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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Lieber Waldemar, there is something wrong with the BU 1cl, you showed to us - at least the medaillon is a bit out of order and the laureal wreath is not gilded, if I compare it to my one and to Anatoly's one: Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Ed, you are right, we - state or army paid - historians belong to the Phaleristic Proletariat, in comparison to the numerous "more than rich" Russian collectors, who have their residences in Vienna and in the Austrian Alps . But have a look at Jani's two "Kosovo-Medals" - the are numbered and their starting prices are really moderate . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Ed, this Kutuzov 2cl is authentic & genuine . The only aspect, which is really troublesome, is the scratched out and newly engraved s/n. . Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Bryan, sorry ... , I just took the Kutuzov 2cl out of my bank fault, when I made the final photographs of my RBL-screwback http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25331 and of the two Motherlands 2cl http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25540 . I made the pics with my Sony-phone, but the focus didn't work correctly at the Kutuzov . I will borrow a decent camera and will make some close-ups of the details the coming days. Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Marc, many thanks for your expertise . If it is correct, that the Moscow Mint didn't erase the s/n. for "Victory Parade" reissues in such a crude way, then the version, that my Kutuzov 2cl found it's was to the West from a Russian museum, seems to be the most credible one. I have seen some high-ranking Soviet orders (mostly Lenins) with rather crude erased s/n. in the mid 1990s here in Vienna. The ident dealer offered at the same time (1994) also an immaculate & genuine Suvorov 1cl with the typical "museum"-engraving at the rv., instead of a s/n., for about EUR 2.900,-. At the moment the prices for a Suvorov 1cl are a bit higher . Dr. Herfurth got negative results concerning the s/n. from Podolsk. So his theory was, that the Kutuzov 2cl (as a most typical award to high ranking NKVD-officers, due to the operations of the NKVD during the GPW) might have been awarded to a NKVD-General, who got a ri. for participating at the "Victory Parade". Best regards Christian
    6. Another hint Gentlemen, have a look at a certain publication of OSPREY http://www.ospreypublishing.com/ . Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Jani, many thanks for your clarification - 21 % is moderate & normal . I myself don't have the cash in the moment, for spending EUR 10.000,- or more on another Ushi for my collection . But it might be interesting for our GMIC-community, to know, who of the K-19-crew received that Ushi . Your catalog is - concerning Soviet/Russian items - is really impressive and the starting prices are rather moderate . Best regards Christian
    8. Dear Rick, I guess, that Submarine-Lieutenant & Korean-War-Veteran James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. hadn't been that "bad guy". At least he got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 and never bombed - by violating all international laws - a country in Europe . Best regards Christian
    9. Gentlemen, my question shouldn't be too difficult, I guess ... The incident is well known in literature, because it happened not too often, that a Soviet plane shot down a German jet-fighter ... Everybody should know the Soviet pilot, his aircraft, the designer and the last modifications at the plane during the GPW . Please keep on with Christophe's quiz . Best regards Christian BTW: Some more hints: - that incident happened at a major river east of Berlin (the former border between the FDR & GDR). - the pilot of the German jet-plane hadn't been an officer, but an NCO.
    10. Dear Dan, my "Victory Flag" is on the way to good old Vienna . I already bought in 1995 in Hungary, at the Ukraininan border, a spear head in solid brass with hammer & sickle. When the flag arrives, I will go to that special shop in our city center in Vienna and order the fitting flag-pole for the "Victory Flag" & spear head. I am still missing that special strap for attaching my Kutuzov 2cl http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26254 , but I guess, that such straps are hardly to find ... Anyhow, it will be a fine celebration of the 9th of may 2008 . Many thanks again for your valid information . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Sergey, I guess, that will be never possible , because the "Victory" - and some other awards - can be only confered to participants of the GPW . Best regards Christian BTW: The Russian Federation still awards GPW-veterans with authentic CCCP-awards .
