panzercomander Posted May 12, 2007 Posted May 12, 2007 Guys i want to see if someone of you have a ecuadorian militaria piece, a helmet or a medal because i dont see anything.... and obtain info from Ecuador is a litte bit difficult!!, i someone have a piece can post it??Thanks an regardsCarlos
Ed_Haynes Posted May 12, 2007 Posted May 12, 2007 We have very little on the OMSA site I think (I need to exchavate the catalogue) that M&E had some nice things in their ANS III sale.
panzercomander Posted May 12, 2007 Author Posted May 12, 2007 Ed_Haynes said: We have very little on the OMSA site I think (I need to exchavate the catalogue) that M&E had some nice things in their ANS III sale.Thanks!!! superb medals, i never see it!!!, i hope someday i can found this ones!!! Thanks againCarlos
JBFloyd Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 (edited) Breast star of the Order of National Merit, 87mm. This one is gilt, silver and enamel, with the backplate of Medina of Barcelona and Madrid. An beautiful early star of this order. Edited May 13, 2007 by JBFloyd
JBFloyd Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 A second type breast star, with fully hand-painted center. In silver, gilt and enamels. Without maker's mark.
panzercomander Posted May 13, 2007 Author Posted May 13, 2007 JBFloyd said: A second type breast star, with fully hand-painted center. In silver, gilt and enamels. Without maker's mark.Mr floyd, where i can get the grades of this order, and other ecuadorian orders, can you reccomend me a book or a source?Thanks and RegardsCarlos
JBFloyd Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 Carlos,I wish there was a source on Ecuador's orders and medals, but I have never found one. I've been able to piece together a list, but I'm sure it is not complete:A. Abdon Calderon Medal of Merit. Est 22 October 1904 as Abdon Calderon Star. First class - gold Second class - silver Third class- bronzeB. National Order of Merit. Est 8 October 1921 as Medalla al Merito and redesignated 2 December 1929Five grades: Grand Cross Grand officer Commander Officer KnightC. War Cross. Est 26 October 1950.D. Military Circle Medal (Medalla Circulo Militar)E. 28th of May 1944 Services to the Republic. Est 30 June 1944F. Armed Forces Medal (Medalla Fuerzas Armadas). Est 8 October 1921 as Seniority Medal; known as Medal for Military Service (25 August 1942-22 November 1963). Three classes: First class - gold Second class - silver Third class - bronzeG. Honor and Discipline Medal. Est 28 July 1947. Three categories: Ground, Naval, and Air Force [The medal for ground forces is called the "Corporal Luis Minacho Honor and Discipline Medal.] Three classes: Gold Silver BronzeH. Condor of the Andes Order of Aeronautical Merit. Est 31 October 1958 [the phrase "Condor of the Andes" was added in 1963] Three classes: Grand cross Commander KnightI. Medal of the Chaco Peace ConferenceJ. War Cross of Merit.K. Atahualpa Medal of MeritL. Conquerors of the Tarqui Medal for Military MeritM. Commander Moran Valverde Medal for Naval MeritN. Republic of Ecuador Medal for MeritO. Academy of War MedalP. Order of Agricultural MeritQ. Order of San Lorenzo. Six classes.R. ?Honor y Dignidad Militar? Medal
Ed_Haynes Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 (edited) The recent Morton and Eden auction had only the medal for the Battle of Pichincha, 1822, and the Independence Cross, 1831. Both were ex-ANA collection and ex-Saltus collection. Both are illustrated in their lovely catalogue. The first went for ?1,200, the second for ?850 (plus fees). Edited May 13, 2007 by Ed_Haynes
JBFloyd Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 I do need to go back and update my lists based on the Morton & Eden catalog, which will now be the standard source for early Latin American awards.
