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    Peru - Daniel Carrion Order

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    I understand that the

    Daniel A Carrion Order

    is given by the Peruvian government

    for Medical Merit.

    I know that the 1st class is a star

    but I don't know how many classes

    it comes it - and I don't know what the

    ribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.


    what is pictured is some other class

    not even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.

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    • 7 months later...

    I understand that the

    Daniel A Carrion Order

    is given by the Peruvian government

    for Medical Merit.

    I know that the 1st class is a star

    but I don't know how many classes

    it comes it - and I don't know what the

    ribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.


    what is pictured is some other class

    not even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.

    Daniel Alcides Carri?n began the study of medicine in 1873. Three years earlier there had been a severe outbreak of an epidemic on the railroad construction between Lima's seaport town Callao and La Oroya. The disease, characterised by fever, quickly progressing anaemia and a high rate of mortality, killed thousands, chiefly among the workers recruited from outside. The physicians were at a loss, never having seen anything like it before.

    As a new factor of the problem was a noticeable increase in verruga peruana. This disease, which manifests with wart-like skin eruptions of various shapes and sizes, had been present in Peru already in pre-Columbian times, and had been described in some writings from the Spanish time.

    In his youth and on school excursions Carrion had met people with verrucous skin eruptions and caught an interest in the disease. From 1881 he conducted extensive research on verruga peruane, including clinical studies at the Dos de Mayo hospital in Lima.

    Carrion recognised that the disease was endemic, but not contagious, and that it was caused by an "agente verrucoso", possibly by a parasite attacking the blood and destroying leucocytes. In order to find out whether the disease could be inoculated and to study its clinical course, Carri?n decided to conduct an experiment on himself.

    On August 27, 1885, Carrion took blood from a redly coloured verruca in the area of the eyebrows from a 14 year old boy about to be released from the hospital. As Carrion had trouble inoculating himself, friends took the lancet and made four inoculations, two in each of Carri?n's arms. In accordance with his plans Carrion made detailed notes on the inoculation and the course of the disease. His notes have later been published.

    Carrion experienced the first symptoms of the disease on September 17, and from September 26 he was too feeble to make his own notes, which were continued by his friends attending him at the bedside. Carrion's condition now rapidly deteriorated and on October 5 he succumbed to the disease.

    Through his experiment Carrion had proved that Oroya fever and verruga are two phases of the same, inoculable disease. In 1909 Alberto Barton reported patients whose erythrocytes had been attacked by microorganisms which he considered to be agents of the disease. The microorganism was named Bartonella bacilliformis.

    By cultivating Bartonella bacilliformis from Oroya fever- and verruga-patients in the years 1926-1927, the Japanese bacteriologist Hideyo Noguchi (1876-1928) (himself a victim of his research on yellow fever), was able to demonstrate that Oroya fever and verruga are two manifestations of the same infection.

    The Universidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carri?n in Pasco, Peru, is named for him.



    Edited by jonatan1879
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    ... as it has not yet arrived.

    Hello, redcross!

    Had you received this Order? Can you show it here, please?

    Only information I found about this award:

    Order of Daniel Alcides Carrion established by DECRETO SUPREMO No 8 "DGS" 20 DE Julio de 1957 "Se crea la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n", en homenaje al centenario del nacimiento de Daniel A. Carri?n", and was modified by DECRETO SUPREMO No 00132-62 3 de Setiembre de 1969 "Se modifica el Decreto Supremo No 8 "DGS" de 20 de Julio de 1957 referente al Consejo de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n".

    Unfortunately, there is no these Decrees in online Peruvian legislation resources.

    Regards, IVB.

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    I have been asking and making phonecalls all day long. The dates are those mentioned and was created by president Manuel Prado. have is that

    According to Article 2 of the law of creation the Order is divided in fout clases:

    Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador and Oficial.

    The modification was done to authorize that the order could be given not only to persons but also to institutions which had done something outstanding on behalf of the health of the country.

    Finally I found the whole law (not the modification) in a long page about Carri?n. This is the address:


    Since the address is so long I have copied the part with the law and paste it here. I already have the modification at the University so I can send that tomorrow.


    20 de julio de 1957


    Decreto Supremo

    El Presidente de la Rep?blica,


    Que es deber del Estado exaltar los m?ritos de quienes realizan efectiva labor de bien social;

    Que igualmente se debe rendir homenaje a los que con su acci?n personal, sacrificio o trabajo perseverante contribuyen al progreso de la Sanidad, la Medicina o las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud;

    Que para tal fin es preciso crear una condecoraci?n que a la vez que signifique justicia a los merecimientos constituya un ejemplo para la colectividad; y

    Que esta recompensa debe ir unida al nombre del M?rtir de la Medicina Peruana, cuyo primer centenario de su nacimiento se conmemorar? el 12 de agosto pr?ximo;


    Art. 1? Cr?ase la Orden de "Daniel A. Carri?n" destinada a premiar a las personas que realicen ejemplar obra de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la Sanidad, al adelanto de la Medicina o de las ciencias que se relacionen con la Salud.

