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    Christian Zulus

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    Everything posted by Christian Zulus

    1. Dear Belaruski, nice and traditional badge . So the new Komsomol is attached directly to the Republic of Belarus and not to the ruling party ? Best regards Christian
    2. Dear David, if you really need a hughe bulk of datas, then the cheapest way would be to sponsor a masterthesis at the History Department at the University of Vienna. Students with an official letter from their professor can use the archives free of charge, as far as I remember from my time as a student. So, if a student is writing a masterthesis about relations between Kurhessen & Austria, that would be the solution. Companies or private persons, who want to sponsor a masterthesis (or doctorthesis), have to contact the professor (or professors) of the matching sub-department. The sponsorship of masterthesis is quite common at technical and economic universities, where there is valid interest in some topics. The sponsorship of a M.A. or M.Sc. might be cheaper . Vienna is also one of the rare academic places in the world, where you can study (M.A. & PhD) the science of numusmatics, with phaleristics as a branch . The cheapest way would be, if you yourself inscribe at History in Vienna as a student and do the job by yourself . Best regards Christian
    3. Dear Doc, please could post better scans of your very rare item - many thanks . Best regards Christian
    4. Dear Filip, many thanks for the link . They are extremly nice and very well manufactured . But their price tags are rather high . As you know, I have no access to eBay blow-ups. Please could you start a new thread and post the 3 blow-ups of these medals - many thanks . Best regards Christian
    5. Dear Gerd, that's a very interesting ribbonbar: What is the 2nd "Germany-Medal" at the last row ? Best regards Christian
    6. Dear Gary, many thanks for showing this great set to us . The Motherland 2cl seems to me problem free, due to the nice, genuine & old patina at the silver rays at the star and #800 is a very low s/n. I don't like the s/n. and the rv. of the Motherland 1cl. Here are my two sets of Motherland 2cl & 3cl. The left column is unissued and fresh from the stock of a military command (and with very, very high s/n.). The right column seems to be issued - low s/n. & traces of wearing. Sorry for the bad scan : Best regards Christian
    7. Dear Dan, congratulations - that's an extremly cute looking medal . I like the strong contrasts at the av. . Best regards Christian
    8. Does the Republic of Srpska have their own orders & medals ? Dear Filip, that was just a mere rethoric question . If someone is interested about the non-existing nation of the Republic of Srpska, here is the official website of the government: http://www.vladars.net/ . Another question: Do you know, if the RS has their own orders, medals & decorations ? If yes, since which time to they have their award system - 1995 or later ? I guess, that - in the case they have own decorations - they might be influenced in style & design by the old Royal Serbian Orders (like their uniforms). If anyone has informations about that topic, please start a new thread here in the YU-section - many thanks . Best regards Christian
    9. Dear Christophe, congratulations to your great achievement to answer our professor so difficult questions . And Mongolia is also a great topic . Best regards Christian
    10. Dear Doc, well, your coat is rather rare: Railwaytroops Congratulations . Best regards Christian
    11. Dear Bob, you are right in regards of Hungary 1956 and CSSR 1968, but these interventions didn't cause 50 + millions of deaths, that's several times more, than the whole populations of Hungary & CSSR . What I can not accept as a serious historian is, that someone just states, that socialism in eastern Europe killed 50 + million innocent people, without giving any hint of evidence or proof . The next time someone might state, that the socialism of the British Labour Party killed 5 + million people or such fantasies . It's just the number, not if socialism kills, or if christian-conservativism kills, or hinduism, or whatsoever - that depends on your private point of view . Best regards Christian
    12. Dear Belaruski, well, Belarus seems to be as socialistic state , but the name is "Republic of Belarus" and not "Socialistic Republic of Belarus". Also in the beginning of the constitution of Belarus it is noted, that the country has to be a "social state" and not a "socialistic state". O.K., we can now discuss, what's the genuine differnce between the term "social" vs. "socialistic" in a constitution, but just on the paper, Belrus is closer to a Swedish form of socialism, than to a Soviet form, just my opinion. But Lukashenko's Belarus has somehow a "healty" socialistic character with a strong emphasis to social welfare, care for veterans, control of capital, etc. - and that's what counts. Dear Ed, Belaruski is right - I checked it in the www - Belarus has only one Hero Star for all fields of activity. The variant of the Russian Federation includes now achievments in the fields of sport, but no heroic deeds at the Labour Front, according to the statutes and regulations. Best regards Christian
    13. Dear Vic, do you have more scans of that Volga-V12-beauty ? Maybe it would make sense to raise a small serial production of such "improved" Volgas ? For a price of around USD 200.000,- it might be easy to sell about 100 cars worldwide - not only in Russia. It would be great to see some of these cars driving around in Monaco . Best regards Christian
    14. Question #106 Dear Ed, it seems, that the 3 comrades in question had been heros of the "Civil War" . Comrade #3 might have been Trotsky ? Succeeded #3 in which position or function ? Maybe Stalin ... But I have no glue, who of our famous comrades died in 1923 & 1927 . Best regards Christian
    15. VOLGA-Porsche Dear Bryan, many thanks for these fantastic scans . The car is outstanding - look at the interior finsh . The Porsche-brakes alone might cost more, than three well-preserved "Volga"-cars . The airbrush-work is also a very fine work of an very gifted artist . If that "Volga" has authentic Porsche-technique - motor, gearbox, suspension, etc. - inside, then our whealty fan of Stalin & the CCCP had spent a fortune in the USD 300.000,- + for his "Volga" . Best regards Christian BTW: Better the "new-rich" invest their money in that artistic way, then buying the fifth Rolex-watch with hughe carats of diamonds ...
