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      Royal Navy, Tanks.

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    1. Tell us more Johnsy, we're all ears?!
    2. Great pics!!!
    3. A very good tank indeed, though I'm sure they'll be more than happy with the Abrams!
    4. Excellent pictures Bob, thank you......
    5. Amazing. I do regular internet searches for anything to do with tanks, yet have never seen this. Thanks for posting it up! Amos.
    6. Gutted I've missed the programmes, especially one with a Panther. I saw the programme on Discovery where they restored a Centurian ARV, but this sounds much more like the real deal. I was looking at T62's for sale on the internet, you can pick them up now for about ?35K. Might need a bigger garage though....... Amos.
    7. Three grand for a de-ac?!!!!
    8. Sounds good! I wonder when we'll be getting it this side of the pond? Amos.
    9. I wonder why they call him 'Swampy'........ Suprised that 4x4 wasn't brassed up the second it appeared. Good vid, stay safe boys........ Amos
    10. Unbelievable. As you say though Paul, a nice reminder as to why our people are out there. You and all your colleaugues have our gratitude buddy.... Amos.
    11. That's a very comprehensive site! Thanks for posting, and welcome to the GMIC..... Amos.
    12. Quite right too! People in this country seem to have forgotten that our boys are still out there...... Amos.
    13. Ralph, WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE?!!!! Superb, what a conversation piece! Amos.
    14. I meant Panzer VI of course, not IV!!
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