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    ID card for political persecutees post 45

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    This falls more into the history of post 1945 Germany.

    Has anyone seen an ID card issued to persecutees on political, racial and religious grounds?

    What was the reason for it, was the holder handled in a different way than the average Fritz in the street or a PoW who had just returned home after a few years in a British, French, Canadian etc. camp?

    The card was issued in March 1947 and is numbered 44.


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    hmmm...something crashed while I was posting that-not good on this end...I'll try again...there is more to this set. i always wondered if he was a WW1 vet-and figured he was probably political (KPD). He was only in the KZ 2-3 years in the late 1930s, but you never know.

    Edited by Ulsterman
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    Thanks for the confirmation Gerd.

    Those are great pics, the card I have belonged to a former KZ prisoner too, towards the end of the war he was put in a penal battalion and sent to the Eastern Front. He was taken PoW and the Russians released him more or less staright away. He then walked home from Frankfurt/Oder to Bielefeld. Bet his feet were hurting.

    Apart from that, I don't any of his WWII history apart from the fact that he was a member of the SDP.


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