recipt off ebay But I do find the sellars offer of over 5 items half price postage, fantastic Order of Victory
    7. MONDVOR, Wow that is fantastic So he helped bring about a Modern Soviet Air force , very cool That gives the group another dimension Order of Victory
    8. The docs arived today some are different than orginaly posted Her are the scans of the ones that arrived Order of Victory
    9. Mondvor, Sorry to hear about your computer problems Thats fantastic news, a translation of why they were awarded would be fantastic BTW what is the difference between a ukaz and a Postanovlenie Order of Victory
    10. Rick, The absence of other awards in the 1941 book was one of the things that drew me to group Thanks "Big M" I would appriciate any more information on this guy What are the likley reasons for him being awarded a Red Star at this time Order of Victory
    11. Mondvor Yes hewas in the Air Force, unfotunatly only docs But I do have an undcumented 20th Anivarsary for the Soviet Armed Forces medal that can go with the doc for display If any one has the missing Red Star let me know Order of Victory
    12. Yep some docs, the docs for 20th Anivarsary for theSoviet Arned Forces and Red Star Awarded to a Air Force Colonel, Ivan Gulyaichenko. Buy the time he was awarded 20th Aniversary Doc he had becom a major. Courtosy of Collect Russia Order of Victory
    13. Alexandre, Heres a pic of one curently for sale with Collect Russia Im not sure tough on a ribbon for this Order of Victory
    14. Cheers Gerd No i did not relise 3 and 5 were related, husband and wife Darrel, ROFL We have the same rule in England, if you smile on your pasport photo it well be rejected, but you wont be shot Order of Victory
    15. Heres the latest docs I have piked up: 1st A Sports Cetificate with pin
    16. Well my only reaserched medal came with its reasearch But I do have several requests ot there waiting to come back, but My Red Star wont be one as it is a long service award Order of Victory
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