    16. Dear Bryan, great, historic and fantastic group AND perfect presentation with all the additional informations you gave to us - congratulations . Also a great group for a rather moderate investment of hard earned bucks . The 4 medals also have the "super-rare to get now plastic covers" for preventing the ribbons of getting spoiled . Usually, if you get these plastic covers with the medals, they are in rather bad shape, but your's are perfect . What does "illiterate" mean at the section "education" ? Does it mean, that your comrade never visited a school or that he couldn't read, nor write? Well, in the 1920s & 1930s the Soviets built up a rather sophisticated school-system, so "illiterate" persons in the mid-1940s should be rather rare ... Or does "illiterate" mean, that he just finished primary school, but didn't attend any higher school? Best regards Christian
    17. Dear Filip, that might be a rather precise description of how things are going on in the "other" Serbian Republic . Best regards Christian BTW: Could anyone tell me, why the Serbian Nation has to live in two (2) different, but bordering, states: Republic of Serbia & Republika Srpska .
    18. Statistics Gentlemen, we have almost 1.250 postings and already more than 12.000 views in our thread . Congratulations to all participants . Best regards Christian
    19. Wrong number Dear Ed, sorry ..., you gave the wrong number of your question: - Christophe already answered # 104 - you answered # 105. So, your new question has the number 106 . Please correct - many thanks . Best regards Christian
    20. Dear Brian, so, our friends in the Repulika Srpska use cap badges whatever they like - only the double headed eagle appears at each badge ? It's a strange world .... Best regards Christian
    21. Dear Lukasz, yes, you are right: If you haven't been a complete idiot or notorious crook, you will receive the Wehrdienstmedaille in bronze after the basic service. But that's it . I have hardly seen a NCO, officer or general, who has got the medals, he should have gotten . As far, as I know, there is also a limitation in the Austrian Army to the numbers of decoration you are allowed to wear at your uniform - I assume, that the absolute maximum - already with special permission (!) - are 12 medals . Maybe our soldiers don't apply for their medals? Maybe they don't care at all about them? Another point are the high ranking orders of the state, the range of the "Ehrenzeichen". Everybody is eager to get them ... Also the UN-medals you can see at the uniforms. Usually you see at uniforms the Wehrdienstmedaille in bronze, maybe a Wehrdienstzeichen, UN-medals, one or two orders of the Austrian provinces and one or two Ehrenzeichen - and maybe some foreign awards. I have really no glue, why there is such a hughe range of military medals, when they are not confered ??????????? That's the highest "Ehrenzeichen", that the highest ranking general (chief of staff) gets, when he retires (with silver breast star): Best regards Christian
    22. Gentlemen, some weeks ago, I posted a larger picture of that fountain here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=157284 . O.K., the answer to that question is too easy for me - just a grip into the bookshelf -, so I will take a rest at question #105 . Best regards Christian
    23. Dear Christophe, looks like a detail of the big fountain at the entrence of the permanent allunion agricultural exhibition in moscow ? Best regards Christian
    24. Dear Christophe, that's true, that you already gave the answer to question #104 in a commentary to an question in february 2006 . I just got member at GMIC at that time, but didn't realize that your great quiz existed ... Well, but the answer of the old february 2006 question had been "Order of Stalin" . So, I would say, that you answered question #104 in a absolut correct way - congratulations . It's your turn to put question #105 . Best regards Christian BTW: Do have any links to our fabolous Mr. Castro, MAX, DAX, etc. ?
    25. New question #104 Gentlemen, we all know the project of the "Order of Stalin" - the real one and not the ugly Umalatova-medal. What have been the two (2) reasons, why that ambitious project had not been realized ? Best regards Christian
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