Ed_Haynes Posted May 13, 2007 Posted May 13, 2007 JBFloyd said: I do need to go back and update my lists based on the Morton & Eden catalog, which will now be the standard source for early Latin American awards.As for many other fields. It is a shame the ANS collection was broken up and dispered, but at least we have the three-volume document of the collection.
panzercomander Posted May 13, 2007 Author Posted May 13, 2007 Ed_Haynes said: As for many other fields. It is a shame the ANS collection was broken up and dispered, but at least we have the three-volume document of the collection.Yes, is very difficult to find info about medals, and that i know is not published an official catalog, the last year that i passed my vacations at Quito, i talked with a friend that is ex-colonel, and asked him if he can find me a book but he cant hehehe, about this one Armed Forces Medal (Medalla Fuerzas Armadas). Est 8 October 1921 as Seniority Medal; known as Medal for Military Service (25 August 1942-22 November 1963). Three classes:First class - goldSecond class - silverThird class - bronzethis i see the bronze and silver of this friend also with the miniatures realli nice examples!Thanks again by the information!!!!! RegardsCarlos
panzercomander Posted May 13, 2007 Author Posted May 13, 2007 Lets go with the a most difficult question, can someone help me whit the actual prices of this beauties or where i can found one of this for sell? Thanks and regards Carlos
Antonio Prieto Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 (edited) Some Ecuatorian MedalsNeck: Commander of the Naval Merit "Comadante Mor?n Valverde"Below, the ribbon of the Cross of Military HonourStar "Abdon Calderon"Academic Merit "Eloy Alfaro"And also the ribbon plates of my page Edited May 18, 2007 by Antonio Prieto
Ed_Haynes Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 Antonio's links won't work, as it is impossible to go directly to (or link to) his pages. In this age of overly free information "harvesting", this strikes me as a good idea. Go to and click on his three Ecuador pages. Once you learn this trick to using his fine site, you will find wonders there.
Megan Posted May 18, 2007 Posted May 18, 2007 It's a flaw in an otherwise excellent site (oddly enough, the 'direct links' work fine from home, but not from college - I thought it was a flaw in the college system until now!). Antonio's ribbon pages are very distinctive, and quite different from those presented by Lucasz Grazewski and Eric Bush, the other 2 leading providers of ribbon information, so anyone who knows the field knows where they come from even if someone forgets to mention the source.Hmm. Maybe I should turn my attention to Ecuador after Mongolia...
panzercomander Posted May 18, 2007 Author Posted May 18, 2007 Antonio Prieto said: Some Ecuatorian MedalsNeck: Commander of the Naval Merit "Comadante Mor?n Valverde"Below, the ribbon of the Cross of Military HonourStar "Abdon Calderon"Academic Merit "Eloy Alfaro"And also the ribbon plates of my page superb picture!!!!!, thanks a lot to all by the info!!!!!!!!!!, very interesting, if someone can help me with more info about the orden de san lorenzo???Thanks again to all and regardsCarlos
Antonio Prieto Posted May 20, 2007 Posted May 20, 2007 "San Lorenzo's" National Order is of character civilian and she have three grades: Grand Collar, Grand Cross and Grand Official. It will be granted to national and foreign outstanding personalities that has demonstrated their merits convincingly.The GRAN COLLAR will be dedicated for the Chief of the Ecuadorian State, as Supreme Chief of the Order, and for the Chiefs of State, kings and royal princes linked to reining monarchies and in exercise of functions you specify, for decision of the President of the Republic.To receive the badge in GRAND CROSS it is required: to be Chief of Government, Vice-president or being Prince Heir or member of Royal House; or, besides having received Grand Cross Cruz from the National Order "To the Merit", to be or to have been: President of the National Congress, President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Secretary of Listing. General secretary of the Public Administration, Cardinal, Chief of the Combined Command of the Armed forces, General of Army, Admiral, General of the Air, General Commandant of the National Police or Ambassador of