    12. Effective buyer's price Dear Jani, many thanks for your pdf . Question about the final hammer prices: Is it the hammer price + 18 % buyers premium + 19 % (German) VAT in total ? So a item of EUR 1.000,- would cost EUR 1.404,20 ? Who exactly got the K-19-Ushi ? I guess, that the comrade in question played also a role in that great movie. Best regards Christian
    13. Kutuzov 2nd class, Type 2 / Version 2, s/n. 274 Gentlemen, in summer 1994 I bought for EUR 580,- this Kutuzov 2cl at my main dealer in Vienna. This Kutuzov has a s/n. of on old and early version and the s/n. 274 has been engraved new, the old one had been scratched out (in a rather crude way) and also the (orginal) "gun blue" at the rv. has been applied. The same dealer offered also a nice Suvorov 2cl for about EUR 900,-, but with an completly scratched out s/n., which I didn't buy - no s/n. + higher price. The Kutuzov is original & genuine. Has true traces of wear, excellent enamel, correct weight, perfectly manufactured, old patina, the typical old dust in the corners and a small (and old!) chip at the white enamel at "33-minutes-position", as you can see at my (bad ) scans. Dietrich Herfurth tried to research the order, but he got negative results from Podolsk - the Soviet Army has no Kutuzov 2cl with s/n. 274 in their archives. Dr. Herfurth meant, that it might be a "Victory Parade" r.i. NKVD-award . Another theory might be, that the Kutuzov is stolen (or "sold") from a museum and the "experts" engraved a new s/n., which is not recorded at Podolsk, so that the award can't be tracked . What's your opinion about this Kutuzov 2cl - many thanks for your expertise . Best regards Christian
    14. Dear Miguel, which dealer offers that outstanding well preserved RB#2 for less than 20 % of it's current market value ? Best regards Christian
    15. Dear Marc, as usual, you are right, due to your excellent eyes and your experience . I invested more than half a hour of time in comparing the FoN of "usairforce" to to my own ones, to Igor's one, MONDVOR-website, etc. etc. I found a few, but striking, points, why the FoN in question might be manufactured in the Baltics: 1) The wreath of hands is completly different, to massive and not so elegant. 2) The distance between the words "Drushba" and "Narodov" is too narrow. 3) The form & location of the "Hammer & Sickle" in the center is different. 4) The green enamel of the laurel wreath is far to flashy and unnatural in colour (should be darker). 5) The red enamel of the basic large star is far too shiny through - it looks as a colour rather "thin". 6) The small shield with "CCCP" is different in form and also location. 7) The "MONTNEY DVOR" at the rv. is different in form and also location. 8) I already mentioned in my first post that strange patina on the revers. Gentlemen, what do you think about these details of that FoN ? Best regards Christian
    16. Dear Ed, it was just about usairforce's question about rarity, as I pointed out at my post . Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Dan, many thanks for your information . That's really a fantastic copy at a really reasonable price . I just wrote an e-mail to Michael Bessler for the total costs of shipment & insurance to Europe. Best regards Christian BTW: I also have a matching Kutuzov 2cl to that flag .
    18. Dear "usairforce", Paul R and Ed Haynes brought the issue to the point . Best regards Christian
    19. FoN s/n. 7529 Gentlemen, that's one of my FoN with orders booklet - rather early issued - at Jim's thread about the FoN: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=213411 Best regards Christian BTW: Any idea, which nationality comrade Gladsky is ?
    20. New question #184 Gentlemen, again an easy one about aviation . Have a look at this painting, done by the great aviation artist Mark Postlethwaite http://www.posart.com/ : Questions: 1) What do we see at this painting? - aircrafts involved - pilots involved (name all 3) - when exactly happened that incident - where exactly happend that incident 2) What was the final improvement (armament) of the Soviet aircraft on the painting at the end of the GPW, which made it to the most superior piston-engined fighter in WW II? (That improvement is not shown at the painting!) 3) What was the nationality of the Soviet designer of that aircraft, which military rank did he achieve and which where his most superior titles & prizes (quantity & years of awarding) he got? The winner is, who answers ALL 3 subquestions . Best regards Christian BTW: I don't have Mark's great original painting on my wall , but a small model of the "White 27" at my desk .
    21. Dear Christophe, congratulations to your victory and many thanks for transfering the question to me . I already found a nice, easy & educative question for our community . Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Dan, congratulations to your jump over the 3000-benchmark . I still have to work on it ... You are right, the FoN is a real sparkling beauty . The FoN is still rather moderate priced and has still a lot of "fantasy" for an increase in market value - also due to the fact, that the FoN was also a typical KGB-award. A proposol for US-collectors: Why not buying Soviet awards via a loan from an US-bank? The interest rates are getting lower and lower and I guess, that for a US-bank a FoN, Glory 1cl, HSU etc. might be a better security, than a house, a flat or a car ... Buy a nice collection right now with the money from your bank, sell some items in one ore two years, balance with that income your loan at the bank completly and you have a nice collection for almost nothing - with an zero-investment. O.K., that's a speculation on raising prices, but the trend is unbroken and the national wealth of the Russians is increasing. Just my thoughts as an economist ... Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Christophe, I guess, that you have got the correct answer . Due to a "semantic misinterpretation" I got on the wrong track . Mongolian boots had been correct, but the main person in question had been the Mongolian donator of these boots ... Many thanks, but this procedure wouldn't be fair, because answering Jim's question was several times more difficult, than to answer your presidential question. You should go on with the new question . Best regards Christian
    24. Dear "usairforce", that FoN looks rather genuine & authentic to me, despite that strange patina on the revers. Igor offers a rather ident item for USD 835,-: http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=18361 Best regards Christian
    25. Dear Jim, congratulations to your jump over the 2000-benchmark . I am drinking a glass of Chianti for your health . Best regards Christian
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