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    Turkish made Iron Crosses 1914

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    While theoretically possible, I've never seen one, either in person or in any of the books such as Geissler, Bowen, etc. Considering that Turkish War Medals ('Eiserner Halbmond') were being made in Germany for issue by the Turkish Government, it seems unlikely that any maker in Turkey had the capacity to mass produce Iron Crosses. Unless it's got some markings on it that indicate Turkish manufacture, I wouldn't see any reason to come to that conclusion.


    Edited by Tim Tezer
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    Thanks for your fast answer, Tim.


    Tim Tezer said:
    unlikely that any maker in Turkey had the capacity to mass produce Iron Crosses.

    Well, did I speak of "mass production"?




    Here shown is an EK II that belonged to Ottoman Marshall O. Liman von Sanders. Of course I cannot say sure if it is his awarded piece or one he later bought, but at least it belonged to him. He's been in Turkey for five years, 1913-1918. This does NOT prove the EK having been made in Turkey, but it might be, as I've seen by now exactly one other piece with this, honestly said, ugly iron core. The frame, by the way, is of god quality.


    The other one I've seen by know was on a large medalbar of a German Officer who also was awarded the Silver Lyakat Medal, so, might I think, has been to Turkey in the war also.


    Avers of the Iron Cross:



    Edited by saschaw
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    Well, your arguments don't sound bad, there were really ugly EKs (ever seen a KO closeup? I think you did), but I still "believe" my story, even though I will never be able to prove the EK's Turkish origin (how should I, it seems impossilbe) ...


    If they only could speak.






    What's the German "Sprichwort"?

    "Der Glaube ist des Menschen Himmelreich ... "


    Edited by saschaw
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