the External Service of the Republic.To receive the badge in GRAND OFFICIAL it is needed, besides having received Grand Official medal from the National Order "To the Merit", to be or to have been: General commandant of the Army, General Commandant of the Navy, General Commandant of the Air force, Legislator, Major, Provincial Prefect, Archbishop, General of Brigade or of Division of the Republic, Rear admiral or Vice-admiral, General Brigadier or Lieutenant general. General of the Police.A) GRAND COLLAR: Great Cruz's Medal that describes it to him in literal b), it will be suspended of a crown of laurels in gold to a chain of old gold, of 100 centimeters of extension and a width four centimeters whose links reproduce, alternately, the shield of Ecuador, the canyons that adorn the frontispiece of Government's Palace and the badge of the Order, with initial S.L. on a grill. She understands, besides the Badge of Gold, similar to that of Great Cruz;B) GREAT CROSS: Consist on a badge of old alternate gold with brilliant gold, of eight centimeters of diameter, enameled in red in their ends and a part of the circle central with a black edge in the one that will consist the legend "Republic of Ecuador - August of 1809", 10 and in the center she will have a grill in gold on which initial S.L will inscribe.Grand Cross possessors will take arbitrated her to the chest, with a red band ten centimeters wide, with black edges of a centimeter wide in whose part interior suspends a rosette of which will loll the medal, of the same characteristics previous of four centimeters of diameter. For the ladies, the band will be similar, but of eight centimeters wide; and,C) GRAND OFFICIAL: It will consist on a badge of gold, similar to that of Great Cruz. For the ladies, the medal will be suspended by a golden ring and a knot of red color with black edges to both sides.Que, a fin de satisfacer plenamente los requisitos de la orden creada por los patriotas quite?os el 10 de agosto de 1809, es imperativo actualizar la reglamentaci?n existente para el otorgamiento de la Condecoraci?n Nacional de la Orden de 'San Lorenzo". restaurada mediante Decreto Ejecutivo N? 1329 de 10 de agosto de 1959, publicado en el Registro Oficial N? 923 de 19 de septiembre de 1959; y,En ejercido de las atribuciones que le confiere el numeral 5 del Art. 171 de la Constituci?n Pol?tica de la Rep?blica.Decreta:El siguiente REGLAMENTO PARA LA CONCESION DE LAS CONDECORACIONES DE LA ORDEN NACIONAL DE "SAN LORENZO".Art. 1 .- La Orden Nacional de "San Lorenzo" es de car?cter civil y comprende tres grados: Gran Collar, Gran Cruz y Gran Oficial. Ser? otorgada a destacadas personalidades nacionales y extranjeras, que hubieren demostrado fehacientemente sus m?ritos.Art. 2.- Las condecoraciones de la Orden ser?n discernidas por el Presidente de la Rep?blica, a propuesta del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.Art. 3.- El GRAN COLLAR estar? destinado para el Jefe del Estado Ecuatoriano, como Jefe Supremo de la Orden, y para los jefes de Estado, monarcas y pr?ncipes reales vinculados a monarqu?as reinantes y en ejercicio de funciones especificas, por decisi?n del Presidente de la Rep?blica.Art. 4.- Para recibir la condecoraci?n en el Grado de GRAN CRUZ se requiere: ser Jefe de Gobierno, Vicepresidente o ser Pr?ncipe Heredero o miembro de Casa Real; o, adem?s de haber recibido la Gran Cruz de la Orden Nacional "Al M?rito", ser o haber sido: Presidente del Congreso Nacional, Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Ministro de Listado. Secretario General de la Administraci?n P?blica, Cardenal, Jefe del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, General de Ej?rcito, Almirante, General del Aire, Comandante General de la Polic?a Nacional o Embajador del Servicio Exterior de la Rep?blica.Art. 5.- Para recibir la condecoraci?n en el Grado de GRAN OFICIAL se necesita, adem?s de haber recibido una medalla de Gran Oficial de la Orden Nacional "Al M?rito", ser o haber sido: Comandante General del Ej?rcito, Comandante General de la Armada, Comandante General de la Fuerza A?rea, Legislador, Alcalde, Prefecto Provincial, Arzobispo, General de Brigada o de Divisi?n de la Rep?blica, Contralmirante o Vicealmirante, Brigadier General o Teniente General. General de la Polic?a.Art. 6.