    Art. 2? La Orden se divide en cuatro clases a saber: Gran Cruz, Gran Oficial, Comendador y Oficial.

    Art. 3? La Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" se conceder? por Resoluci?n Suprema, en la que deber? constar los servicios prestados por el propuesto por el Consejo de la Orden, y a quien se otorgar? un diploma firmado por el Presidente de la Rep?blica, que ser? el Gran Maestre de la Orden y refrendado por el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social quien ejercer? el cargo de Canciller.

    Art. 4? El Consejo de la Orden que ser? presidido por el Gran Maestre estar? constituido por: el Ministro de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social, Canciller; el Presidente de la Sociedad de Beneficencia P?blica de Lima; el Presidente de la Cruz Roja Peruana; el Secretario General de la Asociaci?n M?dica Peruana "Daniel A. Carri?n"; la Presidenta del Hogar del M?dico; el Director General de Salud; el Director de Areas de Salud y el Director de Servicios T?cnico-Normativos, quien actuar? de Secretario.

    Art. 5? El Ministerio de Salud P?blica y Asistencia Social queda encargado de formular el Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" que ser? aprobado por Resoluci?n Suprema.

    Dado en la Casa de Gobierno, en Lima, a los veinte d?as del mes de julio de mil novecientos cincuentisiete.


    Jorge Haaker.

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    Modification of 29 Oct. 1986.



    Lima, 29 de octubre de 1986

    Visto el Acuerdo adoptado por el Consejo de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n".


    Que la orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" tiene como finalidad distinguir a quienes destaquen por sus obras de bien social o contribuyan al progreso de la salud p?blica, al adelanto de la medicina o de las ciencias relacionadas con la salud;

    Que por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175-69-SA/DS, de 7 de noviembre de 1969, se aprob? el Reglamento de la Orden, se?alando las condiciones, insignias y dem?s normas para la concesi?n de esta distinci?n;

    Que es conveniente comprender en forma expresa adem?s de las personas naturales a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas que destacan, colaboran y participan activamente en el campo de la salud, y contribuyen al adelanto de la medicina y de las ciencias vinculadas;

    Estando el tenor de los Acuerdos adoptados por el Consejo de la Orden en la sesi?n celebrada el d?a 30 de setiembre de 1986;


    Adicionar al art?culo 1 del Reglamento de la Orden "Daniel A. Carri?n" aprobada por Resoluci?n Suprema N? 00175 69-SA/DS, el siguiente p?rrafo:

    "Esta distinci?n podr? ser otorgada a las instituciones p?blicas y no p?blicas, que re?nan similares condiciones a las se?aladas en el p?rrafo precedente. En cuyo caso, la imposici?n se har? al m?s alto representante de la correspondiente instituci?n".

    Reg?strese y comun?quese.

    R?brica del Presidente Constitucional de la Rep?blica.


    Ministro de Salud.

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    • 10 months later...

    I understand that the

    Daniel A Carrion Order

    is given by the Peruvian government

    for Medical Merit.

    I know that the 1st class is a star

    but I don't know how many classes

    it comes it - and I don't know what the

    ribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.


    what is pictured is some other class

    not even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.

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    I understand that the

    Daniel A Carrion Order

    is given by the Peruvian government

    for Medical Merit.

    I know that the 1st class is a star

    but I don't know how many classes

    it comes it - and I don't know what the

    ribbon looks like - would apprecite any help.


    what is pictured is some other class

    not even certain its size, as it has not yet arrived.

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    Hello Red Cross,

    This is Order of Daniel A.Carion with its correct ribbon.Like lots of people I bought the badge on e-bay to peruvian seller without ribbon.But Arthus Bertrand did manufactured that ribbon (in their ribbon book at the shop in Paris,they have a "ribbon bar" for it,but width of Grand Cross sash).

    After having asked several time for it,and also many others ribbon,I finally get successfull to get it ( I do not live so far from Paris).

    It is ever hard to obtain foreign ribbon at Arthus Bertrand shop,and for those who do not speak french and do not know which lady of the staff they have to ask for....it's "mission impossible".

    There is such a lenghth of this ribbon for sale on e-bay now.


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