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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Lieber Waldemar, congratulations to #42 . My 1cl has s/n. 2.149 (not cased, no documents, but screwback) . In february 2003 I paid for mine ? 120,- in Vienna (H.-D. Rauch). Best regards Christian
    2. Dear Christophe, dear Ed, many thanks for the congratulations to my victory #27 . Well, my final "combination" had been: Which institution has directly to do with Zhukovsky? O.K., I will wait with the posting of a new (not sooooo difficult) question till Christophe has posted the comprehensive answer to his question . Best regards Christian
    3. Gentlemen, let's collect all the hints given by Christophe: - it's an old institution, established long before the GPW - it's has devinitly to do with Soviet Airforce and/or aircraft design - it's not an academy - it has to do with the great Zhukovsky, because that hughe poster of him is at the wall of the building - it is located outside of Moscow - it still exists (maybe another name?) and you can visit it - it has to do with the great Gagarin My guess: - It might be the TsAGI http://www.tsagi.ru/eng/ and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TsAGI ? Best regards Christian
    4. Lieber Waldemar, many, many thanks for your great gift . I think, that is the first Order of Bravery, which had been awarded for phaleristic services . What's the serial number of the order ? Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Christophe, you also got unnumbered ones in Moscow. You think, that USD 200,- is a fair price for such a medal ? What might be the price for a numbered one + matching document ? Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Nejc, at least the box of my 7-EUR-Order seems to be very, very old . It seems to be of the 1940s/50s and I got the box years ago in Belgrade together with a CCCP-RB. Best regards Christian
    7. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy Dear Christophe, right answer ? Zhukovskyi Air Force Engineering Academy (Военно-воздушная инженерная академия имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского) named after Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky was founded in 1920 in Moscow to train engineers for the Soviet Air Force as well as lecturers and scientists. It still exists in Russian Federation. The Zhukovsky Military Air Engineering Academy is located in Moscow, on Leningrad Prospekt immediately across from Central Airfield. Course length is five years. In addition to being an institution of higher learning, it also is a scientific center for working out problems in the areas of aviation technology, its technical exploitation, and combat utilization. Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Yegorovich_Zhukovsky Best regards Christian BTW: I have the Academy-Badge in my collection .
    8. One of these medals at the market in Belgrade Gentlemen, our dealer Marko in Belgrade offers one of these super-rare Russian medals for about USD 200,- : http://www.singidunum-online.com/shope/pro...productsID=5749 Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Nejc, congratulations - you have an outstanding beauty in your collection . Very well preserved and such a low s/n. (might be an 1944/45 issue ). Best regards Christian BTW: Mine - which I got some days ago from Belgrade - looks rather similar to Valuk's one.
    10. Gentlemen, I have the feeling, that there are more variations of cases, than of the different orders and medals . And I also guess, that Yugoslavia offered the most beautiful cases of all communist countries for their awards . Well, and it might be, that rare cases will be more expensive, than the corresponding award . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Charles, I think, that item is problem free and in a very typical - or even above average - condition of preservation, which shows good details. I don't think, that the Glory 3cl - not so the 1cl or 2cl! - is widely faked, because the market value is still far too low. Glories are always very interesting for research, because they are pure battle awards to rank and file soldiers or NCOs for actions in the line of fire . Best regards Christian
    12. Gentlemen, what was the price for the case? Is it possible to get such a case alone without order? Best regards Christian
    13. Dear "slava1stclass", many thanks for sharing that booklet with us . Well, to be scientific from the phaleristic viewpoint, you will have to create a complete new category for that grade of booklet = everything, except the date of issue. That booklet is neither Category 1, nor Category 2 of a Full Cavalier booklet . For my taste the term "hybrid" doesen't sound sooooo phaleristic - reminds me more on motoring or biology . Maybe: Category 1,5 ? Best regards Christian BTW: What about a Category 1 Full Cavalier Set + full research (special award card, award card + all citations and recommendations). Might such a set run under Category 1+ ? Many thanks for your expertise .
    14. Dear Paul, such "foreigner"-items have their price ... Igor for example offers a "Lenin-Centenary"-Medal for a foreigner for USD 1,750,- http://www.collectrussia.com/DISPITEM.HTM?ITEM=13513 - o.k., that medal is maybe a bit rarer than the 40-years-Medal, but the prices for the "foreigner"-variants had been always very high. Best regards Christian
    15. Lieber Waldemar, many thanks for presenting that severe inconsistence to us . Maybe the lower numbers are the really awarded items and the larger numbers the totally produceditems ??? We have to wait for the expertise from one of our native experts ... . Best regards Christian BTW: Which type of YU-Bravery-Medal I will get from you as a present ? Maybe you can already put a scan at the thread of the "Order of Bravery", that the others and me can have a look on the medal ?
    16. Dear Bryan, really great collection - many thanks for sharing . Best regards Christian
    17. Seriously: There IS a rather strong (religious & historic) connection among the Tibetian and Mongolian people . Best regards Christian BTW: Does the Dalai Lama confer orders and medals to his people and supporters ?
    18. Dear Ed, I guess, that you have missed at the 15th of june in Vienna to get a YU-HSL for mere EUR 4.800,- http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19027 . It might be, that in some years we have to put one zero more to the price tag of that order . My advice: If you might get a YU-HSL - incl. all documents + from a prominent & communist comrade - for much less, than USD 10.000,-, then buy it now. Best regards Christian
    19. Great photograph - thanks for sharing . Is there a list of all the foreigners, who got a Glory 3cl - anyone, who got a Glory 2cl ? Best regards Christian
    20. Dear "slava1stclass", many thanks for sharing that charming photograph with the old hero of the working class . Igor offers now for a rather fair price (only USD 15,5k) a full Labour Cavalier set incl. all documents and 1cl issued at the 8th of august 1991 . Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Milan, many thanks for your expertise . Does the factory in Zagreb still exist ? Best regards Christian
    22. Dear Glenn, well, that might be our "Doctor" . He might have promoted to a Oberleutnant at the end of WW I and got also his orders & medals at the end of the war - or years after the war, which had been possible in Austria. Best regards Christian
    23. I hope, we will get rather interesting line-of-fire-stories of the liberation of Crimea and "Operation Bagration" in Latvia - both in 1944 - rather soon . Best regards Christian
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