- Los diplomas ser?n autorizados por las firmas del Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica y del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, y refrendadas por el Director General de Protocolo.Art. 7.- La Direcci?n General de Protocolo del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores guardar? las insignias y diplomas y llevar? el registro detallado de las condecoraciones otorgadas, con la anotaci?n correspondiente.Art. 8.- Las caracter?sticas de las joyas, en sus diferentes grados, son las siguientes:a) GRAN COLLAR: La Medalla de Gran Cruz, que se la describe en el literal b), estar? suspendida de una corona de laureles en oro a una cadena de oro viejo, de 100 cent?metros de extensi?n y un ancho de cuatro cent?metros, cuyos eslabones reproducen, alternadamente, el escudo del Ecuador, los ca?ones que adornan el frontispicio del Palacio de Gobierno y el Sello de la Orden, con las iniciales S.L. sobre una parrilla. Comprende, adem?s de la Placa de Oro, igual a la de Gran Cruz;b) GRAN CRUZ: Consistir? en una placa de oro viejo alternado con oro brillante, de ocho cent?metros de di?metro, esmaltada en rojo en sus extremos y una parte del circulo central con un ribete negro en el que constar? la leyenda "Rep?blica del Ecuador - 10 de agosto de 1809", y en el centro tendr? una parrilla en oro sobre la que inscribir?n las iniciales S.L.Los poseedores de Gran Cruz deber?n llevarla terciada al pecho, con una banda roja de diez cent?metros de ancho, con filetes negros a uno y otro lado de un cent?metro de ancho, en cuya parte interior suspende una roseta de la que pender? la medalla, de las mismas caracter?sticas anteriores de cuatro cent?metros de di?metro. Para las damas, la banda ser? similar, pero de ocho cent?metros de ancho; y,c) GRAN OFICIAL: Consistir? en una placa de oro, similar a la de Gran Cruz. Para las damas, la medalla estar? suspendida por un anillo dorado y un lazo de color rojo con ribetes negros a ambos lados.Art. 9 - Der?gase el Decreto N0 737 de 29 de abril de 1968, publicado en el Registro Oficial N? 387 de 29 de mayo de 1968.Art. 10.- De la ejecuci?n del presente decreto, que entrar? en vigencia a partir de la presente fecha, sin perjuicio de su publicaci?n en el Registro Oficial, enc?rguese el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.Dado en el Palacio Nacional, en Quito, a los cuatro d?as del mes de junio del dos mil unof) Gustavo Noboa Bejarano. Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica.f) Heinz Moeller Freile, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores.Es fiel copia del original.- lo certifico.f) Marcelo Santos Vera. Secretario General de la Administraci?n P?blica
panzercomander Posted May 20, 2007 Author Posted May 20, 2007 Incredible info! , one hundred of thanks!!!!!! one question where i can find a pic of this order??? Gracias Antonio valiosisima informacion Saludos cordiales Carlos
Antonio Prieto Posted May 21, 2007 Posted May 21, 2007 Puede mirar en esta otra direcci?nTendr? por casa un par de im?genes, no muy buenas, pero hasta el mi?rcoles no podr? ponerlasPlease see at: have some images, but I can posted only in some days
Antonio Prieto Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 Lo prometido es deuda. Esta es la imagen que he encontrado de la Orden de San LorenzoOrder of Saint Lorenzo pic
panzercomander Posted May 23, 2007 Author Posted May 23, 2007 Antonio Prieto said: Lo prometido es deuda. Esta es la imagen que he encontrado de la Orden de San LorenzoOrder of Saint Lorenzo picMil gracias fenomenal medalla!!!!!!!!!SaludosCarlos
panzercomander Posted January 4, 2013 Author Posted January 4, 2013 Hi guys, after a lot of time out of the collecting world, i want to show you some of the stuff i got on past years, i can add that is very hard to find ecuadorian medals in ecuador ( i found some on auction sites but on those times i was foundless ) so i had to pass it... anyway i get back last year and started by re doing the displays, i hope you enjoy it! CM PS. i will post detail pics later.
Chris Boonzaier Posted January 4, 2013 Posted January 4, 2013 I had veeery little success finding things in South America... in Chile and Peru I found Nothing (Although there was an antique Mal I found in Chile with veeery expansive odds and ends) Was a little lucky in Colombia... but waaay more South American medals to be found in Europe!
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