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    Does anyone know the date that the East Medal (Winter War) medal was established? I thought that it was awarded from 1941 until the end of the war. Recently, I was informed that this was not the case. Can anyone please provide some clarification on the award criteria and dates?



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    Does anyone know the date that the East Medal (Winter War) medal was established? I thought that it was awarded from 1941 until the end of the war. Recently, I was informed that this was not the case. Can anyone please provide some clarification on the award criteria and dates?




    the award was handed out until September 1944, but only for soldiers that met the criteria of having paticipated in the Russian winter campaign before April 26. 1942.

    To be considered for this award, one had to have served on the Russian or Finnish/Russian front between Nov 1941 and the spring of 1942.


    Edited by Naxos
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    The Ostmedaille, formal name, Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42 was established on 26th May 1942 by Adolf Hitler.

    It was designed by the commercial artist Ernst Krause, a member of the SS propaganda Company.

    It was awarded to soldiers who had fought in the first Winter campaign during the period 15th November 1941 to 15th April 1942 on the Russian Front.

    Award Critaria:

    14 day participation in fighting or for Air Force personal 30 sorties.

    A soldier who had also recieved a Wound badge.

    60 days probationary period.

    The award dates were later lengthened and finally ceased on 15th October 1944.

    It could be awarded by the Battalion commander or a higher officer.

    Reichsgesetzblatt vom 6. Juni 1942 Nr. 61 Seite 375:

    "Verordnung ?ber die Stiftung der Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)

    In W?rdigung des heldenhaften Einsatzes gegen den bolschewistischen Feind w?hrend des Winters 1941/42 stifte ich die

    Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille).

    Artikel 1

    Die Ostmedaille wird am Band der Ordensschnalle oder im zweiten Knopfloch des Waffenrocks nach dem Eisernen Kreuz und dem Kriegsverdienstkreuz getragen. Das Band ist rot, in der Mitte von einem schmalen wei?-schwarz-wei?en L?ngsstreifen durchzogen.

    Artikel 2

    Die Ostmedaille wird verliehen als Anerkennung f?r Bew?hrung im Kampf gegen den bolschewistischen Feind und den russischen Winter innerhalb des Zeitraums vom 15. November 1941 bis 15. April 1942.

    Artikel 3

    Der Beliehene erh?lt ein Besitzzeugnis.

    Artikel 4

    Die Ostmedaille verbleibt nach Ableben des Beliehenen als Erinnerungsst?ck den Hinterbliebenen.

    Artikel 5

    Die Durchf?hrungsbestimmungen erl??t nach meinen Weisungen der Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht, erforderlichenfalls im Benehmen mit dem Staatsminister und Chef der Pr?sidialkanzlei.

    F?hrerhauptquartier, den 26. Mai 1942

    Der F?hrer

    Adolf Hitler

    Der Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht


    Der Staatsminister und Chef der Pr?sidialkanzlei

    des F?hrers und Reichskanzlers

    Dr. Mei?ner"

    Edited by Taz
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    there is an actual MAP(!) that accompanies where these were earned.

    There is an on-going discussion as to whether units stationed in some rear areas-like Moldavia, western Finland (4th panzer Div I think) and basically anywhere west of the Baltic Republics got these.

    One of my "I'll research that one day" topics to compare the map reference with awards in Soldbuchs/Wehrpasses.

    The main thing is that it was (very) possible to be in the USSR and Finland at that time and not have qualified for the medal.

    Other things noted however are that Hiwis and NSKK/RAD/NSDAP officials etc. all got this medal-if they were in the right place.

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