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    One very interesting photo is from his funeral. The first fellow in line....... almost positive this is a young Werner Voss, before his Pilot Badge and before his transfer from KG4 to Jasta 2 and pure fighters!


    Hey Stogie ... could the officer, second from the right in the line be Oswald Boelcke wearing his PLM?

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    Guest Rick Research

    wub.gif You win the prize for today!!! jumping

    You betcha-- when von Bake was killed, the only aviation PLM winners were Immelmann and Boelcke. :food-smiley-004:

    "Unpublished".... ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    Hey Ricky,

    i just looked von Bake in the casualties book, but I did not see the story where he got back to german lines but too late and died. Where did you find that?

    Best, Sal

    Guest Rick Research

    Ahhh... page 13 ALPHABETICAL Dead Guys shows rank, date and place of birth, and death date (18 May 1916).

    Then go to Chronological Death Dates section...

    page 187 and there he is with flying status, unit, place and date wounded (over Avocourt 16 May 1916), with additional date when he actualy died, 18 May--2 days later--died of wounds at Sivey.

    Notice that ON 16 May 1916 "O"bserver Oberleutnant dR Werner von Bake and "P"ilot Leutnant Georg Schultz, BOTH "KG4" and the Front And Back Seats of two seater crews, BOTH wounded same time same place, 16 May 1916 over Avocourt. Poor Schultz took a day longer to die, lingering until the 19th.

    Now, interestingly enough, poor Schultz, who obviously got them both down in the German lines ("Heldengedenkmappe"--what I call "The Book of Dead Vons" see below


    confirms that von Bake died at Feldlazarett Sivry, and he was certainly buried inside the German lines as his funeral pix show), is NOT repeat NOT listed in the FRONT in the Alphabetical Dead Guys list: "not in v.E." the book's compilers note--


    there Schultz is on page 340 having ERRONEOUSLY been listed as "Missing In Action."

    While I wish there was an INDEX to just FIND the names of those wounded--some many times-- at least with the Triple System using DATES you can go back and forth to check and recheck for the DEAD ones.

    "The book," BTW is

    "Casualties of the German Air Service 1914-1920, As Complete A Lists Possible Arranged Alphabetically And Chronologically" by Norman Franks, Frank Bailey, and Rick Duiven, published by Grub Street, London: 1999. ISBN 1902304-33-0


    Come on Stogie ... I need input ... more ... more. This is one of the greatest early groupings of photos and documents that hasn't been published that I've ever almost seen.

    For the sake of us under privileged mortals PLEASE PLEASE show the rest of the grouping.

    Oh you mean bugger ... stop hidding it from us ... full scans please jumping jumping jumping

    Guest Rick Research

    I scan them, I send them to him... but does he POST them? ohmy.gif

    Nooooooooo. rolleyes.gif

    I told you HE is the Evil Twin! :coola: cheeky

    Show the Nice People his portrait with drawn in awards, Evil Ricky!!!

    "Practice" landings!

    The Imperial German MOON Base!

    The Pay Book, leave passes, report for observer training...

    Most of all, his father the Governor looking down into his open grave...

    Oh, I have to :speechless-smiley-004: myself there is so much jumping stuff in there, too much oh too much oh TOOOOOOO much to keep up with. (Daffy Duck noises)


    Yes Evil Twin ... show us all .. Wicked one You are hiding the truth from these young grasshoppers ...

    Ahhh .... You have a Paybook and more documents ... What an Evil one you are... How could you tempt us so much ... then hold it back.

    Good Rick R ... these pictures were not even available for the Guru of aviation pics, Neal O'Connor for his books .... These need to be expalained and published for all.

    Bad Rick ... get your ass in gear rolleyes.gif

    Guest Rick Research

    He is just evilevilevilevileeeeeeeeeeevil.

    In post number 15, that is the ill-fated von Bake sitting in profile on the steps at far right. Zech is the fellow next to him 4th right. HE got really old and wrinkly... but von Bake never did. No clue who the dog was.

    POST!!!! jumping Jump rope jammies!

    POST!!!! jumping Riding horsey in full cavalry rig!

    POST!!!! jumping jumping Funeral pixs! Flying staff car! Neato stuff!

    Evil One, POST!!!! jumping



    Sorry guys.... been working in the yard all day yesterday despite the rain.... Happy Father's Day to all, off for breakfast and more pix to follow!


    Here's one really interesting photo from the group. Note the insignia on the door of the automobile! This is the only photo of this I've ever seen, usually, the car bears a Prussian eagle/shield insignia!! vonbakegroup11.jpg


    This photo is quite interesting and according to my friends over at The Aerodrome Forum probably Boelcke getting ready to take off. The wheel cover paint scheme was unique to his aircraft!!



    PS: Rick thought the previous photo should be captioned: Michael Jackson's long-lost Prussian Ancester "adjusts the furniture"...... cheeky


    ...ahhhhhhhhh, the legendary "jammie jumping" exercise. Very cool material, Rick!

    I would think that posting neat photos like this would be more fun than yard work but to each his own. wink.gif


    Stoggie, truly fantastic .... thanks for posting, the wait was well worth it wub.gif

    ( sorry for delay in replying to your posts, had a few things to sort out. PM you later)



    PS for Sal!

    (sorry, missed the question)

    One of my guys in Germany runs a shop and this waltzed in right off the street, complete!

    here's another foto, anybody know what the holes are:


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