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    1. Not surprisingly, they didn’t! I spoke to my mate just before Christmas and he was told that the medals had still not been received and it was likely they would be sometime in the new year. I’ll try and get an update from him this week.
    2. About time something like this was published and nice to see it originates from my old force… even if it’s from the PCC. At least he’s ex-forces and has too be better than his predecessor!
    3. A friend of mine in A&S had his LSGC medal ceremony a couple of months ago. Had his certificate but he qualifies for the kings head version and he’s been told he will receive it next month.
    4. I was a member of the UK Police DVI (Disaster Victim Identification) Team which was deployed following the Boxing Day Tsunami and apart from a couple of MBE’s or OBE’s awarded to senior officers nothing else was awarded. There had been talk many years ago about a possible Police Overseas Deployment Medal and a Humanitarian / Peacekeeping Service Medal but nothing ever came to fruition. I believe that there have been a number of missed opportunities since to create these medals with the creation of several different medals (e.g. IRSM, Civilian Service Medal (Afghanistan) and the Ebola Medal) when they could have just had one medal with different clasps in relation to Humanitarian service. IMHO.
    5. All the blokes I know who were mid in NI have theirs in the London Gazette and I’ve just checked and also searched by army numbers. His number doesn’t return any results. Not conclusive evidence that he wasn’t mid but maybe it has been subsequently added to the group.
    6. This long awaited medal looks like it will soon start to be issued for 20 yrs service like Police, Fire Service & Ambulance Service. It's being discussed on BMF, hopefully links work. They show image of the medal and the gazette entry. I wonder whether or not it will be issued to staff in private sector prisons who have the qualifying time (I have a friend who does aving started as HM Prison Service and head hunted into a Governor grade post in a privately run prison). Also, will it be issued to staff who are no longer in an operational post but have the qualifying years of service. e.g like Abulance Service (emergency duties) LSGC 20 yrs and if IIRC have minimum of 7 yrs emergency duties service in that period, (again I have a friend who has 23 yrs service incl nearly 19 yrs operational service). Anyway, a well desevred and overdue award. Congratulations to those who are going to get it. Cheers, Jim http://www.britishmedalforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=48784&hilit=prison+service http://www.britishmedalforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=64287 http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/59672/pages/615
    7. Gents & not forgetting Ladies, Now that I have found out how to do links, I thought that I would show off my new found skill! Anyway, the below (links) which I found whilst browsing the internet may be of interest; as the qualification period for the Police LSGC being reduced to 20 yrs has now been announced in the London Gazette (which makes it even more official). Cheers, Jim http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Justice/public-safety/Police/Circulars/PoliceCircular6 http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/59482/pages/12881
    8. Thanks Mervyn. I've been lurking fo a while. My force is Avon & Somerset. I agree, brilliant photo of Robin's medals. Craig, that's exactly what my brother who is in TVP said. Cheers, Jim.
    9. This has just been posted on Police Oracle (sorry my computer skills don't stretch to links yet, I did try but for the reason of saving my sanity I gave up): Qualifying medal age reduced 04 Mar 2010 The Police Medal recognising long service will now be issued to those who have served for 20 years, rather than 22, the Home Office announced this week. The award now fits in with other emergency services and will be back-dated to January 19, 2010. Having long campaigned for this, Police Federation Chair Paul McKeever said: “The Federation is delighted that the qualifying age has been reduced to 20 years and we thank the Policing Minister and Home Secretary for listening to us and pursuing the matter.” I'm not sure if this has been posted on federation site yet. Anyway if you want to take a look at the thread its on Police Oracle, (OFF DUTY) Police Forums, General Police Discussion, Police LSGC medal. Looks like I won't be waiting until 2012 after all. Cheers, Jim
    10. Leigh, That was an A & S officer and it was for common assault IIRC he resigned as a result of not getting the LSGC. I think also he was a member of the RNLI in Minehead where was a CBO. Cheers, Jim
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